
=== JanC is now known as Guest3012
=== JanC is now known as Guest4670
=== JanC is now known as Guest1329
ahasenackhi #security13:51
ahasenackjust wondering if you were aware of a recent change in src:iputils13:51
ahasenacktl;dr /usr/bin/ping used to have a NET_RAW capability, which allowed ping to work for non-privileged users. Latest upload dropped that capability, and ping now only works for root,13:52
ahasenackor for users with groups in the net.ipv4.ping_group_range setting13:52
ahasenacka lot of our dep8 tests failed (i.e., caught this)13:52
ahasenackand there is some scrambling going on to set that proc setting to 0-2*3113:53
ahasenackbut that doesn't work well in containers, where we don't have that full range of gids available, due to gid/uid mapping13:53
ahasenackand we are wondering if this change overall was a good choice13:53
ahasenackI understand NET_RAW is way more than just allow icmp pings, so from that POV it sounds a good change to drop it13:54
ahasenackbut... doesn't look like it was well thought13:54
ahasenackand we are wondering about reverting it, as long as the iputils code also didn't drop certain safety checks it might have had in place because it knew it was running with NET_RAW13:54
ahasenacklemme get some pointers13:54
-ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Launchpad bug 2089938 in iputils (Ubuntu) "iputils 3:20240905-1 doesn't work for unprivileged users" [Undecided, New]13:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Debian bug 1085289 in src:backuppc "Please set net.ipv4.ping_group_range sysctl in autopkgtests" [Serious, Open]13:55
mdeslaurping has been audited to death, I'm totally  ok with reverting the change for now14:01
ahasenackschopin: ^14:07
ahasenackunless there are code changes because of this14:08
ahasenackI'm not sure if this was just a packaging change14:08
ahasenackor something driven by upstream14:08
schopinahasenack: I'll check it out and write it down on the bug.14:08
schopinMy guess is that there was no associated upstream change, since Fedora and OpenSUSE have had the ping_ip_range setting for that very reason for a few years already.14:10
schopinBut I'll make sure.14:10
mdeslaurnothing stands out in code changes or upstream changelog14:11
=== JanC is now known as Guest3444
schopinThe code change that allows for dropping setcap is this one: https://github.com/iputils/iputils/commit/87dbb3a5db657d5eae6934707beaf0507980a1c3 merged almost 10 years ago.14:23
-ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Commit 87dbb3a in iputils/iputils "This patch allows running ping and ping6 without root privileges on"14:23
schopinI think we're safe :)14:23
=== JanC is now known as Guest9590
=== JanC is now known as Guest9046
mdeslaurah, nice :)15:02
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