=== jake is now known as Guest5318 === Guest5318 is now known as sybariten === E_Bomb356 is now known as E_Bomb35 [01:46] hello, in ubuntu desktop i went into dconf-editor and set everythign related to lid close to not suspend and i opened my laptop and my wifi was not connected .... anything i need to do to stop this ... i want it to do nothing when the lid is closed [01:46] absolutely nothing besides the screen turning off [01:48] the reason i need this is because if suspend happens then power management isn't working properly after that (screen wont blank out after a certain amount of time) and i also have latency that happens every 5 seconds .. which can be seen by just moving the cursor around constantly for 10 seconds) === paran0n22 is now known as paran0n2 === jake is now known as Guest9840 === Guest9840 is now known as sybariten === NotEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer === JanC is now known as Guest776 [03:02] https://torrent.ubuntu.com/tracker_index === edupinhata is now known as dupin [04:37] Soooo they say everyone is leaving Ubuntu for the Kubuntu desktop. [04:44] iH8sasl2: who says? some Kubuntu desktop user? must be better than how is that a ubuntu support question? [04:48] no, 'they' did not say that to you 🤪 [04:50] lol === timj3 is now known as timj1 [05:40] I feel like we're growing apart. We don't talk anymore. [07:27] hello, any recommendation on enabling/disabling the [Dell] BIOS setting "Direct Graphics Controller Direct Output Mode" ?  It claims to connect internal display to integrated graphics and external monitors to discrete graphics. It sounds like this could eliminates the ability of Optimus to adjust power use, however in dmesg I see: enabled, status [07:27] dynamic power, had bios codec supported. and "VGA switcher: detected Optimus DSM method" and "nouveau: detected PR support, will not use DSM" [07:33] Single trials suggest when it's disabled, suspend/ resume causes the loss of display on one external monitor (of two). Is there another way to recover all displays after resume from suspend? [07:33] (Kubuntu 24.04.1) [08:02] Is there a way to find out if the mirror are synching? I cannot find libnet1-dev in the repos. [08:04] Er, never mind. I think it's my local damned proxy. [08:10] hello [09:34] hello === Josephur_ is now known as Josephur === mike is now known as Guest2607 [13:12] Hi all [13:21] hi there i am seeing lots of kauditd0 processes that are consuming all of the cpu power: https://ibb.co/4Vhvdc7 [13:21] can somebody tell me what this kauditd is and why is it eating all of cpu [13:24] whats a good text editor with code highlighting a la notepad++ (notepadqq won't work on my system) [13:25] simple fast and reliable [13:26] Kate comes close [13:27] gvim? [13:27] jp_: sublime text? [13:28] tried sublime and its sublime thnx [14:17] q/7 [14:21] installed ubuntu, installed xfce and lightdm. can't log into user now [14:23] mesa failed   glx failed to create drisw   can not open display :0.0 [14:24] is this this bug? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1516040/mesa-and-glx-errors-when-running-glxinfo-ubuntu-24-04 [14:28] still doesn't work [14:28] can't log into ubuntu [14:30] startx starts for a while but the quits === Square3 is now known as Square [14:31] is anyone here [14:39] !patience | fvnv [14:39] fvnv: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [15:01] fvnv: why not just install xubuntu where it's all done for you? [15:22] leftyfb dunno [15:22] fvnv: try that [15:22] but im on ubuntu and  want to use xfce [15:22] also, I think the error is not due to xfce [15:22] looks likebug in gpu [15:22] Hello [15:23] fvnv: when did you install ubuntu? [15:25] leftyfb  like yesterday [15:25] fvnv: ok, then nothing lost. I would recommend installing xubuntu from scratch https://xubuntu.org/download/ [15:28] Hello everyone, [15:28] I hope this message finds you well. I am experiencing an issue with my internet connection and would greatly appreciate any assistance. I recently had a fiber optic connection installed, which, according to my provider, should deliver speeds of up to 270 MBit/s. However, I am only achieving download speeds of 34-40 MBit/s on my computer, even when just sitting 2 meters away from the router. In contrast, my roommate's Windows [15:28] computer is reaching the expected speed. This discrepancy lead me to suspect that there may be a problem with the driver configuration on my system. I have already executed the following commands: [15:28] -sudo apt-get install linux-firmware [15:28] -sudo apt-get install backport-iwlwifi-dkms [15:28] My setup consists of Kubuntu 22.04 with kernel version 5.15.0-126-generic (64-bit), and I am using an Intel Wireless 8260 module. Despite trying various other commands to diagnose the issue, I have not been able to gain any useful information from the outputs. For reference, you can view the outputs here: https://paste.debian.net/1340111/. [15:29] huluhabulu: your kernel is a bit old, I would try the linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 kernel [15:29] leftyfb I want to test software on actual Ubuntu. anyway looks like gpu driver or smth [15:29] huluhabulu  paste at most 4 lines of text here [15:29] fvnv: you so know xubuntu is "actual ubuntu" with xfce set as the default Desktop Environment right? [15:30] fvnv: no, paste at most 1 line, more than that requires a pastebin service [15:30] leftyfb didn't.   anyway, bet that is a gpu problem that will stay on Xubuntu [15:30] fvnv: I doubt it [15:37] leftyfb: so you think this might be a kernel issue? What surprises me is that there doesn't seem to be an option to switch manually between the modes 802.11n, 802.11ac or even 802.11ax. Or am I overlooking something? [15:38] huluhabulu: "switching modes" isn't really a thing. It'll pick the best one that is supported and available [15:49] with iptables i need to allow all IP's on the FTP port, what iptable options would i use? [15:50] im specifically blocking all ips on the SSH ports (except a small subset) already [15:50] coderman1: https://www.ipserverone.info/knowledge-base/how-to-open-ports-in-iptables/ found on google by searching "iptables allow port" [15:51] ok thanks [16:07] hello im trying to change my defualt shell to fish. i tried chsh -s /bin/fish but it doesnt seem to know where its located at any help? [16:09] leftyfb it seems like with the script im using, its blocking everything correctly, but its not allowing everything on other ports...can i send you the iptables commands im running for review? [16:09] Feniks: do you have fish installed? [16:09] yes [16:09] Feniks: please pastebin the error [16:09] Feniks: https://packages.ubuntu.com/noble/amd64/fish/filelist indicates /usr/bin/fish [16:10] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/HWcQOwlG/ [16:11] https://pastebin.com/6ZtGmhDf   this is my iptables config.  so i want to block all but certain IP ranges so certain people can SSH in, but i want to allow access on all IP's to other ports like 80 and 443 because its also a webserver [16:11] chsh: PAM: Authentication failure [16:11] Feniks: you have a typo. Also, why are you trying to point to anything in /usr/local? [16:11] its what one of the forums said to do [16:11] Feniks: don't [16:11] chsh -s /usr/bin/fish [16:12] and don't use sudo if you want to change the shell for your user [16:12] @leftyb, but when i run that it blocks all access to port 443 for example to all ips except the ones in that file [16:12] except the ones i explicitly listed in that script [16:13] coderman36: why not just use ufw to manage your firewall ? [16:14] @leftyb, i dont have that available on this server [16:14] coderman36: sudo apt install ufw [16:14] ok now my login screen sddm is not changing when i set it [16:14] does anyone know how to fix that? [16:14] if i use UFW what happens to my iptables commands? which one wins? [16:14] Feniks: what does your login screen have to do with your default shell? [16:14] or do i remove all iptables settings? [16:15] coderman36: don't use iptables, use ufw [16:15] i fixed my defualt shell issue [16:15] coderman36: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW [16:15] ok ill try that [16:15] Feniks: maybe ask for help in #kubuntu for help with SSDM [16:27] no one is talking in kubuntu [16:27] or kde channels [16:34] leftyfb with UFW to block all connections to a port would i first do a ufw deny 88 and then ufw allow  88 [16:35] ufw deny 88 [16:35] ufw allow from to any port 88 [16:35] 88 is my custom ssh port [16:35] something like that? [16:36] coderman1: deny first, allow 2nd [16:36] ok cool thanks [16:40] coderman1: to be honest, I think the order with ufw doesn't matter. It's part of the reason it's easier to learn === brosnaheart is now known as gaelheart [16:42] Order does matter with ufw. I'd suggest to use some other non-reserved unprivileged port than 88 if your going to change it. [16:42] if you have options to [16:56] leftyfb turns out the order did matter. it disconnected my SSH session and didnt finish the rest of the script that enables it apparently. so now im locked out [16:56] coderman1: it's a good thing you have out of band access then [16:57] im hoping i just need to run the *allow* commands first, then the deny and that will fix it [16:57] I would start with just disabling ufw [17:20] leftyfb, 88 (v6) DENY IN Anywhere (v6)  do you know what v6 means in this context? [17:20] IPv6 [17:24] still blocking me completely out of the server... [17:25] https://pastebin.com/mM2SEY8L   this is my list of commands, my ssh port is on port 88 [17:25] am i missing something that is allowing it to block me out of ssh? [17:26] coderman1: sorry, allow first, then deny [17:26] I was wrong [17:26] my IP is "98.58.228.x" so i am allowing that [17:27] coderman1: right, so fix yor rules. allow first, then deny [17:28] ok thanks [17:31] still locked me out, i removed all the SSH port 88 stuff from the script [17:35] https://pastebin.com/YBNXB0SU [17:35] this is the output from ufw [17:36] nothing in there from port 88, yet i still get locked out [17:45] i ran ufw reset, then ufw allow from to any port 17017, then ufw enable, and i got locked out...so by default UFW block all connections unless specifically stated? === oerheks1 is now known as oerheks [17:47] I think you are correct coderman1, the default rule is to block everything not explicitly allowed === Thumpxr4 is now known as Thumpxr === mnepton is now known as mneptok === jacob-vlijm_ is now known as jacob-vlijm === terrorjack40 is now known as terrorjack4 === voeid3 is now known as voeid === whodafak` is now known as whodafak === irwiss3 is now known as irwiss === denysonique6 is now known as denysonique === Paccoco82 is now known as Paccoco8 === LBlaboon_ is now known as LBlaboon === danLe_ is now known as danLe === chaser4208 is now known as chaser420 === SirLouen7 is now known as SirLouen === seanh__ is now known as seanh === ElGatoPanzon_ is now known as ElGatoPanzon === SpydarOO7 is now known as Spydar007 === KNERD_ is now known as KNERD === brosnaheart is now known as gaelheart === NDPTAL86 is now known as NDPTAL85 [18:03] coderman1: there's ufw default allow/deny/reject; if you don't specify, the default default is deny for incoming and routing, allow for outgoing [18:05] yea but im allowing the ssh port and its still locking me out. === SixterBR5 is now known as SixterBR [18:17] anyone here knowledgeable on ubuntu touch [18:17] specifically for its support for HCE (Host Card Emulation) === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn [18:20] !touch | jp_ [18:20] jp_: Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports [18:50] Iffifiti === paran0n24 is now known as paran0n2 === ChexDumb is now known as Chex === dm1 is now known as vlt [20:02] sudo snap install bridge-3000 --edge [20:03] installation failed [20:03] all your bridge-3000 are belong to Us === brosnaheart is now known as gaelheart === Game11454226 is now known as Game1145422 [20:47] hi [20:47] allo [20:47] who have code ubuntu ddos ? [20:48] or bruthal force ? [20:48] w0t? [20:48] ? [20:48] !topic | Condor [20:48] Condor: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic [20:49] j === JanC is now known as Guest3103 === tabakhase__ is now known as tabakhase [22:01] kennnlozspy === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn === jjakob_ is now known as jjakob === debian is now known as Guest3769 === brosnaheart is now known as gaelheart === waltman_ is now known as waltman === Josephur__ is now known as Josephur [23:45] I'm running 22.04LTS. In an attempt to resolve issues, I upgraded my Nvidia driver from 535 to 550. Now gnome starts instead of KDE. Also, the compositing seems funky. Is there a practical way to debug this? [23:52] garrettkajmowicz, logout, select name, and then select from the menu KDE with xorg. nvidia and wayland is ano go for the moment [23:53] now you are in gnome/x11 .. [23:55] I looked for something like that, but I didn't see a way to select a different desktop environment. [23:58] select name first , then hit the right below icon [23:58] https://fostips.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/login-xorg-jammy.gif [23:58] I'll take another look. Back in a second.