[00:50] it works \o/ [00:50] https://distfiles.gentoo.org/releases/amd64/autobuilds/20241220T192248Z/di-amd64-cloudinit-20241220T192248Z.qcow2 [05:25] \o/ [18:33] holmanb: for a non-systemd distro does an alternative to the sd_notify function need to be implemented for single process c-i functionality? [20:17] minimal: shouldn't need toa [20:20] Just configure a service that starts cloud-init --all-stages as a daemon service I think [20:29] holmanb: ok, I guess I was trying to understand what this is actually doing in a systemd context: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/main/cloudinit/socket.py#L15 [21:33] Oh gotcha [21:34] So that is how we ensure that Local stage doesn't run before the sockets are set up [22:07] There's a couple ways we could handle that in openrc [22:26] We could skip waiting on the Local socket in the Python code and make it only wait for the other three stages