
lotuspsychjeanyone knows where to report rss error; Error: Couldn't get RSS feed. Parser error: <unknown>:2:0: not well-formed (invalid token)13:31
lotuspsychjefrom https://ubuntu.com/blog/feed13:31
ogra_i'd use the bug report link at the bottom of https://ubuntu.com/blog13:34
lotuspsychjeok tnx ogra_ 13:35
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Issue 14592 in canonical/ubuntu.com "Rss feed parser error" [Open]13:51
lotuspsychjereported, tnx ogra_ 13:51
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Bashing-omUWN: Issue871 now avilable to our reading public: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-871/51380 :D21:08
jlucis there somme illiterate public that could not be reading ?22:02
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