
oerheks"An error message about XPCOM or about platform version usually happens because of a failed Firefox update that left you with a mixture of old and updated files in the Firefox program folder."00:00
oerheksremove firefox, ~/.mozilla and reinstall00:00
ash_guestoerheks k, I'll try00:01
ash_guestSeems there's now a network issue too00:01
ash_guestI wish it would keep error messages in the notification panel until I dismiss it00:02
ash_guest"activation of network connection failed" -- not very helpful anyway00:03
ash_guestTrying the ff fix anyway00:04
ash_guestOh duh00:04
ash_guestCan't connect00:04
ash_guestRestart #200:05
ash_guestK, restarting got my connection back. But reinstalling Firefox without the home directory did not work. Same error: couldn't load XPCOM00:09
ash_guestI just realized the clock is wildly off00:10
ravagefirefox is a snap so ~/.mozilla is not your profile directory. fixing the clock is a good thing too00:11
ravageif you dont have any important data on your firefox profile: "sudo snap remove  --purge firefox; rm -Rf ~/snap/firefox; sudo snap install firefox"00:11
ash_guestThat's one thing that's fixed00:11
ash_guestIt's a live boot00:12
ravageand why are you trying to fix a live usb?00:12
ash_guestI just want internet so I can research stuff I might need to do00:12
ash_guestAnd the phone is cumbersome00:12
ravagewell . you start the installer i guess00:13
ash_guestI wanted to check the drive I am installing to first00:13
ravagecheck in what sense00:13
ash_guestIf I remember correctly (which is not a great track record) the drive is new so. But if it happens to have like pictures on it, it'd be nice to back them up first00:14
ash_guestCheck like, poke around00:14
ravageok. so you need the file manager or a terminal for that00:15
ravagestart with "Disks"00:15
ravageif the drive is empty you can skip everything else00:15
ravagepress the Ubuntu button. start typing the word Disks00:16
ash_guestIf that's a sidebar thing, its not there00:16
ash_guestThat's much more convenient00:16
ash_guestSo, to see if anything is in there I should mount it somewhere, yeah?00:17
ravageYes that's a good plan00:17
ravageBut a click on the drive in the file manager should do that00:18
ravageMaybe under "other locations"00:18
ash_guestNot listed there00:18
ravageThen the disk may be just empty00:18
ravageSee Diska00:18
ash_guestSays contents: unknown00:19
ravageDoes not sound like it has pictures on it then00:19
ash_guestDo you feel pretty good about that or should I mount anyway?00:20
ravageI don't think there is anything to mount00:20
ravageThe application would show partitions and filesystems00:21
ash_guestI see00:21
ash_guestSo without that, I can't mount it, or files cAnt exist?00:21
ash_guest... Both?00:22
ravageIf the drive just shows as unknown there is nothing to mount00:22
ravageAt least nothing the system can identify00:22
ash_guestK. I'll move on I guess and cross my fingers. I assume something would stand out if it couldn't identify it due to like some old windows thing00:23
ash_guest(which I used once upon a time, but probably never with this disk)00:24
ash_guestThe installer will prompt me for partitions, right?00:24
ravageJust use the option to use the full disk00:25
ravageAnd you don't have to worry about any of that really00:25
ash_guestWell, this is round 2 of installation. My previous attempt, I got everything running and then something went wrong and the solution was to reinstall. That drive I KNOW has stuff I want to keep on it, but the easy installation prompt would not let me NOT reformat the drive. So I don't want to be in that position again. If something goes wrong, I just want to be able to reinstall without removing everything on the drive00:28
ash_guestIt says I can do a manual install or erase everything (but the erase everything has an LVM option)... Think that'll let me partition?00:30
oerheksyes, manual https://ubuntuhandbook.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/noble-disksetup2.webp00:30
oerheksit will bring you here https://ubuntuhandbook.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/noble-tablebefore.webp00:31
ash_guestI don't really know what mount point or format I should use.00:32
ash_guestoerheks do you recommend startup disk creator over dd?00:34
oerheksjust wipe everything but the partition with your data you want to keep? i would boot in live mode and backup first00:34
oerheksash_guest,  for uefi install, yes, startup disk creator00:34
ash_guestI'm in live mode now. I'm using manual partitioning, but need to research if I can/should use btrfs00:36
oerheksi have no clue on btrfs, not sure if you can boot from that or just storage00:38
oerhekszfs you can00:38
ash_guestA lot of stuff to research I guess. I don't really know the difference between zfs and btrfs00:39
waifuzelensky is sexy02:03
waifui wanna cuddle with him02:03
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iH8sasl2It's quiet in here.05:06
lotuspsychjehow can we help you iH8sasl205:19
iH8sasl2I'm just bored05:25
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redeuxxhi guys, i have a minimal ubuntu server install, how do i install minimal graphics drivers so text is not so big and somewhat readable?12:07
lotuspsychjeredeuxx: the kernel should load drivers by default on ubuntu, even on minimal12:11
lotuspsychjeredeuxx: can you check, sudo lshw -C video , to see if yours are loaded?12:12
redeuxxlotuspsychje: when using the cloud image, this is what it looks like https://imgur.com/MOwGrVq, when using the regular iso install, this is what it looks like https://imgur.com/80SOqoz12:33
redeuxxunfortunately, looking at a lot of text is unreadable using default resolution, or text size on the cloud image12:34
redeuxxboth screenshots side by side: https://imgur.com/a/zeGxtvm12:35
BluesKajHi all12:40
kuka_liehi BluesKaj12:41
BluesKajhi kuka_lie12:43
tomreynredeuxx: this should be a matter of console / terminal configuration really, not of graphics drivers. unless these are running in terminal emulators.12:56
barbarosHi. want to add Win11 to grub but do not have Microsoft folder under /boot/efi12:57
kuka_liebarbaros: sudo update grub12:57
barbarosos-probe finds nothing12:58
kuka_lieyou can just take all data from that partition and run windows 11 ar vm13:00
tomreyni guess that if there is no windows boot code on the main efi system partition (ESP), you either have another ESP, or it boots in bios mode.13:01
barbarosI dont know how important I camr this point. first installed ubuntu then win11. couldnt fix boot. formated boot root and home partition then installed ubuntu again. this time there is no win1113:02
barbarosI couldnt make it dual boot13:02
kuka_liei have newer done dual boot with windows 11. only windows xp and 713:03
barbarostomreyn: i think thats right13:03
barbarosi tried win11 usb but it did not fix,13:03
tomreynbarbaros: use your bios provided boot menu to switch between linux and windows, or resinstall both in UEFI boot mode, starting with windows13:07
barbarostomreyn: win11 does not shoe-wup in boot menu13:07
tomreyn(there may also be a way to convert windows installations from legac< bios to uefi boot mode, but that's out of scope)13:07
tomreynif the other OS does not even show in the bios provided boot menu then i don't see how it's bootable at all.13:08
barbarosı think i will wipe everything and install win11 first then ubuntu13:11
tomreynif you need a guide, https://www.mikekasberg.com/blog/2024/05/20/dual-boot-ubuntu-24-04-and-windows-with-encryption.html https://www.xda-developers.com/dual-boot-windows-11-linux/ look like they could work13:11
tomreynpersonally i'd prefer running windows in a VM under ubuntu if i had to run it.13:12
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aienain my interfaces for wifi I have a line in "ip link" as below14:02
aiena3: wlo1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DORMANT group default qlen 100014:02
aienawhat does DORMANT mean here?14:02
aienasometimes ip route does not show the default route when wifi is on but the default route is obtained when I connect the wired interface. Both the wired and wireless interface originate from the same access point. ip link states that the wired interfce is DEFAULT14:04
aienaon ubuntu 22.04.214:04
tomreyndormant mode: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3132#section-2.014:05
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tomreynunless you're using some form of failover or cooperation between wireless and ethernet connections to your wireless router, having both up does probably not serve much of a purpose14:11
aienatomreyn: I used tohave both up because the wired lan was acting as a bridge to some of my kvm machines through network manager that is not working very well now14:12
tomreyni see14:13
aienawhat I noticed is when I turn wired off  and keep wireless only on sometimes the default route was not set and firefox etc could not communicate by my android phone coulf communicate over the same wireless network I thought it had something to do with DORMANT but probably not14:13
aienaI cannot use wireless bridging for kvm machines I read this is because of complexities associated with wireless networks. I know virtualbox can do it on windows and might be able to do it on linux too but not gonna use VB14:15
tomreyni think with network manager you need to reconnect another interface after you brought down the one which had the default route14:15
ravageif you need the ethernet interface only for the VMs you do not need to configure an IP for the host system on it14:16
aienain network manager I remeber we created a bridge with the real eth port as master and then in kvm we used to configure the interface as the nm bridge14:16
aienaerr as a bridged connection14:16
aienaravage: hmm14:17
myoswait is someone14:17
myosno bot?14:17
aienaravage: how do I use the same ethernet interface on multiple kvm vms for them to get ips from the main router14:18
myosidk bro14:18
aienamyos: I was talking to ravage14:18
ravageyou put all VM interfaces in the bridge14:18
myosepic moment someone is here14:18
myosoh ok14:18
ravageyou can use a bridge like a network switch in that way14:19
ravagethrow all VMs on that bridge interface that is connected to your router and they are connected14:20
aienayeh my bridge hasint been working for a bit but recently14:20
aienaI remember when the eth link was up the bridge used to gothrough the STP states14:20
aienaand then work but now it doesnt14:20
silv3r_m00nhi there14:22
silv3r_m00na cloud provider has blocked and a docker container is directly trying to communicate with this ip directly (for dns resolution) so i use the command, iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -j DNAT --to-destination some.other.dns.server Now the host can "ping" but the docker container still cannot ping/communicate with
silv3r_m00nwhat rule should i add to iptables to allow docker container to connect with in this special case14:22
ravagetry: docker --dns= run my/container cat /etc/resolv.conf14:23
silv3r_m00ni cannot use docker commands etc, its mailcow (about 15 containers) i just do docker compose up -d14:24
ravageyou can also set that in /etc/default/docker : DOCKER_OPTS="--dns=my-private-dns-server-ip"14:24
silv3r_m00ni am not specifically looking for a dns re-setting. instead i need a NAT-ting command that allows docker containers to communicate with ip forwarded hosts14:25
ravageWhy make it complicated I mean14:25
ravageSet a working DNS server for your docker daemon14:26
silv3r_m00nravage: because the docker container is not actually trying a "dns resolution". its attempting to contact "" explicitly  it will contact it no matter what the dns settings are14:26
ravageThat's just really bad behavior14:27
silv3r_m00nits unbound-mailcow container14:27
ravageIf the container is open source file a bug report14:27
silv3r_m00nfor now i need to setup a solution for the client14:27
silv3r_m00nhow can i setup some iptables rule on host so that if a docker container contacts it goes via forwarding rules set on the host14:28
silv3r_m00nravage: that link looks useful14:29
silv3r_m00nlet me read all of it14:29
silv3r_m00nravage: that seems to have worked ... let me test14:35
aienaravage: so you know if systemd or something is messing with the netowrk manager bridge. When I start a virtual machine with the bridge and use brctly showstp I can seee kvm adding the vnet interface connection to the bridge but when it boots up the bridge gores to down state and the vnet interface is nowhere to be seen14:48
aienaerr wehn the vm boots up14:49
andreaa71and DNS = ? like the gateway ?16:13
leftyfbandreaa71: can we help you with something?16:14
andreaa71yes, later you are talking about dns ...16:15
andreaa71i my home i use : gateway =   and dns =
leftyfbwhat do you need help with specifically?16:16
andreaa71i was to talk about dns ...16:16
mgedmin192.138 doesn't look right16:16
andreaa71ops ...16:17
leftyfbandreaa71: ok, so you don't actually have a support question?16:17
andreaa71in my home i use : gateway =   dns =
leftyfbandreaa71: great, do you need help with something?16:18
andreaa71to help you ...16:18
leftyfbI don't need help16:19
andreaa71to share16:19
andreaa71ok, np16:19
JoeBkearphones not working.  any fix coming?17:21
ingopanHi,i am looking for a small tool or smth. that allows me to set custom hotkeys, like ctrl+shift+f12 to paste a string globally ? Whats the easiest take here ? Thanks in advance.17:21
gordonjcpingopan: like just a hotkey to paste one particular string?17:32
gordonjcpingopan: I don't know, but it's an interesting question...17:32
ingopanfor example i press ctrl+shift+f12 it should write banana17:32
ingopanthats all17:32
ingopanusing kubuntu here17:33
ingopanheard klipper is the way to go, but looks complicated17:34
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colin_anyone on here use Lubuntu ?18:21
tomreynhi colin_. note that there is also #lubuntu. and it's a good idea to ask more specific questions if something doesn't work (don't just make it a poll).18:25
colin_i'm new to irc the default setting s18:27
colin_default settings put me on here18:27
colin_altho new to the world of linux think i have the basics working :-)18:27
tomreyngood to hear this. :)18:28
dob1hi, update tool says "update from lunar to noble is not possible with this tool", what can I do?19:06
oerheksdownload the 24.04 iso and reinstall/replace19:07
dob1are you saying I have to reinstall everything???19:07
oerheksUbuntu 23.04  is way to old, repos has been deleted19:07
dob1but I cannot change source in apt list19:08
oerheksif you choose replace, your apps and setting might survive19:08
dob1and update by myself via apt ?19:08
dob1are you sure about this?19:09
oerheksyes, else i would give a how-to19:10
oerheksgood luck!19:10
dob1on another pc I have 22.04.05 LTS  this is the same?19:10
dob1I hope no19:10
dob1this was an LTS19:10
oerheksno, LTS can be upgraded to LTS19:10
oerheksyou are  just a few months too late, that is all19:10
dob1how much can I wait in this pc to update to the newer LTS ?19:12
oerheks22.04 would be supported 5 years19:12
dob1so for 5 years I have the time to update to the newer LTS ?19:12
ravageI see a theme here. Upgrade fatigue :)19:12
oerheksa few weeks after 27.04 is released, yes19:12
ravageYou probably mean 26.0419:13
oerheks22+5 ..19:13
dob1I have 22.0419:13
oerheks26.04 would be lts..19:13
ravageIf you don't like upgrades stick to LTS19:13
dob1just to be sure: what is the eol of this release considering until I can upgrade it? 5 years ? you said this right?19:13
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Noble (Noble Numbat 24.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.19:14
oerheksubuntu version in between 9 mo19:14
dob1sorry if I insist but LTS was not just supported for 5 years?19:14
oerheks23.04 is not lts19:15
dob1forget about 23.0419:15
dob1I am considering the other PC where now I have 22.0419:15
dob1I have two ubuntu installation19:15
oerheks22.04 (2022) + 5 years19:16
dob1ok so 202719:16
ravagelook at that page. it really has all the information19:16
dob1but that this indicates the last date where I can update to the newer LTS too, right?19:17
oerheksa few weeks after 27.04 is released, yes19:17
ravageyou should always upgrade before the support ends19:18
ravageyou dont want a system without security updates19:18
dob1I want to be sure because, yes every update is not trivial for me... I don't use the ubuntu default desktop, and I have other programs to update.. and every time there is something that doesn't work... and to be honest time ago it was fun to resolve these issue... right now it's just boring for me19:18
dob1ravage: I do the updates19:19
ravagecustom installations will always be tricky19:19
leftyfbnot with ansible :)19:19
leftyfbdob1: stick to only LTS releases, forget about everything inbetween19:19
leftyfband work to upgrade every 2-5 years19:19
dob1leftyfb: indeed it was the error that I did with the first pc I mentioned that now need a reinstall19:19
leftyfbnot really, but you probably should19:20
leftyfb!eolupgrade | dob119:20
ubottudob1: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:20
leftyfbupgrading IS possible, but not really recommended19:20
oerhekseolupgrade not for lunar..19:20
dob1but it's not an important installation this one. reinstall is fine19:20
dob1NOT the one with LTS this is my main workstation :)19:21
leftyfbdob1: then I recommend upgrading to 24.04 as soon as you can19:21
dob1ok! I will do asap19:21
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morgan-uWould a question about GIMP be appropriate here?  How an I move a text box? I have 5 and I think of them as objects that i want to rearrange.22:08
morgan-uVisual thinking.22:08
morgan-uNO duh. Not GIMP, LibreOfficeDRAW.22:08
morgan-uWould a question about LibreOffince DRAW be appropriate here?  How an I move a text box? I have 5 and I think of them as objects that i want to rearrange.22:09
morgan-uI went to gimp and just drew the words and now I want to change the color of my brush. looked it up online, and again. Nothing. works.22:29
rfmmorgan-u, if you click on the edge of the text box it will select the object instead of putting the text cursor in, then you can drag it to move or use the handles to resize.22:37
rfmmorgan-u, unfortunately the edge isn't visible until selected, so it usually requires clicking a few times to hit it right.22:38
rfmmorgan-u, or maybe just hovering around until the cursor changes?  been a while.22:41
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