
HenryGI see that xfce 4.20 is available. How do I upgrade to it on my Xubuntu 24.10 system?00:06
oerheksHenryG, not, as it is just released, maybe with 23.04 ..00:10
oerheksoh, next 23.04 is still at .18 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce400:12
HenryGoerheks: So, to try the latest xfce, I must use another distro?00:14
oerheksfind one with 4.20? i guess they are not yet ready00:16
sentient-pantshello, can someone please help me figure out how to set up a preconfigured folder for the desktop of new users that contains shortcuts for games?  i tried using /etc/ske/ and the copied shortcuts are copied broken.  the icons don't load, and they aren't marked as trusted by default.00:24
oerheksyou mean /etc/skel/ ?00:27
sentient-pantsyes, sorry i had a typo00:28
sentient-pantsit copies the files successfully but they don't work right.00:28
oerheksdid you sudo chmod 644 /etc/skel/<your config things>00:30
oerheksnothing more to it, AFAIK00:30
sentient-pantsi'll try that00:34
sentient-pantsthat actually made it worse.  now the permissions are messed up.  the new user can't even open the txt files that are copied.00:39
oerheksweird, all files are 64401:02
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Guest9697I was looking for a security IRC channel08:36
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