
tewardmdeslaur: i think i see q codinf14:06
tewardffs phone14:06
tewardmdeslaur: i think i see a python faux pax in that PR you marked needs fixing14:06
tewardlet me do some tests to see id i have a fast fix14:09
tewardoop nvm you found a fix14:10
mdeslaurteward: I'm faster than you! :)14:13
tewardi'm just working from a phone :P14:14
tewardmdeslaur: actually the python faux pax is it's usually assumed for datetime.UTC that you have done a `from datetime import datetime` to make things shorter :P14:14
tewardbut i digress14:14
tewardoh good the coffee is ready.14:15
mdeslaurfeel free to comment in the MR14:16
tewardafter the coffee kicks in xD14:29
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