
IrcsomeBot<plutorocks> I'm trying fix partition errors using KDE partiotioner. Did I mess up anything here? I clicked check options and this shows : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/3181b8e2/file_80487.jpg07:01
=== vanmarco__ is now known as VanUnamed
IrcsomeBot<farhatizakaria> Any idea how to solve it ?12:00
BluesKajHi all12:42
lsd|2does anyone know kubuntu 25.04 will be based on KDE 6.2?16:23
lsd|2does anyone know kubuntu 25.04 will be based on KDE 6.2?16:23
lsd|2kubuntu 24.10 has kde with production release bug with night colors which is based on mozilla something16:25
RikMillslsd|2: 25.04 will hopefully have Plasma 6.316:28
RikMillsdev builds currently have 6.216:28
lsd|2RikMills: good thanks16:28
lsd|2finally breaking point is done abadoned that trash X11 now its going to be only better16:28
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
LinuxConvertHi, all!   I was wondering is there is a Linux equivalent of the Super+; function from windows?  Specifically one that includes the ASCII emojis and GIPHY capabilities.  I've converted my household 100% from M$ and this is the biggest missing feature for me, as silly as that sounds.  Thanks. :)20:16
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> So what does this function do? I'm not familiar with the term @LinuxConvert20:34
LinuxConvertIt allows inserting emojis and gifs in to text fields.20:34
LinuxConvertSimilar to the keyboards on phones.20:35
LinuxConvertThere is an app in Linux that provides all the emojis, but it doesnt have the ASCII versions or the gif picker.20:35
LinuxConvertIt was useful for inserting emojis/gifs in to apps like Signal running on my linux desktop.20:37
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Super + .  will bring up the emoji selector in KDE.21:43
ElliriaOh, my. That is very cool.21:45

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