
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> @DarinMiller @TwoSwissCats could we have a yes/no on that?10:44
RikMillsand valorie 10:44
valorieoops, I see "19:41
valorie <RikMills> @DarinMiller @TwoSwissCats could we have a yes/no on that?19:41
valorie[02:44] <RikMills> and valorie 19:41
valoriebut what's the question?19:41
IrcsomeBot_<Rick_Timmis> Hi Valorie {} I sent an email to the KC List about standing in as Treasure for 12 months19:55
valoriethank you @Rick_Timmis19:56
valoriewill look for it as soon as I'm connected to the meeting which starts in 4 mins19:56
IrcsomeBot_<Rick_Timmis> It's an important decision, so I think it needs a Quorum from the KC19:56
IrcsomeBot_<Rick_Timmis> Merry Xmas to you and yours, and a big {{HUG}} from me to you19:57
valoriehave voted; hopefully did that correctly20:09
valorieMerry Christmas and happy New Year to all, and {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}20:10
RikMillsvalorie: would you mind confirming how you voted here? I see no email on the list yet20:46
RikMillsand happy xmas :)20:46
valorieodd, I sent it20:46
valorielet me check my outbox20:46
valoriesent 30 mins ago20:47
RikMillsthe list is being weird. my reply did not appear yet either20:48
RikMillsvalorie: hence asking you to repeat the basic yes or no here20:49
valoriegot it! a hearty YES20:49
RikMillsthanks :D20:49
valoriethank you RikMills <320:49
IrcsomeBot_<sgmoore> Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 all!!!21:06
valoriesgmoore: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{[hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}22:30
valorieI hope that 2025 is full of healing and prosperity for you and yours 22:30
valorieand that your christmas is happy, merry, and everything good22:31

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