
=== VanUnamed_ is now known as VanUnamed
stuffandthingsok so i just shit-deleted the wrong thing, lol, how do i undelete on btrfs?08:34
stuffandthings*shift (sorry)08:34
stratogatoare there NFC cpntrollers for ubuntu?09:42
stratogatoim considering installing ubuntu touch on one of my phone09:43
stratogatosince o unlocked it and cant use nfc there anymore with google software09:44
stratogatoplus i want to get rid of google software anyways09:44
stratogatoso ubuntu touch or mobian would be my choices if possible09:44
stratogatowondering if there are ways to use the nfc hardware..09:45
stratogatosorry.. i just found some info about it. apparently there are :)09:49
stratogatoi have bad habit of asking first09:50
stratogatoi wouldnt say its bad habit tbh.. but i kind of understand10:00
stratogatoi think conversation is usefull.. stimulates minds and bring ideas or memories10:01
stratogatoi.e. sometimes i like to talk or explain something that i already know to some person who doesnt.. and that helps me to .. reaffirm knowledge10:02
stratogatobut in here is even better since more people can interact and you may not only reaffirm knowledge but also gain new10:03
joshuamaximusi am tryin to install kubuntu on my desktop pc with nvidia card and 128gb ram but only able to try to install in safe graphics mode can some one help me plz11:06
joshuamaximusi am on a different computer right now as the one i am tryin to install on is down at the moment11:07
joshuamaximusand i flashed the usb stick twice to see if it was the stick that was the issue11:08
joshuamaximusall i get is a blank screen after going through the installation process11:08
joshuamaximuslive works fine11:08
joshuamaximusso can some one plz help me out11:09
joshuamaximusits kubuntu 24.04.111:09
joshuamaximusis it my nvidia card or what11:12
joshuamaximusi hope not11:12
joshuamaximusi do have virtualization enabled on my board11:13
joshuamaximusencase i want to run bottles11:13
joshuamaximuswhere sould i be lookin for the iso to install kubuntu11:17
joshuamaximuson their site11:18
joshuamaximusthats where i got it11:18
joshuamaximusfor spamming11:18
joshuamaximusjust in a hurry11:18
joshuamaximusi guess i am not going to get help and every one is sleeping11:40
BluesKajHi all13:12
Ramattackanyone here with experience in xdotool alternatives for wayland?15:57
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
geniiRamattack: Looks like currently the closest alternative is wlrctl18:17
genii!info wlrctl18:17
ubottuwlrctl (0.2.2-1, noble): command line utility for miscellaneous wlroots Wayland extensions. In component universe, is optional. Built by wlrctl. Size 18 kB / 65 kB18:17
joshuamaximusAny one help me18:54
joshuamaximusI spoke earlyer18:54
joshuamaximusTryin to install kubuntu 24.04.1 and get black screen18:55
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> yep, read your messages. My guess would be gpu driver issues.18:57
joshuamaximusOk how do i solve18:58
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> if you can boot into safe mode as I think you said, you could install proper display drivers in safe mode and then the laptop should boot normally18:58
joshuamaximusSafe graphics?18:58
joshuamaximusWorng person18:59
bpromptjoshuamaximus: when do you get the black screen?  after the installation or while you're trying to run the installer?19:00
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> If the installer works fine but first boot after that gets you to a black screen, you might be able to select safe graphics mode from grub, allowing you to access your system, where you could then install a working gpu driver.19:02
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> Instructions on how to boot into safe graphics mode can be found here for example: https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-black-screen-solution19:05
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> tldr: press shift during boot, select advanced options for ubuntu in grub, recovery mode and normal boot.19:05
bpromptone may note that joshuamaximu quit a few minutes ago19:09
IrcsomeBot<mat> Hello, is there a place to track bug fixes ?20:31
bprompthmmmm dunno myself mat, then again, I never checked for one :)20:34
joshuamaximusSo any one got me a solution to my problem20:49
joshuamaximusi wish some one could help me21:19
joshuamaximusi really enjoy linux21:19
bpromptjoshuamaximus: well, it helps if you don't keep on quitting the channel :)21:21
joshuamaximusi was on a phone that was about to die21:21
joshuamaximusright now i am on a live state21:22
joshuamaximusbut i cant seem to get it installed21:22
bprompt <TimoSalola> Instructions on how to boot into safe graphics mode can be found here for example: https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-black-screen-solution       <TimoSalola> tldr: press shift during boot, select advanced options for ubuntu in grub, recovery mode and normal boot.21:22
bpromptjoshuamaximus: when do you get the black screen?  after the installation or while you're trying to run the installer?21:22
joshuamaximusits after i install with safe graphics21:23
bpromptjoshuamaximus: so you never make it to the installation?21:26
bpromptjoshuamaximus: hmmm after you install with safe graphics?  so the installation from the LiveUSB worked?   namely, went through21:28
bpromptjoshuamaximus: so, does the usb with the ISO ever boots?21:32
joshuamaximuson live mode it does21:33
joshuamaximusjust that the graphics are wonkey21:33
joshuamaximusor in safe graphics mode it trys to install but i never get a boot into installation21:34
joshuamaximusi did get a very fast error when tryin to boot the safe install21:35
joshuamaximusbut it was some thing to do with uefi21:36
bpromptjoshuamaximus: so it did finish installing from the LiveUSB, however when you reboot, you get a black screen?21:38
bpromptohhh then is installed, hmmm did you check https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-black-screen-solution yet?21:39
joshuamaximusi will try21:42
bpromptjoshuamaximus: also, give a shot at https://askubuntu.com/questions/160036/how-do-i-disable-acpi-when-booting21:42
bpromptthat also sometimes causes the black screen21:42
bpromptbtw, the holding "shift" while booting, simply gives you the Grub menu, from where you press "E" on any of those entries, and add whatever extra booting parameter you want, like noapic or such, to have it boot like that, after presssing ctrl-x21:43
IrcsomeBot<plutorocks> If I reinstall all packages, will it fix my disk errors?21:54
tomreynplutorocks: (re)installing software does not usually unbreak hardware.23:52
tomreyn(but then "disk errors" could mean a lot of things, doesn't have to be hardware related.)23:54

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