
=== diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian
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tollandwhere does the "admin" user with uid 116 come from? i presume its like a legacy thing i don't see an admin account on recent instances? it has uid 116  , from an ubuntu 20 machine00:53
tollandI tried searching in the preinst scripts but don't see any admin user being created00:53
oerhekstolland, on what linux or os?00:55
tollandUbuntu 20.04.6 LTS00:55
rboxtolland: what admin user00:56
oerheksthat is no valid group, what is the full message?00:56
tollandi was attempting to create a user to receive catchall mail from logwatch/cron etc. and i ran an ansible job to create an admin user. however rather than creating it, it changed the uid of the existing admin user.00:57
tollandfrom admin/116 to admin/1005 etc. so i was trying to work out if i have broken anything. i.e. what requires or created that user in the first place00:58
tollandbut I can't find any clues at the moment00:59
tollandI just spun a fresh lcx ubuntu-20 and it doesn't hve that user00:59
rboxthen some random thing you did at some point created it01:00
oerheksit was maybe a group id ,type 'id'01:02
oerheksoh, too late now ofcourse01:02
tollandthere was also a group admin/11601:04
oerheksmaybe you should reask in #ansible01:04
tollandso no one got an admin user with uid 116 on their machine?01:04
tollandit doesn't own any files01:05
sixwheeledbeastuid is used for some nologin user but it's not "admin"01:07
oerheksnope, not here01:08
sonicwindI have rtkit:11601:09
tollandcool. thanks for looking! i guess I will wait and see if anything breaks01:12
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xxyi can't login into postfix server, it prompt ssl version error, https://paste.centos.org/view/02ddcdb505:33
oerheksxxy, what is ssl version?06:02
xxyoerheks: i don't know how to view ssl version06:03
oerheksdpkg -l | grep -i openssl06:04
xxyoerheks: could i view client or postfix server end ?06:05
oerheksfor 22.40 it should be https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/3.0.2-0ubuntu1.18 ... and Dovecot v2.3.21.1... this is pretty old too Pigeonhole version 0.5.1606:05
oerheksi think you have an outdated system06:06
oerheksstart with the server06:06
xxyoerheks: https://paste.centos.org/view/7911502006:07
tomreyn!info dovecot-core jammy06:07
ubottudovecot-core (1:2.3.16+dfsg1-3ubuntu2.4, jammy): secure POP3/IMAP server - core files. In component main, is optional. Built by dovecot. Size 3,242 kB / 10,309 kB06:07
oerheksoh, ssl seems op2date06:08
tomreynopenssl error:0A00010B is usually the result of a client speaking TLS on a TCP connection where the server does not support it (handshake failure)06:11
oerhekssasl2-bin issue? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1501847/dovecot-imap-login-ssl-accept-failed06:14
xxyoerheks: https://paste.centos.org/view/38bef86106:15
xxyoerheks: i have installed sasl2-bin06:15
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elias2how do i mount usb without GUI06:49
oerheks 07:54
xxyi have installed postfix and dovecot, i use brevo as relay because without port 25 opened , i can send mail to others only , and can't receive others mail, what else do i need to do next?08:15
hans_henrik_my ubuntu24.04 sshd is ignoring the "Port" config in /etc/ssh/sshd_config , and using port 22.. any suggestions? my sshd_config: https://termbin.com/at95  and the folder /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/ is empty08:48
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hans_henrik_sudo service sshd restart ->  Dec 09 09:49:49 DESKTOP-EE15SLU sshd[2961053]: Server listening on :: port 22.08:50
mgedminhans_henrik_: sudo systemctl daemon-reload; and then sudo systemctl restart sshd.socket08:52
hans_henrik_sshd.socket ?08:53
mgedminhans_henrik_: more details in /usr/share/doc/openssh-server/README.Debian.gz (search for "Socket-based activation with systemd")08:53
mgedminhm, yeah, I misspelled ssh.socket, sorry08:53
hans_henrik_my bad, i did that too just a minute ago.08:54
hans_henrik_mgedmin: it worked, thanks!08:55
mgedminactually there's a comment in /etc/ssh/sshd_config right above the #Port 22 line that also explains about systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl restart ssh.socket08:57
hans_henrik_mgedmin: not in 24.04 it's not. I did a `sudo apt purge openssh-server; sudo apt install openssh-server;`an hour ago, and it's not mentioned in my sshd_config09:00
RamattackHi mates10:56
Ramattackone little question10:57
Ramattackwhen you have a 4k monitor and want to get the most of it... in space... but ... watch at the adequate size too10:57
Ramattackwhich desktop env is better...10:57
Ramattackkde or gnome?10:57
Ramattackor perhaps gnome with wayland but not with xorg...10:58
ikoniathe desktop is mostly irellevent10:58
ikoniait's more the resolution/aspect/zoom/font size10:59
mgedmintry both and see?  I've seen a lot of complaints that some legacy apps look fuzzy in gnome when using HiDPI monitors, while KDE handles it better11:00
mgedminAFAIU this is almost fixed in newer gnome-shell versions, but the fix is still behind a couple of experimental flags you have to enable manually with gsettings11:00
Ramattackmgedmin, which are them?11:01
mgedminthis might only apply to fractional zoom modes, though11:01
Ramattackand talking about wayland, xorg or both?11:11
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Ramattackor by the way... does affect here whether you use wayland or xorg?11:38
lolokgnome and kde behave very different, if you do try both, youll probably find that one is better than the other for some usability reason which would be much more impactful in how you use the machine11:47
lolokgenerally the perception is that people who like to tweak things more prefer kde and people who want things to be simpler go with gnome but thats just stereotypes11:48
lolokgnome in particular is quite unique in how it functions and if its not intuitive to you than youll probably hate it and go with kde11:49
younderI had a slight reality dysfunction. Trying to find the kernel version (yeah 6.8) I did a cd /boot && ls only to find the entire directory empty.. PANIC! WTF! I rebooted the machine. It booted just fine (lucs) and now /boot contents is back. How can this happen. My first thought was cloud init. , but that is supposed to be disabled after the first boot. Any ideas?12:06
ravageProbably /boot is a separate partition and just was not mounted12:07
ravageSo try sudo mount /boot next time before you panic12:07
younderhrm yeah found a /dev/disk/by-uuid/<> /boot ext4 defaults 0 1 in /etc/fstab12:09
younderMakes sense I guess.. I mean the disk is encrypted but it still needs to read the boot image to decrypt the disk12:10
geirhawhy /dev/disk/by-uuid/... instead of UUID=... ?12:11
younderask the installer12:17
geirhaOh, a change with the new installer perhaps? The Ubuntu 22.04 installer used UUID= for me at least12:19
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lotuspsychjewelcome Guest874712:47
BluesKajHi all13:30
kariosfoxHello there. Helping out a friend with borked Ubuntu 16.04 install. Is there a way to run an reinstallation from within Ubuntu without a USB drive?14:02
ravageNo. Also that version is EOL14:07
ravageSo your friend should find a way to backup data and install a supported release14:07
rvalueis there any configuration setup needed on ubuntu like some files to access it remotely?14:23
leftyfbrvalue: define access it remotely14:27
rvalueticked on all buttons in desktop sharing and remote login14:28
rvalueand i am using thincast to access it14:28
rvaluei can connect to it but once connected its all black14:29
rvalueas if no process is running14:29
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mgedmincould be a bug15:40
SuperLagWe've got some boxes that are on 23.10, and we're trying to get them to 23.10.1 but I'm having issues with that. I put the output at http://termbin.com/gu6f817:47
leftyfbSuperLag: 23.10.1 isn't a thing17:47
leftyfbthose subversions are only meant for LTS releases. 23.10 is no longer supported. Upgrade to 24.0417:48
SuperLagthat's what I'm trying to do17:48
SuperLagbut it says to install all the updates first17:49
SuperLagand that's not working17:49
leftyfbdid you run: sudo apt update ?17:50
SuperLagyes. https://termbin.com/emau17:52
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:52
leftyfbI think you'll be fine now17:52
leftyfb-updates and -backports is probably disabled for the EOL release17:52
SuperLagGuys. I *get* that 23.x is EOL. That's exactly what I'm trying to remedy.17:54
SuperLagit seems like it might just be that one IP for the mirror?17:54
SuperLagI can't tell17:54
retrospectacusWhat's the best way to run a command as root 8 hours after the system starts up?17:55
leftyfbright, so follow the eol upgrade process. Ignore the fact that you can't pull packages from -updates or -backorts17:55
leftyfbretrospectacus: a systemd timer17:55
leftyfbretrospectacus: OnBootSec=8h17:56
mgedminSuperLag: the EOLUpgrades link on the help.ubuntu.com tells you what to do in your situation (short version: edit sources.list, replace $country.archive.ubuntu.com with old-releases-ubuntu.com, then do apt update && apt upgrade && do-release-upgrade)18:00
SuperLagsorry, had to read further18:00
mgedminI haven't used it on 23.10 specifically, but I've had to use it a few times in the past18:00
retrospectacusleftyfb: ty18:03
CalimeroTeknikhi! I have a conflict between two packages owning the same file when updating a 2022 to 2024 version. How do I make apt ignore the problem and move on?18:10
leftyfbCalimeroTeknik: remove one of the packages, especially if there's one that is from a 3rd party18:10
CalimeroTeknikunfortunately it's not, and apt refuses to move on even with unrelated stuff; can't install openssh-server when the problem is that fontconfig has a conflicting file…18:11
CalimeroTeknikis there a toggle to ignore a package in the dependency resolution just for the upgrade, and then  apt --fix-broken install takes care of the rest?18:11
leftyfbwhich packages are conflicting?18:12
CalimeroTeknikthe truth of the matter is that it's ubuntustudio-default-settings conflicting with fontconfig-config 2.15.0-1.1ubuntu on /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf18:12
CalimeroTeknikI know I'm not entitled to any support, so I just wanted to know how to ignore a package for an upgrade, like on Arch Linux's pacman option --ignore or --assume-installed18:13
CalimeroTeknikI normally don't touch ubuntu or its derivatives, so I just want to unblock this upgrade18:14
leftyfbubuntustudio-default-settings is from 22.04, while  fontconfig-config 2.15.0-1.1ubuntu is from 24.0418:15
CalimeroTeknikyeah, it's an incomplete upgrade that won't fully proceed18:15
leftyfbCalimeroTeknik: try upgrading ubuntustudio-default-settings18:15
CalimeroTeknikwith apt upgrade  ubuntustudio-default-settings?18:16
leftyfbapt install18:16
leftyfbsudo apt install ubuntustudio-default-settings18:16
leftyfbif it's still mid-upgrade, it should have the noble repo enabled and should pull from that18:17
CalimeroTeknikhere's the output. I have indeed purged fontconfig-config in the hopes to resolve the conflict that way https://0x0.st/Xh_j.txt18:18
CalimeroTeknikit should probably be reinstalled now…18:18
SuperLagleftyfb: mgedmin: thank you18:18
SuperLagupgrade to 24.04 is in flight18:19
CalimeroTeknikhere's apt install fontconfig-config https://0x0.st/Xh_e.txt18:19
CalimeroTeknikleftyfb, darn, I shouldn't have done dpkg --purge --force-depends fontconfig-config ubuntustudio-default-settings I guess?18:20
leftyfbthat's not what I recommended at all18:21
CalimeroTeknikI tried archlinux user habits before asking for help, oops.18:21
CalimeroTeknikdpkg feels really unwieldy to me, maybe I should scour the manual for options to ignore packages for an upgrade, because I think that's the only and best option now, unless someone can help18:22
leftyfbyou really shouldn't ever use dpkg18:23
leftyfbunless you know what you are doing18:23
CalimeroTeknikwell… I didn't know apt was so touchy18:23
leftyfbyou're in a very bad state right now, it's going to take some work and frustration and potentially making things worse to get it into a working state18:24
CalimeroTeknikpacman or portage will basically just install whatever's missing if it comes to it18:24
leftyfbapt manages dependencies as well just fine18:24
CalimeroTeknikno, I think I have proof of the contrary, because it won't install openssh-server because of fontconfig business!18:25
leftyfbit has nothing to do with openssh-server. Your package manager is currently in a broken state so it won't install anything normally18:25
CalimeroTeknikyeah, and it's the first package manager I've come across that will refuse to install something in an unrelated part of the dependency graph.18:26
CalimeroTeknikbut it seems to be proceeding with the upgrade now!18:26
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betilwhen will come the next mint?19:35
ravageHave to buy new mints19:36
enigma9o7Santa might bring peppermint sticks...19:47
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pedahzurAre there any plans in the works to get additional bandwidth to the PPA servers? Downloads from them always seem to be quite slow.19:51
CalimeroTeknikleftyfb, it seems I had made the right call removing the conflicting packages (after checking that the files they contained were not breaking the system); apt --fix-broken install finished the upgrade 2022→202419:51
ravageThe plan should be not to use PPAs19:51
enigma9o7Hmmm, maybe you just have too much bandwidth pedahzur, that's not a comonly reported issue.19:52
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ravageNever had any problems downloading here too19:52
meustationPPA meaning what exactly?19:52
enigma9o7ravage, i dont think anyone "plans" to use ppas, ppas are used when ubuntu doesn't already provide something that is wanted.19:52
enigma9o7ideally one would never even want to use a PPA19:52
pedahzurenigma9o7: Currently getting 200-225 kB/sec. Downloads from other ubuntu servers are usually several times higher than that.19:53
enigma9o7launchpad I assume, meustation19:53
* meustation has no idea what launchpad is19:53
meustationa package? a website? a server?19:53
pedahzurenigma9o7: Many projects use PPAs as their official source, so I have several PPAs in my sources.19:53
enigma9o7Ah sorry.  I didn't know how basic of answer you wanted.  PPA is a private apt repository hosted on launchpad which is hosted by canonical.19:54
enigma9o7When you add repositories from there, you will be getting it direct from the uploader, not from canonical/ubuntu tho.19:54
enigma9o7argh i said that dumb19:54
enigma9o7i mean it is packaged by the uploader, you're still downloading from launchpad19:55
enigma9o7point being its not as trusted as official ubuntu repos, and stuff in ppas can sometimes conflict with official repos, etc etc.19:55
meustationwaaay above my possibilities of understanding, that's for people who can code!19:55
leftyfbmeustation: not really19:55
leftyfbit's just another source to get packages from19:56
ravageBut it's ok not to know what that is19:56
leftyfbthat's also true19:56
ravageIt's one of the top sources for problems reported here19:56
ravageSo you are better off without them19:56
meustationravage, I know that apt-get handles all the needs of my A.D. 4072 Penguin Typewriter19:57
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meustationI'm scrounging from a very rich guy from a very far away part of the world than the ones I've had the priviledge of having as a base for my pillow.19:58
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SuperLagsudo -- /bin/bash -c 'sed -i 's/us\.archive/old-releases/g' /etc/apt/sources.list ; apt update ; apt -y upgrade' ; sudo apt -y remove 'connectwise*'21:30
tomreynirc: sudo: command not found21:31
SuperLagsudo do-release-upgrade -f DistUpgradeViewNonInteractive21:31
tomreynSuperLag: are you sure you're pasting into the right window?21:31
rubickcan you use autoinstall.yml to configure a luks encrypted system partition that doesn't use LVM?21:33
tomreynsoneone in #ubuntu-server might be able to answer this. but more likely, you'll want to read subiquity and curtin documentations and give it a try.21:34
leftyfbrubick: yes, you can21:36
rubickleftyfb: you wouldn't happen to have an example of this would you? I'm scouring the documentation and can't find a decent example.21:37
leftyfbrubick: try https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xZvxmzYN29/21:39
rubickleftyfb: THANK YOU!21:41
SuperLagsudo reboot21:59
leftyfbSuperLag: wrong window21:59
SuperLagsudo reboot22:00
SuperLagsudo su -22:03
leftyfbSuperLag: please stop22:03
SuperLagcd /tmp ; wget ; chmod +x Onboarding-Milan_Laser_Linux_Server_ITSPlatform_TKNde081e52-d94a-4881-95d5-3a070ef0c0c9.run ; ./Onboarding-Milan_Laser_Linux_Server_ITSPlatform_TKNde081e52-d94a-4881-95d5-3a070ef0c0c9.run22:03
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