[13:47] glib pipeline Simon McVittie 780076 * pending (extract-source: pending; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created) [13:47] glib pipeline Simon McVittie 780076 * running (extract-source: running; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created) [14:49] glib pipeline Simon McVittie 780076 * [1 hour, 1 minute and 57 seconds] success (extract-source: success; build: success; build i386: success; build source: success; test-build-any: success; test-build-all: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: failed; reprotest: success; lintian: success; autopkgtest: success; blhc: success; piuparts: success) [16:50] glib pipeline Simon McVittie 780179 * pending (extract-source: pending; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created) [16:51] glib pipeline Simon McVittie 780179 * running (extract-source: running; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created) [16:53] glib pipeline Simon McVittie 780181 * pending (extract-source: pending; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created) [16:53] glib pipeline Simon McVittie 780181 * running (extract-source: running; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created) [17:56] glib pipeline Simon McVittie 780181 * [1 hour, 3 minutes and 29 seconds] success (extract-source: success; build: success; build i386: success; build source: success; test-build-any: success; test-build-all: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: failed; reprotest: success; lintian: success; autopkgtest: success; blhc: success; piuparts: success) [18:08] glib pipeline Simon McVittie 780179 * [1 hour, 17 minutes and 48 seconds] success (extract-source: success; build: success; build i386: success; build source: success; test-build-any: success; test-build-all: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: failed; reprotest: success; lintian: success; autopkgtest: success; blhc: success; piuparts: success) === JanC is now known as Guest8823 === tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2 === JanC is now known as Guest5164