[01:11] UWN: Opening 870 shortly for the day's update. [01:47] Discourse: access is a slow process - 502'n :( [01:47] yeah I've been getting numerous issues last 20 mins... and I'm not trying to edit/change anything... [01:48] 503 now :( [01:48] * guiverc did reply to a PM, in writing reply got told i was offline, then another user editing etc... but those issues could also be network issues between me & discourse.. but loads of issues on page views... [01:58] yeah I just got 503 on try.again.. [01:58] guiverc: "ping -c3 discourse.ubuntu.com " says server is up -- must be app issues :( [01:59] patience is a virtue my mum always said... it's trying to give us practice at being patient... [02:04] i can view discourse in private mode Bashing-om [02:06] guiverc: Seems up and running - looking good now - proceeding to edit mode :P [02:07] :) [02:27] Saved and out. [02:56] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Miracle-WM Gets Updated @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/12/miracle-wm-0-4-released [21:18] * guiverc adding Cristovao Cordeiro - cjdc to doc [21:19] * guiverc out [21:58] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: What is RAG? @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/what-is-rag-explained [21:58] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: How does OpenSearch work? @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/how-does-opensearch-work [23:51] UWN: Opening 870 for my Friday update.