
bynarieDoes anyone use irc anymore?00:27
oerheksthousands, why?00:27
bynarieoerheks, i have not been around for a while. i wasnt sure if it is still popular00:58
b3t10-1not alot of people some are on other platforms like Discord01:12
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VisStokjeblub blub01:21
VisStokjeme is a fish01:21
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tacomasterHow can a snap over write a .deb version install during an apt upgrade?01:56
tacomasterIt has even reinstalled the snap version of firefox which was not even installed as I installed the one from the mozilla ppa01:58
ogra_it's the other way around ... the deb version installs the snap, it isnt the snap "overwriting" the deb version02:02
ogra_seems you didnt set up proper pinning when you set up the PPA02:02
ogra_so you got the firefox deb from the archive .... which only installs the snap02:02
TaysterHello I have a question about my ubuntu pc and don't know if this is the place to ask can I ask anything here or do I need to go to specific channels to ask certain things thanks02:40
ubunuruI can help you, whats wrong?02:40
ubunurusee I am UBUNURU! ><02:41
ubunuruadd a T and there's no difference02:41
ubunuruI can help you with anything... dont be afraid to speak freely02:42
ubunurudont mind my humor02:42
TaysterHello i shut my pc off because it was foze acouple times but now it won't load into ubuntu even if I select it on the boot menu. It opens into initramfs i started a fsck on /dev/sda2 with the flags -f and -y it looks like it's having trouble reading every section of the disk since it is a hdd of 740mb I assume this is going to take a verry verry long time. I'm wondering what my options are to do this more speedy or a diffrent way ot02:48
ubunuruyou just enter nomodeset on your grub command line, to the kernel, and then you can boot right into your desktop environment02:50
ubunuruit's likely that a recent update, broke your formerly working install, which is actually very typical on many distros unfortunately02:51
Bashing-om^ FUD !02:51
ubunuruso you'll simply have to fix the update that just broke your computer, by using an older kernel, and possibly reinstalling your graphics driver02:53
TaysterWhen i said I powered it off weird I meant i physically pressed the computers power button untill it turned off btw i juat wonder if I corrupted the disk by doing that02:53
ubunuruif you know what version of ubuntu you are using, you can find useful advice about your situation from other people who have experienced the same as you02:53
ubunuruit could be, in rare scenarios02:54
TaysterOh ok ill look into the grub command line02:54
ubunuruif you were just doing major upgrades of some sort02:54
ubunurumoving large amounts of files02:54
ubunuruimmediately prior to doing so, then yes02:54
ubunuruthe most important thing you can do, is learn how to disable automatic updates...02:57
ubunuruthat thing must be like, automatically breaking thousands of ubuntu users desktops, similarly to your situation02:58
ubunuruyou gotta do sudo systemctl disable unattended-upgrades03:00
ubunuruthen you'll never get an update that breaks your entire operating system03:01
TaysterOh thank you03:01
ubunuruyou have to do it manually then, preferably not until after updates have had time to be used by other people, and issues worked out03:01
Bashing-omTayster: As you have had to shut the system down hard - It could have left the file system in an inconsistent state - running fsck on the file system is a good thing. Show us from a liveUSB- in a pastebin  what the target is - ' sudo fdisk -lu ' .03:02
TaysterI've used the sudo systemctl command several times for retating stoping and updating the ssh server when I was setting it up. Learning how to do that was a learning curve. I like that my pc did thus because I learn something new from every problem I have with ubuntu mistakes speed up the learning process by forcing you to do things you normally wouldn't or never think of thanks for ur help I didn't even know about nomodeset and gett03:04
TaysterBashing-om should I stop the current fsck and do it on a Bootable usb instead?03:06
Bashing-omTayster: Disregard "nomodeset" - usefull as graphical work-a-rounds. No bearing on this; to this time.03:06
Bashing-omTayster: If you are running fsck while the partition is mounted --- no can do --- as it is then a moving target that can not be fixed.03:08
=== jimmyb73 is now known as jimmyb7
oerheksTayster fix your connection, thanks04:35
oerheksfresh kernel update yay05:10
enigma9o7Your question needs more words.05:36
enigma9o7Lotta questions here have that word in it.05:36
doom_best question how to fix ubuntu05:36
enigma9o7you'll need to describe what's broken05:36
doom_nothin its perfect!05:37
oerhekswe need more info, what ubuntu verion and problem05:37
doom_complimenting the os sirs05:37
oerheksubuntu runs fine here, for a decade05:37
doom_could you goto a terminal05:39
doom_type this real fast05:39
doom_man man05:39
enigma9o7always a good place to start05:39
enigma9o7Unfortunately, there is no manual entry for woman.05:40
enigma9o7Yikes I might get in trouble for that, sorry, that wasn't appropriate.05:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:41
l00pydifference between ubuntu 24.10 and 24.0.1?06:11
oerheksget the changelog for 24.10 ?06:13
ubottuchangelogs for Ubuntu packages can be found on http://changelogs.ubuntu.com06:14
makarahi. My computer would not boot to the page decrypting my disk after updating to 6.8.0-51. So I reverted to 6.8.0-48. What now? I don't want to hold it back forever06:32
=== ancientz0 is now known as ancientz
makarano worries. ChatGPT is even killing irc ;)07:07
enigma9o7Well, you could wait, or file a bug report if one doesn't exist already.07:08
oerhekspin that kernel? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/718969/ubuntu-22-04-restrict-kernel-upgrade07:08
enigma9o7Also, its bedtime in the americas and early morning in europe, not the busiest time on irc in general makara07:09
enigma9o7How do I get applications to open maximized?  Firefox opens maximized, but most everything else that I close while maximized comes back windowed...07:10
moo3I have that too =/ try to windowed it to the max and then close and reopen the app07:11
makaraamericans sleep?07:12
oerheksthere used to be a gnome extention for that07:13
oerheksautomaticly apply F1107:13
=== powersurge36047 is now known as powersurge3604
enigma9o7well f11 is fullscreen isn't it, i meant maximized window...07:13
enigma9o7and not all apps use f11 either do they, thats not a window manager command so the app would have to do it, no?07:15
enigma9o7isn't it supposed to restore windows the way you close them automatically already?  I found it odd it isn't automatic , nor can I find a related setting (or extension now you mention it)07:16
oerheksyes it should..07:18
oerhekssorry for mixing up full screen/max07:18
makara`sudo apt-mark hold linux-image-6.8.0-51-generic` will only hold back this kernel, which is the one I had trouble with. If I have trouble with further kernels I will consider logging an issue07:24
enigma9o7Also it seems it is completely ignoring "NoDisplay=true" in desktop files and putting them in the app grid anyway.07:26
enigma9o7ok maybe im wrong about that, just takes time for it take effect?07:36
Guest27my system doesnt start i have always: failed to start default target: Transaction for graphical.target/start is destructive (emergency.target has `start` job queued  but 'stop' is included in transaction)08:30
Guest27how can i fix that?08:31
oerhekssounds like an entry in Fstab is missing, did you put an externald rive in there?08:34
arifendronugrohoٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ08:47
Guest27_2my entry is: https://bpa.st/7RSA08:50
Guest27_2looks it good?08:51
oerheksturn on that externa drive?08:51
oerheksor remove it from fstab?08:51
Guest27_2no another partition08:51
Guest27_2in my hdd08:52
oerheksthat looks oke.. not sure why it is failing08:52
oerheksi think this is the whole message ? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2498730&p=14195066#post1419506608:52
oerhekstry exit and check that xfs partition?08:55
Guest27_2the partition is ok08:56
Guest27_2i can mount is manual08:57
Guest27_2"sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/extra_data/" works, and i can access it as usual08:58
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Guest27_2but 'sudo mount -a' outputs: "mount: /mnt/extra_data: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda4, missing codepage or helper program, or other error."09:11
Guest27_2blkid output about the partition is: /dev/sda4: UUID="ca084a00-00c7-4b89-982d-eeabbf285460" BLOCK_SIZE="512" TYPE="xfs" PARTLABEL="extra_data" PARTUUID="794b860a-f279-4f64-b57c-3d2a1a1e9ab2"09:19
Guest27_2"sudo mount UUID=ca084a00-00c7-4b89-982d-eeabbf285460 /mnt/extra_data" works09:22
Guest27_2hmpf none is a invalid option for xfs filesystems xD09:25
Guest27_2i have replaced it with defaults and it works :D09:26
zwikMy Ubuntu 24.04 LTS installation thinks my resolution is 2048x1536 (4:3), however the actual  screen resolution is 1920x1080 (16:9). The weird thing is, that when the 2048x1536 resolution is selected, it looks good on the screen, but when I move my mouse to the bottom and right side of the screen, there's more desktop that I can't see. when I select the correct resolution (1920x1080) I notice the same09:40
zwikbehavior on the bottom and left side but also it looks squished together. How can I solve this? This happens during the installation of Ubuntu LTS. Also I'm on a Sony Vaio laptop with a NVidia GT330 graphics card. I don't need the official nvidia drivers, nouveau would be okay as well.09:40
zwikI also tried adding video=1920x1080 as kernel argument in Grub during boot, that doesn't seem to help either. That seems to boot the installation in 2048x1536 and gives the same behavior as above.09:46
zwikAlso, I remember that older installations do work. I'm not sure what has been changed though.09:49
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
zwikI just verified, LTS 22.04 comes up with a wrong resolution as well, LTS 20.04 does give me the correct resolution.10:34
oerhekson what videocard/driver?10:34
oerhekshave you tried to reset your monitor with its own menu?10:35
zwikDuring installation, not sure which driver is used there. In the laptop is an nvidia GT300M. I'm using the build in screen of the laptop10:35
oerhekslshw -c video # see driver part10:36
zwikOn 22.04 the driver is nouveau10:37
oerheksohm that 300m was supported by the 340 driver, now gone in noble/24.0410:38
oerheksuse the nouveau driver10:38
zwikI'm pretty sure, the nouveau driver is used in 22.04 and 24.04 as well, Will flash a driver with 24.04 again to verify10:39
oerheksubuntu-driver list # gives all drivers available10:40
oerheksbut not for yours10:40
zwikI'm not sure what you're saying. In LTS 22.04, the nouveau driver is used as well. ubuntu-drivers list does list nvidia-340 but that is not what is actively used right? Again, during installation. I don't think the installation uses the nvidia-340 drivers?10:42
zwiklshw -c video says the nouveau driver is used in LTS 22.0410:43
zwikDuring the installation of 24.04 when I open a terminal and type lshw -c video it doesn't say anything about a driver, it does on 22.0410:52
zwikubuntu-drivers doesn't list anything where on 22.04 it only listed the nvidia-34010:52
zwikI'm not sure how to check which video driver currently is used during the installation of 24.0410:53
oerheksmaybe you need sudo lshw -c video10:54
oerheksyes, the 340 is gone, but it sounds like you better file a bugreport10:54
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.10:54
zwikah, lsmod lists the nouveau driver being used10:55
zwikIt might be a bug in nouveau/kernel? I notice the same behavior in Arch as well.10:56
oerheksyes, so a bugreport might help others & distros too10:56
tomreynzwik: i'm not certain about this, but i'd expect all live / installer systems to not use the nvidia driver themselves10:56
tomreynzwik: a change that may have been introduced, though, is whether xorg or wayland is used10:57
zwiktomreyn: I agree! I'm fine to use the nouveau driver. The 340 driver is not supported anymore and I'm fine with that :) . I just want my resolution to be working :)10:57
tomreynsure, that's understandable10:57
zwikI'll file a bugreport10:58
tomreynthe "env" command (run in a terminal emulator, ctrl-alt-t) should give away which graphics server is being used10:58
zwiktomreyn: which env var should I be looking for?10:59
oerheksenv | grep XDG_SESSION_TYPE11:00
zwikX11 on 24.0411:00
oerheksas expected..11:00
tomreynokay then no need to check the others11:00
tomreynmaybe 24.10 switches to wayland there11:01
Guest27_2and is X11 still available?11:02
tomreyni think (not really sure there) 20.04 to 24.04 use wayland by default but will switch to Xorg if an nvidia GPU is detected11:02
zwikfor filing a bug report ubuntu-bug is advised. It expects a buggy-package-name as argument, what package name should I use in this case?11:02
tomreynX11 is still available in all supported releases11:02
oerheksubuntu-bug nouveau11:02
zwikthanks all!11:03
zwikI can't do that during installation?11:04
zwikbecause it doesn't actually crash?11:05
oerheksno, wait until you finished and rebooted11:05
backuppci am asked to take backup of the files stored is a windows file server...... My plan is to mount the windows shared folder on the linux box and use rsync......Gnome will be too resource hungry .....is lubuntu good for this?11:05
oerhekslubuntu/mate/xubuntu will do, or server11:06
backuppcoerheks Dont want a headless....The issue is all ubuntu variants are supported for only 3 years11:07
Guest27_2but new proprietary nvidia works still with wayland (nouveau has bugs i believe)11:07
oerheksnouveau gets better every update11:08
oerhekshence the drop of 34011:08
Guest27_2depends on which features you use11:09
oerheksthat GT300m is from mid 201011:10
zwikThe laptop is ancient indeed11:22
=== alucardromero9 is now known as alucardromero
BluesKajHi all12:40
oerheks!cookie | BluesKaj12:40
ubottuBluesKaj: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!12:40
jp_is there a way to log all nfc traffic from the built in nfc (controlvault3) access ?12:58
ogra_jp_, perhaps if you put pcscd into debug mode ?13:02
Guest38is this the Ubuntu support club13:08
anankeyes, we meet every day after school13:09
oerheksjp_, https://github.com/nfcgate/nfcgate13:11
oerheksoh android.. oops13:13
ogra_yeah, on linux there is only pcscd i think13:13
oerhekshttps://www.kali.org/tools/libnfc/ but this goes beyond the scope of this channel13:16
lotuspsychjeits on the ubuntu repos too oerheks13:28
jp_wow, you can do it with libnfc?13:30
jp_ogra: pcscd has a debug mode13:30
jp_gotta check that out13:31
jp_thing is libnfc shows 0 devices13:32
jp_while pcsc_scan shows my readers13:32
jp_or wait, not nfc-list shows segmentation fault13:33
ogra_libnfc is simply not as old :) ... and the only app in the archive using it is limited to passports/IDs13:33
Wamphyridoes anyone have alot of experience with grub boot issues where it can't read or write to hd0?15:10
Wamphyrii made the mistake of making the vm 4tb which broke grub15:10
lotuspsychje!recovergrub | Wamphyri15:24
ubottuWamphyri: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub15:24
MingsPing67Hi, I am currently doing a release upgrade from 22.04 to 24.04. Now I am unfortunately getting a nasty error message: The upgrade has completed but there were errors during the upgrade process. And then ‘Command terminated with exit status 1’. The error above it is ‘ModuleNotFoundError: No module named “apt_pkg”’ and above that16:00
MingsPing67‘import apt_pkg’. I have/had Python 3 and 2 installed. python3 --version returns ‘Python 3.12.3’, python --version returns the same error from the upgrade. Does anyone know what to do?16:00
oerhekswhy did you install python2.7?16:04
oerheksPython 3.12.3 = noble = 24.0416:05
MingsPing67oerheks It was installed previously I guess. (I didnt install it recently. I assume that `python` was linked to Python 2.7, but it's just a guess)16:07
ioriaMingsPing67, apt-cache policy python3-apt | nc termbin.com 999916:08
oerhekspython 2.7 is from 20.04 era?16:09
oerheksinstalled manually16:09
MingsPing67ioria https://termbin.com/1egy16:10
ioriaMingsPing67, sudo apt update | nc termbin.com 999916:10
genii!info python2.7 noble16:11
ubottuPackage python2.7 does not exist in noble16:11
oerheks2.4.0ubuntu4 is from jammy?16:11
oerheksoops, wrong, that is python-apt16:12
MingsPing67ioria https://termbin.com/tbh816:12
oerheks10.04 ...16:12
ioriaMingsPing67, sudo apt install --reinstall  python3-apt | nc termbin.com 999916:13
MingsPing67ioria this I tried, I get "You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.16:14
MingsPing67The following packages have unmet dependencies:" and then its a large list of programs16:14
ioriaMingsPing67, sudo apt --fix-broken install | nc termbin.com 999916:15
wallbrokenapt-get install xidel16:16
wallbrokendoesn't get anything16:16
MingsPing67ioria https://termbin.com/eile16:16
wallbrokenE: Unable to locate package xidel16:16
oerheks!find xidel16:16
ubottuFile xidel found in libxi-dev16:17
MingsPing67ioria Should I run it without the pipe?16:17
wallbrokenthank you16:17
ioriaMingsPing67, run again without the pipe, then paste the output16:17
wallbrokenMingsPing67, no16:17
wallbrokenlibxi-dev has "xidle"16:18
wallbrokeni'm lookin for https://www.videlibri.de/xidel.html16:18
ioriai would not call a '1674 not upgraded' as 'upgrade completed'16:19
wallbrokenxidel --extract 'plist/dict/array/data'16:19
wallbrokenis there something similar out of the box?16:19
oerheks!info xq16:20
ubottuxq (1.0.0-2ubuntu0.24.04.2, noble): command line XML and HTML beautifier and content extractor. In component universe, is optional. Built by xq. Size 2,663 kB / 7,399 kB16:20
oerheksgo wild on !info in pm with ubottu16:20
oerheksand !find16:21
MingsPing67ioria https://pastebin.com/Ahc3WKmZ16:21
wallbrokenis working16:21
wallbrokenthank you16:21
wallbrokeni'm using Ubuntu on Windows16:22
wallbrokenis a terminal you can install from Microsoft Store16:22
wallbrokendo you know it?16:22
ioriaMingsPing67, dpkg -l | grep summerpalace | nc termbin.com 999916:22
oerheksoh wsl, i dunno16:22
ubottuWindows 10 and newer have a feature called "Windows Subsystem for Linux", which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide16:22
MingsPing67ioria https://termbin.com/3ljy16:23
ioriaMingsPing67, sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/summerpalace* /tmp   && sudo  apt --fix-broken install16:25
ogra_seems you want: sudo rm -rf /var/cache/dell-telemetry16:26
ogra_then it should be removable16:26
MingsPing67ioria OK wow, now it's doing stuff. What the ... . Some stuff of preinstalled Dell stuff is breaking my upgrade :-/16:26
ioriayeah, also check what ogra_ just said above16:26
ioriawe'll see16:27
wallbroken!find plist16:27
ubottuFound: libplist++-2.0-4, libplist++-dev, libplist-2.0-4, libplist-dev, libplist-doc, golang-github-dhowett-go-plist-dev, golang-github-ryszard-goskiplist-dev, golang-github-valyala-tcplisten-dev, golang-howett-plist-dev, libdd-plist-java and 7 others <https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=plist&searchon=names&suite=noble&section=all>16:27
wallbroken!find pblist16:28
ubottuPackage/file pblist does not exist in noble16:28
wallbroken!find bplist16:28
ubottuFound: libplist++-2.0-4, libplist++-dev, libplist-2.0-4, libplist-dev, libplist-doc, libplist-utils16:28
ogra_wallbroken, can you do that in a PM to ubottu please ?16:29
wallbrokenyes, i'm sorry16:29
=== paran0n20 is now known as paran0n2
wolfbanehi everyone16:31
ioriabe right back in 15 min16:34
MingsPing67ioria  OK `apt --fix-broken install` has now successfully finished. I also deleted that cache directory. I'm trying now to continue the upgrade.16:42
Wamphyrilotuspsychje na theres no windows involved with this16:47
Wamphyrilotuspsychje its a original vm install on proxmox, it had a 2tb drive that got filled then when i expanded it to 4tb it broke with the error: cant read or write hd016:48
Wamphyrii can mount the drive into a rescue situation using a live cd..16:49
Wamphyribut not matter what i do i can't get it to boot properly when i reboot16:49
Wamphyrigrub comes up but then always gives me the hd0 error16:49
ioriaMingsPing67, sudo apt full-upgrade | nc termbin.com 999916:53
MingsPing67ioria sry, I already pressed "r" on my initial "sudo do-release-upgrade" terminal. It's now doing stuff. Was that wrong?16:54
ioriaMingsPing67, nope, let's wait16:54
MingsPing67ioria "System upgrade is complete.17:29
MingsPing67Restart required17:29
MingsPing67If u never here back from me, my computer is in the trash. Bye17:29
ioriaMingsPing67, how is going ?17:35
MingsPingioria It seems that my system upgrade is now complete. Rebooting worked. Miracle. Thanks for your concise help! I dont think that I could've managed that on my own.17:35
MingsPingGonna remove all Dell related stuff now;-)17:35
ioriaMingsPing67, first remove old packages17:35
ioriaMingsPing67, sudo apt autopurge and check the output before 'y'17:36
MingsPingReading package lists... Done17:36
MingsPingBuilding dependency tree... Done17:36
MingsPingReading state information... Done17:36
MingsPing0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:36
ioriaok, good then 'sudo apt clean'17:37
MingsPingioria Returned nothing, did nothing I assume.17:37
ioriayes, i guess you're good MingsPing17:38
MingsPingYes! :) Thanks again. Have a good night17:38
ioriaMingsPing, no prob17:38
ogra_well, an autoremove would have been clever ...17:47
ogra_one of the logs showed a ton of packages that could have been autoremoved ...17:47
=== iH8sasl2 is now known as dotOnion
lotuspsychjewelcome Markozas18:05
Markozasi am using nvidia 565 drivers, from the nvidia repo (cuda-drivers proprietary) on ubuntu 24.04. for some reason gdm3 wants to start with Xorg instead of wayland18:05
Markozasis there anything i can do?18:06
lotuspsychjeMarkozas: this just released from rss news, https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2024/12/nvidia-driver-565-ppa/18:07
lotuspsychjewe had some users reporting similar, maybe try a reboot instead of a logout/login Markozas18:07
leftyfbMarkozas: are you picking wayland from the login screen?18:08
Markozasleftyfb: gdm3 starts Xorg yes. but when i use intel igpu (prime-select intel, instead of prime-select nvidia) gdm3 runs on wayland18:08
Markozasits an issue with nvidia for some reason18:09
leftyfbMarkozas: https://apploye.com/help/content/images/2022/11/ubuntu-login-cogwheel.jpg18:10
Markozasi am connecting via ssh, and i see gdm3 starts Xorg on nvidia, but wayland on intel18:10
Markozasso i can use waypipe over ssh with intel, but not with nvidia18:11
leftyfbMarkozas: don't use ssh, use a monitor, keyboard and mouse18:11
Markozasi dont have access to that currently18:12
Markozassome users suggest installing this:  apt install libnvidia-egl-wayland118:12
leftyfbMarkozas: then why do you need to use wayland?18:12
Markozasi want to deploy an application that uses wayland only18:12
leftyfbMarkozas: edit /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and set WaylandEnable=true18:13
Markozasi have done that, its ignored on nvidia, works on intel18:13
leftyfbMarkozas: got secureboot disabled?18:13
Markozasnot sure, but nvidia module is loaded.18:14
Markozasi also used the cuda-drivers from nvidia repo, which are supposed to be signed i think18:14
leftyfbtried setting this as a kernel parameter? nvidia-drm.modeset=118:15
Markozasthe cuda-drivers, set this in /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf       options nvidia-drm modeset=118:15
Markozasdidnt try it directly as kernel param, but i assume its the same18:16
leftyfbI would try it as a kernel parameter18:16
Markozasarchwiki, says i might also need  options nvidia-drm fbdev=118:16
Markozaswhich i havent tried yet18:16
leftyfbI'm reading you might also need that libnvidia-egl-wayland1 package18:17
leftyfbbut again, if you're running everything over ssh, I don't understand why you need wayland over xorg18:18
Markozasleftyfb i tried installing it, but cuda-drivers from:  https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/index.html#ubuntu18:19
Markozasare in conflict18:19
lotuspsychjeusualy users benefit better from the ubuntu graphics ppa Markozas18:19
ubottuDrivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers18:20
lotuspsychjeunless you want cuda specificly?18:20
Markozasno i want the proprietary nvidia driver 565, should i get it with ubuntu-drivers instead?18:21
Markozas(dont need cuda, just proprietary nvidia driver for nvenc/nvedec)18:21
lotuspsychjeMarkozas: i would reccomend the ubuntu repos first, if its not there, the ubuntu graphics ppa18:22
CeeClearHello. Got a question to ask about burning a data disk to blue ray18:23
Markozasso secureboot is enabled (mokutil --sb-state​, got it from this)18:25
Markozasi cannot sign drivers with a popup during boot. what are my options to install nvidia drivers from the repos?18:25
Markozasis there any driver already signed? (i think non-dkms ones are signed right?)18:25
lotuspsychjeMarkozas: secureboot enabled can influence the working of your hardware, try disable to make sure18:28
CeeClearbeen trying to burn a blu ray data disk. the drive recognizes it as a blu ray but when i try to burn it I get the error message "Unsupported type of task operation18:32
CeeClearSession error : An internal error occurred (brasero_burn_record brasero-burn.c:2854)"18:32
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Markozasif there was an issue with secureboot, would lspci -k , show that the nvidia module was loaded?18:34
lotuspsychjeMarkozas: if secureboot blocks, it would showup in your sudo dmesg18:34
lotuspsychjeMarkozas: to see if your driver succesfully loaded, sudo lshw -C video , and nvidia-smi18:34
Markozasnvidia-smi works and lshw18:35
Markozasnvidia: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.18:37
Markozasbut seems to be loaded, as well as nvidia-drm18:37
Markozasarchwiki claims gdm3 has some udev rule, that stops it from running wayland on nvidia, and prefers x1118:38
Markozasbut i cant find that rule in ubuntu18:38
lotuspsychjeMarkozas: well, the new nvidia driver surely needs a lot of testers18:40
lotuspsychjefor wayland that is18:40
Markozasis there a way to see why gdm3 chose x11?18:40
Markozasjournalctl doesnt say anything18:40
lotuspsychjeMarkozas: if i was you, i would first disable secureboot and start doing tests after18:41
lotuspsychjeMarkozas: you got autologin?18:41
Markozasno but i can enable it from gdm3/custom.conf18:43
Markozasjournalctl says gdm-x-session starts, instead of gdm-wayland-session18:44
Markozasusing gdm/custom.conf, i autologined as normal user, with wayland eanbled, the user session uses x1118:50
lotuspsychjeMarkozas: try autologin off, secureboot off and clean reboot to gdm, see if you can anter wayland on 56518:51
Markozasunfortunately its a remote machine, i dont have a way to disable secureboot remotely18:52
Markozasmaybe its a gdm3 issue, i will try sddm or something else18:52
lotuspsychjei would go agree with leftyfb here, testing graphics over ssh might not be best to test wayland18:55
lotuspsychjei'd go physical testing myself18:55
ioriaMarkozas, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm3/+bug/208049818:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2080498 in gdm3 (Ubuntu Jammy) "Default session type changed from Xorg to Wayland in some installs of 22.04 on Nvidia hybrids since kernel 6.8" [Medium, New]18:56
Markozasarchwiki was right, the udev rule in ubuntu for gdm was elsewhere though:  https://askubuntu.com/a/140391618:59
Markozasits a gdm specific issue, they force x11 under some conditions even if you pick wayland18:59
lotuspsychjenice find ioria18:59
ioriaMarkozas, /udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules ?19:01
ioriaok, tx19:01
Markozasarchwiki says that you can conform with the udev rules ideally: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GDM#Wayland_and_the_proprietary_NVIDIA_driver19:01
Markozasand if you cant, you can disable the udev rule19:01
Markozasi didnt manage to satisfy the udev rule though, i did all that was listed19:01
Markozasthis issue doesnt exist in sddm for kde19:02
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CeeClearSo any tips or advice on burning wi blu rays with ubuntu19:31
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Markozas# For nvidia drivers versions Above 510, prefer Xorg by default20:19
Markozaswhy does gdm has this udev rule20:19
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Commit c24e0e6 in GNOME/gdm "data: Remove nvidia driver version check"20:23
Markozasthey fixed it here20:23
Markozasshould i get newer gnome version on ubuntu 24.04?20:23
tomreynyou might be aware that nvidia is the only gpu vendor who didn't get around to supporting wayland for a decade, which required everyone to add workarounds to still make their customers happy. those workarounds may now be getting in the way more than be useful that *some* nvidia driver series have finally received somewhat stable wayland support20:29
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Markozasi have been hitting my head against the wall for hours, it turned out there is a udev rule that forces xorg for gdm for all new nvidia drivers20:30
Markozasdoesn't even pick specific versions which are problematic20:30
Markozassddm on kde doesn't do that, ubuntu needs to backport the fix from upstream asap20:31
Markozasthe commit was from 202320:31
tomreyni assume this was a decision taken close to 24.04 release when it turned out the wayland support nvdia had promised didn't actually work out.20:31
tomreynyou could file a feature request to have it re-evaluated20:32
tomreynbut i'm not sure that gdm will get an SRU for this20:34
tomreynunless it's clear that it will work reliably then20:34
tomreyn(i'm saying this as a volunteer, i'm not involved in ubuntu delevopment)20:36
Markozas565 works with wayland good according to what people say20:36
Markozasalso this must be ubuntu specific, i dont see this rule in upstream at any point20:39
oerheksnext 24.10 will ..20:44
oerheksjust not this LTS, that aims on stability20:44
Markozasit is an ubuntu specific patch, i downloaded the gdb3.tar.xz source and found a patch that reverts the upstream commit20:44
Markozaswell done ubuntu, you know better than upstream i guess20:45
Markozasdisable all future nvidia versions for noble20:45
oerheks... rant away, i just gave you the answer it will be supported on wayland.20:45
Markozaswhatever canonical has always been trash20:46
Markozasdebian patches things too, but they didnt do that, and they are much more stable than ubuntu20:46
Markozascanonical just spams MOTD and apt to get enteprise for extra updates20:46
* oerheks walks away20:46
Markozas(extra random patches)20:46
Markozasthanks ubuntu for making me waste 6 hours of my life, and thinking upstream was at fault20:47
Markozasmy company is using ubuntu for everything, time for a change of vendor20:47
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u0_a144who megamichi23:16
enigma9o7yeah, gnome tried implemeting nvidias eglstreams or whatever it was, never worekd quite right, nvidia finally agreed to support GBM, so gnome dropped their eglstreams support for nvidia until their GBM was ready23:18
enigma9o7Does 24.04 not use wayland by default on nvidia?  I figured with nvidia-550 that comes with 24.04 it'd be good enough.  but i can also understand why they'd want to keep it disabled by default too.23:20
enigma9o7But yeah, everyone who uses nvidia should switch to another vendor :)23:20
oerheksenigma9o7, 24.10 will support nvidia /wayland23:28
oerheksnot this LTS23:28
enigma9o7How bout kubuntu 24.10, are they wayland by default on nvidia?23:39
oerhekskde does that too, AFAIK23:41
ogra_it depends on the driver ...23:42
ogra_and IIRC the hybrid graphics setups default to xorg in any case ... but newer discrete cards that use a driver >510 will use wayland by default23:43
ogra_(in 22.04 already that is)23:43
oerheksah i use the 470 for my 650..23:45
enigma9o7That doesn't support any form of wayland anyway, not the (now unused) eglstreams, or the new gbm stuff.23:45

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