[00:41] UWN: Opening 871 for my Friday's update. [01:34] Saved and out - site is slow . [01:35] yeah... made a typo (s/not/now) which took mins to resolve... [03:29] * guiverc posting (if it'll let me) [03:32] * guiverc out [03:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Stéphane Graber: LXC/LXCFS/Incus 6.0.3 LTS release @ https://stgraber.org/2024/12/20/lxc-lxcfs-incus-6-0-3-lts-release/ [03:59] * guiverc pasting [04:01] * guiverc out [04:11] Bashing-om, is there a reason why https://jriddell.org/2024/09/10/openuk-awards-2024/ was included? its from Sept... awards night was in nov; in error?? I say drop [04:14] guiverc: Error on my part ! drop . [04:34] * guiverc pasting [04:35] * guiverc out [04:38] I notice two URLs after Security Podcast; is the second general link supposed to be hidden (ie. skeleton or pre-publish use & not visible on issue??) [04:44] guiverc: 2nd link from the skeleton - I failed to remove :( [04:44] not a problem (at this early stage particularly !!) [04:45] * guiverc suspected that... but you're so good at removing it, I couldn't remember seeing it (ever!) [04:46] guiverc: Scatter brained - today - morso than usual :P [04:47] * guiverc is always scatter-brained I fear [14:50] anything in here really? [14:50] .. [14:50] . [22:17] UWN: Opening 871 for Saturday ops. Will be a spell. [23:45] Saved and out. See what tomorrow brings.