[00:05] this was a fun journey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfZxOuc9Qwk [00:05] and now for bed :) [00:07] oh the 43" TV? [00:07] daftykins: It might have been better, and cheaper, to find a home at a Japanese museum and visit it [17:31] penguin42: haha yeah i am curious what money we'd be talking [17:32] erm what was that in reply to? [17:33] the youtube TV from Japan [17:34] ah yeh [18:14] 1st born son or an arm and a leg? [18:55] price of a 2nd hand car is very vague. my dad's last car was 2nd hand. cost 200quid. but in usa people have been complaining that 2nd hand cars are super expensive 10-15k dollars === daftykin1 is now known as daftykins