
=== tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2
RikMillsSkia: can you poke MoM please?07:25
RikMillsthat reads so wrong07:26
SkiaRikMills: done already08:07
sudiplooks like MoM has decided to ignore Skia today09:55
Skiasudip: no, I did not get an email yet since I kicked it, so I guess it's just still running09:56
Skiait's usually the case when it doesn't run for a while, it needs to catch up09:56
sudipahh.. ok09:58
sudipthanks Skia09:58
Skianp :-)09:58
SkiaI'll try to keep an eye on it during the break, but I can't guarantee its availability during the next two weeks09:59
SkiaI've cowboyed a few `timeout 1h cmd...` in the cron job definition to help me09:59
Skiaso maybe it will hold09:59
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Skiasudip: RikMills: MoM has just finished11:49
RikMillsSkia: great. thanks :)11:50
sudipthanks Skia11:53
jbichatsimonq2: libgit2 says that is grouped with a PPA. Will that cause a problem?15:06
RikMillsjbicha: looks like debhelper in proposed was copied from the same ppa as libgit, so britney is grouping them16:25
RikMillsI: [2024-12-20T15:57:18+0000] - sourceppa: processing libgit2, found invalid grouped package debhelper/13.22ubuntu1, will invalidate set16:25
RikMillsI: [2024-12-20T15:57:18+0000] - friend: debhelper/13.22ubuntu116:25
RikMillsI: [2024-12-20T15:57:18+0000] - friend: libgit2/1.8.4+ds-3ubuntu216:25
RikMillsI: [2024-12-20T15:57:18+0000] - sourceppa: ... invalidating libgit2/1.8.4+ds-3ubuntu2 due to the above (ppa: ~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4984), {'libgit2': '~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4984', 'debhelper': '~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4984'}16:25
RikMillsso, yes that is a problem while debhelper is not a valid candidate16:25
RikMillsI have got tripped up by similar before16:26
jbichaprobably shouldn't use bileto in cases like this where it's not needed16:38
tsimonq2Meh, honest mistake. debhelper shouldn't take long.18:09
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liushuyuso I guess we are close to getting libgit2 and their friends migrated?18:10
tsimonq2"So close, yet so far."18:10
tsimonq2I'm retrying failing autopkgtests for debhelper now. Lots of "unknown" lately...18:10
tsimonq2Also, update_output.txt was showing more that needed to be solved. We should get more details in a few hours.18:11
tsimonq2Ooh, what is lintian-brush?18:13
tsimonq2Well, this looks veryuseful: https://salsa.debian.org/jelmer/lintian-brush18:14
liushuyutsimonq2: dh-puredata/3.2.0 vs debhelper/13.22ubuntu1 looks like a genuine regression, not a tmpfail19:30
tsimonq2liushuyu: Indeed. cjwatson might have the answer off the top of his head, IIRC he brought back distutils... kinda sorta.19:36
liushuyutsimonq2: I can take a look19:38
tsimonq2liushuyu: Go for it :)19:38
tsimonq2(And to be precise, looks like Colin filed the bug but Niels actually made the change, if I'm reading this correctly.)19:42
RikMillsmaybe a hint for libgit? I think there might one to force it to be a candidate?19:47
RikMillsor temp removing debehelper, or even NCRing it19:47
RikMillsassuming regressions are real and not sortable soon19:48
RikMillsoptions anyway19:48
liushuyuI think dh-puredata one is due to missing test dependencies, I am currently testing it locally19:52
tsimonq2mateus-morais: Sorting through your sponsorship requests right now :)20:14
tsimonq2@pilot in20:14
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: tsimonq2
mateus-moraistsimonq2: thanks!20:28
tsimonq2yw :)20:35
tsimonq2adrien: Please explain how you even got Git to commit this ;P https://code.launchpad.net/~adrien/ubuntu/+source/gnupg2/+git/gnupg2/+merge/47783920:44
liushuyutsimonq2: you mean conflict markers? Git actually does not care20:46
tsimonq2hi yes PSA, please remember to unsubscribe ~ubuntu-sponsors, I'm up to like a dozen entries I've had to remove :P20:48
tsimonq2liushuyu: Oh, interesting. I thought Git would at least warn, I'm sure I've run into that before.20:49
jbicharust-cargo-c depends on rust-itertools but that may not be ready to migrate20:51
liushuyutsimonq2: some projects may setup guard rails to check conflict markers via post-commit scripts. Git by default does as little check as possible20:52
liushuyu... I mean, there is even ways for you to create Git commits with empty content or empty commit message20:53
liushuyu* there are20:53
tsimonq2Makes sense.21:01
tsimonq2@pilot out21:01
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: N/A
tsimonq2I made a dent in it, at least.21:01
adrienso, I answered on the MR (due my DSL line being damaged, I'm on tethering and my SSH connection for IRC had hung without me noticing) but it's an interesting question imo: it's just how LP displays things21:08
adrienwhen there is indeed a conflict21:08
adrienthere are two typical situations that I know of for this to happen: a) do your changes but the target branch has changed (this case: there has been a new upload after my MR), b) incorrect "target branch" in LP which can happen with merges because it then makes more sense that the target branch is debian/something but if you forget it to set it...21:10
liushuyudh-puredata will need a newer version to patch the erroneous logic (it's a Debian native package)21:14
tsimonq2adrien: Makes sense, thanks. I'll be happy to re-review the MP at your convenience. :)21:16
tsimonq2liushuyu: `ubuntu` version suffixes in native packages are okay (and if you have a fix we should probably unstick it in Ubuntu), but yeah, please do forward to Debian, as you probably saw it's also failing there.21:17
adrienThanks, I'll to follow-up at least with the gnupg2 one but probably next week as the road to openssl 3.4 was quite exhausting (but it migrated \o/ thanks everyone)21:18
tsimonq2Sounds good!21:21
liushuyutsimonq2: https://code.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/ubuntu/+source/dh-puredata/+git/dh-puredata/+merge/47875421:33
tsimonq2liushuyu: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dh-puredata/3.2.0ubuntu121:41
liushuyuForwarded to Debian as https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=109093221:42
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1090932 in dh-puredata "dh-puredata: autopkgtest fails with debhelper 13.22" [Normal, Open]21:42
liushuyutsimonq2: Thanks!21:48
tsimonq2Thank *you* :)23:00

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