
=== JanC is now known as Guest9592
Bashing-omGyuseok: Welcome :D11:34
=== Gyuseok81 is now known as Gyuseok
Wild_Manhello yeonguk give us a minute it is very early for us12:02
Wild_ManMorning Gyuseok12:06
GyuseokHello Wild_Man12:06
Wild_ManGyuseok, we will be ready in a couple of minutes12:06
GyuseokNo problem, I'll wait12:08
Wild_Man#startmeeting Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board meeting for 18 December 2024. The wiki page for the Review Boards is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards12:10
meetingologyMeeting started at 12:10:28 UTC.  The chair is Wild_Man.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology12:10
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick12:10
Wild_ManGyuseok, you are up first12:11
Wild_ManYou have signed the Code of Conduct. Do you affirm that you have read and understood the whole document, and do you agree to be bound by the terms for the duration of your membership should it be granted?12:11
Gyuseokyes I agree12:12
Wild_ManWe will attempt to get through all the applicants that have added themselves to that list, or posted a thread to the Ubuntu Discourse, before today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the complete list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off.12:12
Wild_ManThe format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO).12:13
Wild_ManEach applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and12:13
Wild_Manprovide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page or Ubuntu Discourse thread. After the introduction, the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions.12:13
Wild_ManDuring this time, it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote.12:14
Wild_ManWhen the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If most of the voting board members vote +1, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (Feel free congratulate them!)12:15
Wild_ManNow, with any further ado, let's get started with the first applicant...12:15
Wild_Man#topic Gyuseok12:16
Wild_Mantopic Gyuseok12:16
Wild_ManSo, first up we have Gyuseok, could you please introduce yourself to the board, share your pre-written statement, and share the links to your wiki page and launchpad account…12:17
GyuseokI'm Gyuseok, I joined the Ubuntu Korea community in 2019 and have been in charge of infrastructure since then, and I'm also involved as an event organizer, starting with Ubucon Asia 2021.12:18
Gyuseokthis is my application https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/gyuseok-jung-membership-application/49672/112:19
Gyuseokand this is my launchpad account https://launchpad.net/~epdlemflaj12:19
mapreriHello Gyuseok !12:20
GyuseokHello mapreri12:21
Wild_ManPlease stand by while the board members review the details you've provided, and then I'll invite them to ask any questions they may have12:23
mapreriI have a question for you: do you see yourself being involved more in the international community side?  I.e., LoCo Council, docs, other ubuntu.com things too, besides "only" Asia?12:24
mapreribig props for taking part in organizing events btw! ♥12:24
GyuseokI also want to be active in the international community, but most of my activities these days are focused on the LoCo.12:25
mapreriack, thank you.12:26
Wild_Man#voters Wild_Man Kilos Bashing-om mapreri12:28
meetingologyCurrent voters: Bashing-om, Kilos, Wild_Man, mapreri12:28
Wild_Man#vote on Gyuseok membership application12:28
meetingologyPlease vote on: on Gyuseok membership application12:28
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, -1 or +0 in channel (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1|-1|+0 #channelname')12:29
meetingology+1 received from Wild_Man12:29
Kilos+1 Keep up the good work12:29
meetingology+1 Keep up the good work received from Kilos12:29
mapreri+1 quite (at least from an international point) but clearly effective work! :)12:29
meetingology+1 quite (at least from an international point) but clearly effective work! :) received from mapreri12:29
Bashing-om+1 Good testimonials attesting a good track record.12:30
meetingology+1 Good testimonials attesting a good track record. received from Bashing-om12:30
meetingologyVoting ended on: on Gyuseok membership application12:30
Carlin0congrats Gyuseok12:30
meetingologyVotes for: 4, Votes against: 0, Abstentions: 012:30
meetingologyMotion carried12:30
maprerikeep up the good work!12:30
youngbinCongrats :) keep up good work!12:30
Bashing-omcongratulations Gyuseok :D12:30
GyuseokThank you. I will continue my activities consistently in the future.12:31
Kiloswelcome aboard Gyuseok12:31
Wild_ManCongratulations Gyuseok12:32
Wild_ManNext up is zeroday061912:32
Kiloshi zeroday061912:32
Wild_Mancould you please introduce yourself to the board, share your pre-written statement, and share the links to your wiki page and launchpad account…12:33
zeroday0619I am Euiseo Cha. I joined the Ubuntu Korea community on April 29, 2023, and have been serving as a forum moderator.12:33
zeroday0619this is my application https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/euiseo-cha-membership-application/4978312:34
zeroday0619this is my launchpad account https://launchpad.net/~devzeroday061912:34
Wild_Manzeroday0619, do you have a link for Ubuntu Korea LoCo forum profile?12:38
zeroday0619this is my LoCo forum profile https://discourse.ubuntu-kr.org/u/zeroday0619/summary12:39
Wild_Man#voters Wild_Man Kilos Bashing-om mapreri12:43
meetingologyCurrent voters: Bashing-om, Kilos, Wild_Man, mapreri12:43
Wild_Man#vote on zeroday0619 membership application12:44
meetingologyPlease vote on: on zeroday0619 membership application12:44
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, -1 or +0 in channel (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1|-1|+0 #channelname')12:44
meetingology+1 received from Wild_Man12:44
meetingology+1 received from Bashing-om12:44
meetingology+1 received from Kilos12:44
mapreri0 - I think I would prefer to see some more clear contributions, and stronger testimonials here.  And perhaps some wider continued involvement in the community besides mostly discourse.12:46
meetingology0 - I think I would prefer to see some more clear contributions, and stronger testimonials here.  And perhaps some wider continued involvement in the community besides mostly discourse. received from mapreri12:46
meetingologyVoting ended on: on zeroday0619 membership application12:47
meetingologyVotes for: 3, Votes against: 0, Abstentions: 112:47
meetingologyMotion carried12:47
Kiloszeroday0619: wello done. now spread your wings12:47
Wild_Man#topic Congratulations to all the new members. Don't forget to check the perks at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership#The_Perks and once you've been added to the members group remember to apply for your certificate at https://forms.canonical.com/certificate/12:47
Wild_ManYour @ubuntu.com email address will go live within 48 hours. Do NOT set it as your primary launchpad.net email address because that will cause emails to loop forever and you'll never receive them!12:48
zeroday0619Thank you. I will continue to maintain my activities steadily.12:48
youngbin@zeroday0619 Congrats :) Keep up good work & hope you can also contribute on other stuff of ubuntu :)12:48
mapreriyoungbin: o//12:49
GyuseokCongratulations zeroday061912:49
youngbinmapreri: hey12:49
meetingologyMeeting ended at 12:49:48 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-12-18-12.10.moin.txt12:50
youngbinmapreri: you packed some soju to home after dc24?12:50
mapreriyoungbin: alas my luggage was very full, and with me planning to cross 3 other countries before going back home I figure that was too much for a bottle :312:52
youngbinlol then you can pack soju with pouch or plastic bottle next time :)12:53
maprerisojo in a IV bag sounds like the way to go ahah12:53
Wild_ManCongratulations again to both of you12:56
Wild_ManI have to run12:56
=== JanC is now known as Guest8798
=== JanC is now known as Guest391
=== JanC is now known as Guest1677

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