
IrcsomeBot_<sgmoore> Hi folks, first, sorry I haven't been around this release. I am very much still want to be here. I was once again hospitalized for a week with this darn arm and infection. I am out now, but have  to do a 200 mile round trip for iv antibiotics for the next 6 weeks. If there is any small tasks I can help with please let me know. Next year will be better! It has to be lol13:06
IrcsomeBot_<Rick_Timmis> Feel better, and wishing you a speedy recovery and best wishes ❤️14:58
IrcsomeBot_<sgmoore> Thank you!14:58
arraybolt3sgmoore: so sorry to hear you're going through all this! Get well soon!16:03
IrcsomeBot_<sgmoore> Thank you!16:04
arraybolt3RikMills: this might be silly, but there's a guy on the r/Kubuntu subreddit who is driving me nuts with what appears to be borderline trolling: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kubuntu/comments/1h5sg1n/comment/m2mnpy7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button16:05
RikMillsarraybolt3: only on that thread?16:07
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> I clapped back16:17
RikMillsok, lets see how that goes. I can reply as KC/dev if needed, or take action as a mod on there. at the moment undecided if stirring the pot is wise16:35
IrcsomeBot_<tsimonq2> RikMills: ban time17:39
arraybolt3lol @ "just as I predicted", so yeah he's just trolling.18:15
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> done (re @tsimonq2: RikMills: ban time)18:25

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