
falcojrYou shouldn't see that warning on 24.4. The warning is telling you that something outside of the init system is calling cloud-init which is not how cloud-init is usually intended to run. That warning has no effect on whether later stages run or not unless there's something besides systemd invoking cloud-init and checking return codes before running01:24
falcojrlater stages 01:24
anankefalcojr: unfortunately, I am seeing that on 24.4, when I invoke cloud-init status manually. I'm not sure what's happening under the hood, I still haven't been able to dissect it enough. one thing for sure, I can reliably repeat it all the time. 02:47
anankenow, I'm using kali linux for this, and their repos are based on debian testing. I haven't tried it with plain debian, I will see if they have an AMI for debian testing that I can use for that02:48
anankeI do see that debian folks have been tinkering with init related stuff for cloud-init, when I inspect contents of those packages: https://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/c/cloud-init/02:49
anankebetween 22.4 and 24.4 versions systemd service files were moved from /lib/systemd to /usr/lib/systemd, and there's a new/additional cloud-init-main.service file02:52
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falcojrananke: what does "cloud-init --version" show?14:59
falcojrafaik, the Kali version is using the Debian version, and the Debian version also removed the warning15:01
ananke /usr/bin/cloud-init 24.415:05
anankeyou are right, the exact error message has changed, now it errors out with a more generic 'ailed due to systemd unit failure. Ensure all cloud-init services are enabled, and check 'systemctl' or 'journalctl' for more information.'15:05
anankethere are no messages with the word 'error' in /var/log/cloud* , and I'm not sure which of the services it's complaining about. https://dpaste.com/54KQFQCSP.txt has more output15:08
anankeand yes, Kali uses those packages. I've tried even using directly debian packages, same issue. two out of three stages do not seem to run, last one to be executed is ssh module from the config stage15:12
falcojrananke: thanks, that pastebin helps a lot. Can you run "cloud-init collect-logs" and attach the resulting tarball to a new bug at https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues ? The full logs would be really helpful here15:12
anankecertainly, thank you for your time and help with this15:13
anankehttps://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/5928 submitted16:00
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Issue 5928 in canonical/cloud-init "cloud-init status complains about systemd unit failures, only init stage modules are executed - Debian Testing/Unstable/Kali" [Open]16:00
falcojrananke: not even sure if this is possible, but are you on a system with sysvinit and systemd coexisting?16:42
falcojrcloud-init 24.3 should have brought in a new service called "cloud-init-main.service", but I'm not seeing it anywhere in your logs other than the upgrade part you posted16:43
falcojrupdate-rc.d: We have no instructions for the cloud-init-main init script.16:44
anankefalcojr: if I am, that's certainly not intentional, it would be a result of the upstream 16:44
ananke○ cloud-init-main.service - Cloud-init: Single Process16:44
ananke     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cloud-init-main.service; disabled; preset: disabled)16:44
ananke     Active: inactive (dead)16:44
anankeand the package certainly has that file16:45
anankethere's certainly one possibility: package maintainers made something that in theory would work on a fresh install, but is lacking critical steps on an upgrade16:46
falcojryeah, I'm wondering if there was an upgrade step missing here16:46
anankeI can certainly attempt to enable this service manually, and see what happens16:47
falcojryeah, it should have been enabled but your logs don't show anything about it running16:48
anankeyep! that was it! 16:48
anankeenabled it, rebooted, and now cloud-init status shows 'done', and I see traces of the per-boot scripts running16:49
falcojrglad it worked!16:49
anankewhich means I'll have to open an issue with debian. it would seem both of their 24.3-1 and 24.4-1 packages are affected by it, and as a result the downstream kali is16:50
anankeI don't know enough about deb package structure and conventions regarding how they enable new service units for existing packages during an upgrade, but I imagine many people would be impacted by this16:52
anankeand wouldn't know about it. we rely on cloud-init for those systems on subsequent boots, not just during provisioning, so we noticed16:52
falcojrtotal guess here based on the "update-rc.d" message in your upgrade output, but I'm wondering if apt is somehow misidentifying your init system as sysvinit rather than systemd and so applied the upgrade there rather than to systemd16:55
falcojrcause your journal also had an odd message16:55
falcojrDec 13 15:28:55.523890 terminal.example.com systemd-sysv-generator[225]: SysV service '/etc/init.d/cloud-init' lacks a native systemd unit file, automatically generating a unit file for compatibility.16:56
anankethere's 'sysvinit-utils/kali-rolling,now 3.11-1 amd64 [installed]', which may be some backwards compatibility layer16:56
anankehttps://packages.debian.org/testing/sysvinit-utils talks about "This package contains the important System-V-like utilities.16:58
anankeSpecifically, this package includes: init-d-script, fstab-decode, killall5, pidof"16:58
anankewhile the cloud-init package comes with both /etc/init.d/cloud-init and /usr/lib/systemd/system/cloud-init-main.service16:59
anankeI'll fire up debian 12 ami and see if they include sysvinit-utils there too17:00
anankeI was suspecting that this service might be implicated, but I could not figure it out from the logs at all, so I didn't want to guess17:01
anankeyep, that package also exists on debian 12 stable17:06
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anankeperforming update on debian 12 stable to this latest package works fine, it shows that new systemd symlinks are created, so either something on debian testing or kali is causing this. fun17:10
dilfridge 21:45
dilfridgein case anyone is interested in testing, ^ bootable (EFI) Gentoo disk image running cloud-init on boot21:46
dilfridge(first ever build)21:46
dilfridgeother files including hash checksums and gpg signature with gentoo releng key are in the same directory21:47
holmanbdilfridge: nice :)22:12
holmanbdilfridge: do you have any other contributions planned in the near future?22:13
holmanbdilfridge: we still need to get pep517 sorted out, and I know gentoo is keen on getting that resolved sooner than later22:13
holmanbdilfridge: I think we know what needs to happen there, just haven't gotten to it yet22:14
holmanbdilfridge: debian doesn't appear to be in a rush to drop existing support so it hasn't been as urgent for us - I'm guessing the same is true for rhel-family22:14
dilfridgein principle yes, but I'm more on the release engineering and less on the python side22:16
dilfridgeso I will definitely try22:17
* dilfridge is learning python by adding features to existing programs :D22:18
dilfridgeI'd like to figure out now which gentoo-specific features are still missing (mostly for gentoo+systemd which I see as more future-proof than gentoo+openrc)22:23
dilfridgeobjective being, make gentoo more attractive for cloud / hosting providers22:25

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