
RikMillsSkia: could you wake MoM up please?07:15
SkiaRikMills: done :-)10:02
RikMillsSkia: ty :)10:02
Skiaat one point I'll investigate to stop those hangings, but not today :D10:02
=== matttbe2 is now known as matttbe
ravikant_hey schopin, you may have some pointers here. there is this change added to busybox 1.37.0 https://git.busybox.net/busybox/commit/?id=40fa8eb998e27529fcd59830eb163b43658f9e81. It makes the build fail with `Support 64bit wide time types (TIME64) [Y/n/?] (NEW) aborted!`. I am looking at https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/busybox/tree/scripts/kconfig/conf.c next. if I am missing something obvious, please let me know.11:44
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit 40fa8eb in busybox "build system: Make it possible to build with 64bit time_t"11:44
schopinravikant_: is this from a merge?11:45
ravikant_some more information - debian buil does not have the same issue https://buildd.debian.org/status/logs.php?pkg=busybox&arch=amd6411:45
ravikant_`Restart config...` looks sus, hence I am looking at conf.c11:46
ravikant_LP build log for referecne https://launchpad.net/~ravi-sharma/+archive/ubuntu/merge-lp2090999-plucky/+build/2937551611:47
schopinravikant_: I don't have any specific insight here, sorry.12:08
schopinravikant_: fwiw building the vanilla Debian package on plucky seems to work fine. Assuming you're using g-u you can maybe isolate the specific bit of delta that triggers the build issue?12:11
ravikant_schopin: thanks, that is very useful.12:12
lvoytektsimonq2: Thanks for fixing up cacti and prometheus-mysqlrouter-exporter! That saved me a lot of time debugging. I'll add your prometheus-mysqlrouter-exporter fix to Debian too since I own the package there13:45
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ubottubdmurray, bdrung, rbasak, schopin, teward, tsimonq2, utkarsh2102: DMB ping16:00
schopinbdrung: I'm confused. I thought it was in an hour?16:09
bdrunglet me check16:10
bdrungthe meeting is at 16:00 UTC - we are in winter time in UTC+116:11
bdrungschopin, "date -u" says Mo 9. Dez 16:12:04 UTC 202416:12
ubottubdmurray, bdrung, rbasak, schopin, teward, tsimonq2, utkarsh2102: DMB ping16:31
ahasenack+1 maintenance: I'm working on backuppc and fence-agents, failures that resulted from /usr/bin/ping losing its privileges16:36
schopinahasenack: this might be solved by the systemd merge.16:58
ahasenackschopin: because it has https://salsa.debian.org/systemd-team/systemd/-/commit/f2ddf70604920bc350c4f8aa7b895518d1808e33 ?16:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Commit f2ddf70 in systemd-team/systemd "sysctl: Add file trigger on /usr/lib/sysctl.d to restart systemd-sysctl"16:58
ahasenackin a local container (host: noble), that didn't work16:59
ahasenackI couldn't change net.ipv4.ping_group_range16:59
schopinahasenack: what's your runtime?17:00
schopinI meant your container runtime :)17:00
ahasenackyou mean this? lxd   5.21.2-084c8c8  31214  5.21/stable17:01
schopinUgh, I think I've been playing with too many different scenarios and might have confused one terminal for the other.17:01
schopinBecause it doesn't work for me either even though I could have sworn it used to.17:02
ahasenackso could I17:02
ahasenack$ sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range17:02
ahasenacknet.ipv4.ping_group_range = 65534       6553417:02
ahasenackI get that in a plucky fresh container, host noble17:02
ahasenackso let me try to change it17:02
schopinI can change it manually.17:02
ahasenackroot@p:~# echo "0 2147483647" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ping_group_range17:03
ahasenack-bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument17:03
ahasenackis that the right syntax/values?17:03
schopinI just use `sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 65534"`17:04
ahasenackbut what is in the sysctl file, in /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-blabla?17:04
schopin-net.ipv4.ping_group_range = 0 214748364717:05
schopinWhich wasn't the value the runtime gave me, even after reboot.17:05
ahasenackthat's what systemd will try to apply, and it will ignore errors17:06
schopinooh, good point.17:06
schopin# sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647"17:06
schopinsysctl: setting key "net.ipv4.ping_group_range": Invalid argument17:06
ahasenackdon't you need a -w?17:07
ahasenackto write17:07
ahasenackbut looks like it tried to write anyway17:07
schopin"he didn't know it was impossible, so he did it"17:07
ahasenacklove that quote17:07
schopinMe too :)17:08
schopinThe kernel doesn't seem to like the very big number.17:08
ahasenackthe 65534 we get back on a fresh container seems to be the real gid, even though we are fetching it from inside the container17:08
ahasenackI think the large number there is just falling outside of the gid mapping range we give containers by default17:08
ahasenackthis worked17:09
ahasenackubuntu@p:~$ sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 1000"17:09
ahasenacknet.ipv4.ping_group_range = 0 100017:09
ahasenackubuntu@p:~$ ping 117:09
ahasenackPING 1 ( 56(84) bytes of data.17:09
ahasenackI experience a similar problem when I use containers to test active directory joins17:09
schopinYeah, I used 0 65534 and it was fine.17:09
ahasenackthe gid/uid sssd hands out by default is large, and it falls outside the mapping we setup via /etc/sub{gid,uid}17:10
ahasenackbut this all means that the new systemd won't be able to apply the new range from within containers17:10
ahasenackso the fix won't work17:10
schopindo we *need* the range to be that big?17:12
schopinIf I understand correctly it's the container's gid that is taken into account by the kernel.17:13
schopinOtherwise we wouldn't be able to use ping with "0 1000"17:13
* ahasenack tries 99917:14
ahasenackhm, worked for my 1000 uid (inside container)17:14
ahasenackso the host has a wide range, 0 - 2^31-117:15
ahasenackto the host, the container is uid 100100017:15
ahasenack(seen from ps aux from the host)17:16
schopingotcha, but how come it didn't work at first then?17:16
ahasenackbut the container has 0-99917:16
ahasenackis this namespaced somehow? This setting?17:16
ahasenackubuntu@p:~$ sudo getcap /usr/bin/ping17:17
ahasenackso definitely no capabilities17:17
ahasenackok, this is weird17:17
schopinI have to run, would you mind dumping whatever you find at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/iputils/+bug/2089938 ?17:17
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2089938 in iputils (Ubuntu) "iputils 3:20240905-1 doesn't work for unprivileged users" [Undecided, New]17:17
ahasenack"0 1"ah17:17
ahasenacksupplementary groups17:17
ahasenackuid=1000(ubuntu) gid=1000(ubuntu) groups=1000(ubuntu),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),104(lxd)17:18
ahasenackstarting with 4 :)17:18
tsimonq2lvoytek: You're welcome! Happy to help, and it saves a step for prometheus-mysqlrouter-exporter :)19:41
tsimonq2lvoytek: The tl;dr is that cacti wasn't importing its initial database schemas correctly because of an error at the very top of its main SQL file, and prometheus-mysqlrouter-exporter needed a fixed config (should probably look at keeping that somewhat aligned with the default; I'll admit that I have no idea what the option I added does... but it works!)19:42
tsimonq2\o/ mysql-8.4 is migrating (cc RikMills )19:44

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