
tsimonq2debhelper and libgit2 are now candidates00:46
tsimonq2    got: 8+0: a-2:a-1:a-1:i-1:p-1:r-1:s-100:46
tsimonq2    * i386: librust-cargo-c-dev00:46
tsimonq2Oh, that's because rust-cargo-c -> rustc-1.83. Right.00:51
tsimonq2...which is blocked on MIR fun00:52
tsimonq2And all of that is blocked on llvm-toolchain-19. Whoo.00:52
RikMillstsimonq2: llvm riscv64 might finish building before xmas day. if lucky :D01:11
tsimonq2RikMills: Maybe slight hyperbole, my bet is maybe another 12h ;)01:14
tsimonq2When I push changes to lp:ubuntu-sponsoring, does anyone know if that needs to be pulled manually server-side? I see the report updating, I don't see the changes synced though.06:37
* tsimonq2 uses The Large Hammer to retry python-django rdep autopkgtests with all the relevant packages06:42
tsimonq2I'm seeing a couple of rdeps that are in proposed with a new upstream release but the version in release is what's being tested. Nice.06:42
tsimonq2sudip: tycho could use a new upstream version in Debian maybe, I'm 0-day NMUing right now.07:07
juliankbdrung, schopin: fwiw, I cherry-picked the apport fixes and uploaded it earlier today to hopefully unblock the apt migration now14:52
juliankI wonder when I will upload the OpenSSL and no more trusted.gpg experiment14:53
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tsimonq2Niiiiice, I think I broke the sponsorship report.21:01
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