[01:33] Bashing-om, are you happy with vote extension summary; sorry if feels awkward to me .. I wonder if a "," added after 'added' would help, ie. "Though it was added, " [01:38] xfce 4.20 one ... s/concludes offering Thanks/concludes offering thanks/ (drop case of T in 'thanks') [01:38] looking/editing. [01:39] * guiverc still reading (somewhat slowly i fear..) [01:40] Discourse being S L O W too :( [01:40] * guiverc not happy with emoji one.. investigating (believe how i read it now doesn't match what was intended..) [01:41] maybe s/updated/paused/ in emoji one; .. "has resulted in the package release being paused;.." [01:42] paused isn't ideal either.. but I suspect less easily missunderstood... [01:45] first focal/20.04 update is a bot post.. suggest drop [01:46] * guiverc notices you're right... discourse IS SLOW +++ [01:47] guiverc: Vote Extension: "dates will be added when known." A comma would interrupt the flow of thought - me thinks. [01:47] leave it then... [01:48] 502 error on discourse... i'm paused for now [01:54] * guiverc goes :( when I note a deb11 in the package version detail.. [01:55] 503'n now :( [01:57] * guiverc is listening to one of my favorite pieces of music... so :) [01:59] me continues on catching up on world events and politics :( [02:13] suggest dropping https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/oracular-changes/2024-December/010355.html from oracular (archive bot) [02:13] * guiverc at end, ^ all i noted ... [02:33] saved and out. [02:49] thanks Bashing-om , looks great [02:53] guiverc: Thanks to you. sir :D [16:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: OpenShot Video Editor Gets an Effortless, Seamless, Streamlined, etc New Release @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/12/openshot-3-3-video-editor-release [19:35] UWN: Opening 871; One other that I propose to add - https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/new-ubuntu-membership-board-2024/51814 // In the menawhile I pull WIP/WIKI/Comments - a bit of cleanup. [20:49] guiverc: One other that I propose to add - https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/new-ubuntu-membership-board-2024/51814 . [20:50] okay, rather late... i'm getting close to thinking about publish stage (not yet made my first cuppa; usually it's after that..) [20:51] guiverc: Late - but I wonder how many are waiting the election results ? [20:51] congrats by the way Bashing-om :) [20:53] when I saw results pushed last night; i thought about inclusion but opted to ignore as outside of week.. Next issue is almost bare & maybe ignored by readers anyway due to just after chrissy; so push now does make sense I now think [20:53] Than you - 3 members replaced. Would not be seeming for me to make up a summary - perceived as biased. do it ? [20:55] guiverc: Sounds good === we run the results next issue. Starting the push :D [20:55] i can do summary if you'd like [20:57] * guiverc logged out & rebooted (once per fortnight) last night, logged into gnome & this pc now feels 'foreign', me is slower functioning (made worse by no coffee/chock yet maybe too) [20:57] I like your thought to leave for next issue - need some content :P [20:59] 2 cups of coffee before I am responsible for anything :P [21:04] UWN: M/L is away - making a Mastodon blog next. [21:15] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/12/23/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-871/ [21:34] UWN: Setting up 872 next. [21:46] uwn: 872 on the line at a low idle :D [21:47] tweeted 871 & (mewe) but getting nowhere with telegram.. [22:26] posted uwn 871 to fb [22:49] \o/ FB