
bray90820So I am having a weird issue most of the time when I wake my PC from suspend I get a busybox message and need to restart the computer00:08
bray90820Sorry that the image is sideways00:09
tomreynthat'll be some kind of firmware bug or, less likely, disintegrating hardware00:16
tomreyntry a bios upgrade. if this doesn't fix it, you probably won't get around it unless you stop using suspend00:16
tomreynyou can try typing    echo $REASON    into the busybox next time it happens, which might hint at the root cause, but i would not count too much on it00:17
bray90820tomreyn: What do you mean by disintegrating hardware00:24
tomreynbray90820: well, it could be a dying hdd, for example00:25
bray90820That's what I thought when I couldn't boo windows or ubuntu the computer would just reboot so I removed m ubuntu NVME drive everything worked fine so I went and bought a new drive00:26
bray90820And I updated the BIOS lastw eek00:26
sonicwinddid the new problem start since that update?  maybe a new bug in the new bios00:27
bray90820I updated the BIOS because the PC wasn't booting so I bought a new Hard drive installed ubuntu to i and now I see the message00:28
bray90820tomreyn: Shoul I try downgrading the BIOS?00:31
rvaluehow to get keyboard working in tigervnc viewer?00:33
tomreynbray90820: probably not, unless the version you're on now is know to introduce malfunctions the previous one did not cause. but that's something you'd need to discuss with the hardware manufacturer.00:34
bray90820tomreyn: So what shoul I do00:35
tomreynbray90820: does this happen when you don't use suspend?00:35
bray90820It does not00:35
tomreynso, this seems like it could be a workaround.00:36
tomreynfor what is likely buggy firmware then00:36
bray90820So don't use suspend?00:37
tomreynyou could also review your system log, see whether there are any hints on what may be going wrong in terms of booting, or during entering suspend, or during returning from suspend.00:37
tomreynbut this is usually an issue on the lower rings00:38
tomreynso nothing you can do much about in the OS00:38
tomreynhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Power_management/Suspend_and_hibernate#Troubleshooting has some more suggestions00:42
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linuxfoxfoxifoxPlz help linux noob https://ibb.co/pRRKQzc01:36
DisconsentedYeah dont click that01:37
Bashing-om! ^ smut - spamming multi channels.01:37
ubottuBashing-om: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:37
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MrMobiusany idea why I dont have qemu targets listed in /usr/share/binfmts/ after installing 24.04 and qemu-user-static? this was working fine on 22.04 and I have all the targets there on a debian machine after installing qemu-user-static03:23
webchat26Hello, is there a way to run Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS in a ... I guess, a very low-performance mode? I did go through some of the settings, but didn't really find anything related other than the "power mode", which I don't think is enough? Or does what I need?03:29
webchat26For some context, I'm using relatively old hardware and it's significantly struggling to handle something as simple as loading this webpage. It's an Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 from 2007 on a 2009 eMachines motherboard with only 4GB of DDR2 RAM.03:29
webchat26It was running Windows 7 previously, and that ran flawlessly, so I wish to assume that this Ubuntu OS is too heavy for it. Also, I think I should mention that I am a Linux newbie; Windows was all I really used, but gradually accepted I needed to update my OS due to everything dropping support for Windows 7.03:29
webchat26Right, sorry about the rambling. If not a low performance mode, should I try using an older version of Ubuntu?03:29
MrMobiusinstalling qemu-user-binfmt uninstalls qemu-user-static03:29
rboxwebchat26: what DE/WM are you using?03:30
webchat26Sorry, could you please tell me what that means and how to check?03:31
rboxif you installed regular ubuntu tehn you're using gnome03:31
rboxyou should probably use something a little ligher like xubuntu or lubuntu03:31
webchat26Uh, I downloaded an ISO file named... "ubuntu-24.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso" from the Ubuntu website, and then made it bootable via the "Rufus" tool on a USB stick.03:34
rboxyes, thats gnome03:34
webchat26Of the two you mentioned, "xubuntu" and "lubuntu", which would be more performant for older hardware?03:37
rboxthey're both pretty light03:38
spinningCatbrowser lags constantly03:38
spinningCatwhat happen around here?03:38
spinningCati have a serious complain03:38
spinningCatwhen i do scroll down on the page i have to wait 2-3 secs top see down part of thje page03:39
spinningCatit is really annoying03:39
rboxget a better computer03:39
spinningCatit is msi with 6b nvidia graphic card03:40
spinningCatit is nvidia rtx 308003:40
webchat26Thank you by the way, rbox. I forgot to say that earlier.03:40
webchat26I have one more question if that's alright -- of those two, which would be more ideal for a Linux newbie who only knows Windows 7/Windows XP?03:40
spinningCati dont have anything like that in windows03:41
rboxits all the asme crap03:41
rboxtry both and see which you like best03:41
spinningCatrbox,  it is i7 machine03:41
webchat26Oh, well okay. Thank you again.03:41
spinningCatweell it seems firefox does not have that problem03:44
spinningCati will try vivaldi too03:44
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ahmedwhat is this06:59
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sdfsfhi it's a good day right everyone07:37
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yourfateborhter just posted his CD key.12:00
yourfatehe wants that "activate Ubuntu" to go away :P12:00
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BluesKajHi all13:22
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xrandrSo, just curious, what is the most preferred way to sign a PDF document in Ubuntu?15:50
* mgedmin would print it out, sign it with a pen, then scan it15:59
sixwheeledbeastnot sure about preferred. Inserting a transparent image of your signature using gimp, libreoffice, xournal etc?16:07
ioriaalso 'snap info mypdfsigner' might help16:12
tomreyni think libreoffice supports some form of digial signatures16:18
Guest46Olá, gostaria de suporte para entender os termos de lcienciamento do Lubunto16:46
Guest46Dear All, I would like request a help to better understand the Lubunto License Terms16:47
lotuspsychje!lubuntu | Guest4616:54
ubottuGuest46: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.16:54
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aaronm04Hi, how can I undo the effects of a recent software update?18:33
aaronm04I want to completely rollback all of it18:33
enigma9o7Ubuntu doesn't support downgrades, and old packages likely aren't in the repo anymore.  So what you're asking is not trivial unless you took a snapshot.18:34
enigma9o7However, you could look at apt logs to see what packages were changed, find the old versions, download them, install them.  Good luck with that, hopefully it was only a couple packages....18:35
enigma9o7Could this be an XY problem?  Why are you trying to rollback an update?18:35
aaronm04Ok I see. In that case, how can I get support for fixing my MIPI camera using intel-ipu6? I can do paid support. I just want the webcam working again18:35
aaronm04Yeah, this is an XY problem18:35
aaronm04There was a regression18:36
enigma9o7When hardware related, it's almost always due to kernel change.  And this is easier!18:36
enigma9o7Ubuntu automatically keeps your previous kernel, and you can boot into it by going into advanced options on the grub menu.18:36
enigma9o7So first thing to try is just reboot into old kernel, see if it magically solved.18:36
enigma9o7Do you know how to get into grub menu on boot?18:37
aaronm04Oh I just found the apt logs and it updated the intel-ipu6 kernel mods18:37
aaronm04As well as other Linux modules and the kernel itself18:38
aaronm04Yes, I can try booting into the old one. Will report back18:38
lotuspsychjeaaronm04: related to bug #2088059 ?18:40
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2088059 in ipu6-drivers (Ubuntu) "ipu6 mipi camera is not working" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208805918:40
aaronm04Launchpad is down for me18:44
ioriaaaronm04, what laptop is that ? Dell ?18:45
aaronm04Yes, Dell Precision 568018:47
ioriaaaronm04, try an older kernel; if it does not work you can try this (jump directly to the bottom) : https://github.com/intel/ipu6-drivers/issues/22818:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 228 in intel/ipu6-drivers "Not working on Ubuntu 24.04 with kernel 6.8" [Open]18:48
aaronm04I saw the problems after the upgrade to 6.8.0-50. Unfortunately 6.8.0-49 has the same problem19:01
aaronm04ioria: which specific reply are you referring to? The one 10h ago?19:02
aaronm04https://github.com/intel/ipu6-drivers/issues/228#issuecomment-2521592987 ?19:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 228 in intel/ipu6-drivers "Not working on Ubuntu 24.04 with kernel 6.8" [Open]19:04
aaronm04The one I linked seems to have fixed it, at least for browsers (getUserMedia API). It's broken for the Cheese app in kubuntu. That means my test of 6.8.0-49 was invalid19:24
aaronm04All commands I ran to fix it: https://cpaste.de/udagedohud.apache19:26
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laurusHi. I have an issue where when I have my headphones plugged into the headphone jack on my laptop, whenever I start a video file playing, it starts playing all this static noise too. I found a solution on the web, which is to run a particular hda-verb command. That makes the noises stop. However, after a couple of minutes, the noise just comes back again. Is there a way to make the hda-verb command persist? Or should I just make a script that runs it every 523:45
laurusI wrote a bash script that does it. I guess that'll work fine.23:54
laurusThank you!23:55
sarnoldoh dang, I was stuck in scrollback for who knows how long ..23:55

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