
enigma9o7I already have it working by having the shortcut open that script in a terminal (i.e. gnome-terminal -- blank-screen.sh) and works fine.  but i dont want to open terminal.00:00
enigma9o7also have --full-screen in there too in fact cuz if i moved the mouse before pressing key could get stuck blank00:00
enigma9o7but thats bad hack until I learn how I should be doing it00:01
JanCyou'd have to open another full-screen window probably00:01
enigma9o7I'm lost.  Open another full-screen window of what, and are you talking about a way to wait for keypress/mouse?00:02
ogra_busctl --user set-property org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig /org/gnome/Mutter/DisplayConfig org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig PowerSaveMode i 100:02
enigma9o7I want a way to wait for keypress/mouse in gnome, not in a terminal.  Then this solution would be complete.00:02
ogra_enigma9o7, ^^^00:02
ogra_thats the new equivalent of xset dpms ...00:03
ogra_busctl --user set-property org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig /org/gnome/Mutter/DisplayConfig org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig PowerSaveMode i 000:03
ogra_to turn them back on programmatically (but i'D expect a keypress to do the same)00:04
JanCenigma9o7: keyboard/mouse go to the window that has focus00:04
JanCor Gnome Shell for "global" shortcuts, I guess00:05
enigma9o7ok that seems to work, i set it to 1, and actualy ended up rebooting cuz i couldn't get out of it blind, and unlike the way I was doing before with brightness control, it didnt work to turn the brighness back up with function keys00:07
JanCbut when you just run a bash script without a window, I don't think there would be an (easy) way to get keyboard/mouse input?00:07
enigma9o7but in any case, if that works, i still need the way to wait for kepress to do between those two things00:07
enigma9o7ogra_: no, keypress did not do the same00:07
ogra_well, then bind the secdond one to a key combo to have a "wakeup key"00:08
enigma9o7Sure, but dont want a wakeup key, want to wake on keypress and/or mouse.00:09
enigma9o7keypress OR keypress & mouse00:09
ogra_this is in any case better than having something permanently sitting there eating your battrery waiting for a keypress in a loop00:09
JanCAFAIK screen savers just open a full-screen window to get HID events00:09
enigma9o7the other disadvantage i have with read is that modifier keys dont unblank it, cant use shift/ctrl which is annoying.  but i hadn't thought of something eating battery waiting?00:10
enigma9o7is it using any more battery than if it werent waiting?  i mean isnt a computer always waiting?  and surely if it does require battery, its less than the screen being on00:11
JanCdepends on how it's implemented below the surface00:11
enigma9o7say read, as right now thats the only way I know how to do it00:11
ogra_well, the "read -n 1" will keep the shell alive it lives in00:11
enigma9o7i mean if its using battery waiting for a specific hotkey, its the same thing, i dont see any real difference, other than perhaps if gnomes way is more efficient, which is what I'd rather use than  read in a terminal anyway00:13
ogra_i'm sure there are other ways too ... via echoing stuff into sysfs ... having a shell script to dim and raise brightness and wait with reads for input is likely the worst you can do00:13
enigma9o7The worst I can do?00:13
enigma9o7It's the best I can do!00:13
enigma9o7The only thing I've been offered is a way to blank with gnome, that seems harder to unblank than the way I was using.00:14
enigma9o7But I'd be happy to switch to that, and it wouldn't require installing that brightnessctl whatever i installed, but that doesn't solve the issue of how to wait for keypress in gnome....00:14
ogra_dont forget that you are not actually allowing your screen to sleep either ... you only turn the light down00:16
enigma9o7Or how to get out of that blank mode besides issuing another command, as its something different than what brightnessctl does, since when I set that zero I can still turn it back up with my laptops function keys.  when I used that gnome way, I couldn't find any way to turn it back on (besides the command)00:16
enigma9o7Well the whole laptop will sleep in 5 and hibernate in 15.  (I have in my notes to figure out how to reduce hibernate to less than 15 too, but that's the lowest the GUI goes.... but I digress)00:17
JanCthe backlight is usually the most power-consuming part though00:17
enigma9o7Yeah I dunno what screen sleeping would even mean.  sleeping for computers means keeping memory powered, etc.  screen doesnt need anything powered when computer sleeps.00:18
enigma9o7screen doesnt need anything powered when computer awake00:18
enigma9o7should be just a screen00:18
JanCmost screens have a couple processors/computer inside now  :)00:19
enigma9o7yeah  actually makes sense.  so that gnome method is shutting down more.  great :)  I'll 100% sure that method.  And stick with 'read -n1' unless anyone has any other idea (besides seperate key to wake)00:20
JanCto decode the signal & control the panel based on that, to decrypt (in case of HDMI & such), to show OSD, to process the image in some cases00:20
JanCeverything always keeps getting more complicated to make it look like they are more simple  :P00:21
gordonjcpit's surprising how complicated things have to be just to be simple00:22
gordonjcpyou think it's easy and then bam, just when you think you're done00:23
gordonjcptricky edge case00:23
gordonjcpand it's all got to come back out00:23
gordonjcpstart again00:23
=== humanx51 is now known as humanx
morgan-uthanks for your comments, pragmaticenigma00:35
morgan-uI have a question. I used to be able to get a file window in which image files showed a thumbnail by the name of the file. How can I get that again?00:36
morgan-uNM, I have them. (wot how did that happen, update probably)00:37
morgan-uI didnt have them earlier in the last week.''00:38
ogra_morgan-u, there is a thiumbnailer process that needs to index the files first ... that can take a while if there are many pictures00:46
ogra_morgan-u, they live in ~/.cache/thumbnails FWIW00:49
=== Feniks is now known as likewise
=== likewise is now known as LikeWise
gachikukuI'm logged onto my remote server via ssh. How do I change my username? I have to kill a bunch of processes and I'm quite confuzed01:14
morgan-uthanks ogra. My first time using GIMP. Cant do many things but, I got it. (I gave up on putting a layer behind to be a frame.) Xmas thing...01:18
pragmaticenigmagachikuku: you cannot "change" your username, you can create a new account, log out of the old account, log into the new account, then delete the old account01:30
oerheksit can be done, but is tricky https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-change-rename-user-name-id/01:37
oerheksmultiple steps, it is easier to add an user01:38
circuitboneuse photopea if you know photoshop more. Use krita if you want something local01:40
oerheksdarktable if you want to process .raw pictures01:41
gachikukuthanks pragmaticenigma01:50
=== antonispgs5 is now known as antonispgs
hans_henrik_does https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs work for anyone else? I get HTTP 503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request."02:57
Bashing-omhans_henrik_: Confirmed - "503 Service Unavailable" could be part of Canonical's restructures.03:00
Bashing-omhans_henrik_: End of Year clean up --- i see the old Ubuntufurms mostly affected.03:07
Bashing-omhans_henrik_: I can so nothing reported for the down time - if pressing - and one has a SSO account - one can open a request tracter ticket: rt.ubuntu.com .03:14
Jim`How do I mount or see my other hard drives on a machine over SSH?03:25
Jim`it's only showing me the SSD03:26
Jim`that the OS installed to03:26
rboxmount /dev/blah /mnt/point03:26
Jim`rbox: how do I figure out what the drives are in /dev/ ?03:27
rboxlook in dmesg03:27
Jim`rbox: that just splattered a ton of messages03:29
Jim`rbox: I see one so far "[    1.721962] scsi 5:0:0:0: Direct-Access    "03:30
dragonmasteror ls -l /dev/disk/by-id03:34
Jim`dragonmaster: I suppose they'd be sdac, sdb03:34
Jim`that are missing03:35
Jim`sda, sdb, sdc03:35
dragonmaster'sdac' implies a lot of disks.  Not unheard of if you've got a bunch of SAN LUNs presented, but...    It's quite possible I'm not understanding you03:36
dragonmasterIf they're not showing up in lsblk, then the kernel doesn't see them and they may as well not exist03:36
Jim`so how do I mount them to get to my files?03:36
dragonmastercan you paste the output of 'lsblk -d' somewhere?03:37
Jim`is ntfs-3..whatever installed?03:37
Jim`dragonmaster: https://pastebin.com/bMSwSLds03:38
dragonmasterntfs-3g     I would expect the block devices to show up even if the filesystems were a mystery03:38
dragonmasterSo lsblk shows only sda?03:38
Jim`dragonmaster: I suppose?03:39
Jim`it shows they are there atleast03:39
Jim`sda, sdb, sdc03:39
dragonmasterAh, ok.   Does it show the presence of partitions?  for that, you need to get rid of the '-d' optoin03:39
Jim`dragonmaster: https://pastebin.com/z65Vmw9403:40
Jim`so yeah it does03:40
Jim`it shows just how they showed in Explorer03:41
Jim`but now how do I mount'em, share what I want over samba, blah blah03:41
Jim`I see them in fdisk -l as well03:45
Jim`but now how do I access them :/03:45
dragonmasterAssuming NTFS, then install ntfs-3g then make mount points.   e.g. sudo mkdir /mnt/SDC1, then 'sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/SDC1'03:46
Jim`dragonmaster: so do the same for all 3 drives missing?03:47
Jim`dragonmaster: that pretty much did it03:50
Jim`dragonmaster: do they have to be remounted each restart??03:56
oerheksput them in fstab?03:56
dragonmaster/etc/fstab is where you tell the system how to mount them at boot03:56
dragonmaster'grep ntfs /proc/mounts' will give you an idea of how to form the entries03:57
oerheksat /mnt, not /media03:57
=== eLdr1ch is now known as WhiteNigga
oerheksWhiteNigga, please change your offensive name, thanks.04:03
=== WhiteNigga is now known as AllEyezOnMe
=== AllEyezOnMe is now known as MostWanted
oerhekssudo snap install rota04:32
oerheksThis computer has been up to date05:11
=== _justin_kelly0 is now known as _justin_kelly
jacoCan you please recommend an ubuntu software to create an iso file from a usb pendrive?06:43
oerheksno, that is weird06:44
oerheksthe other way around s more common06:44
oerheksdownload the iso from cdimage, done06:44
jacothank u06:46
jacosorry i need a known software which can copy any bootable usb drive to an iso file?06:50
oerhekswhat did you find with 'copy any bootable usb drive to an iso file'?"06:51
oerheksi have no clue06:51
jacothe usb is not mine06:54
Bashing-omjaco: One can not copy *to* and ISO - read only medium per spec: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9660 .06:56
oerhekswhy not download the original iso?06:56
oerheksif it is something else, ask them?06:56
jacowhat of any other image format?06:57
oerhekscopy usb to usb06:57
oerheksor ask them?06:57
oerheksyour answers are not helpfull06:58
ramblebamblewell you could create a file of size X jaco, mount it and then write the data you want into that mount.... will not be bootable per se... still requiring some additional stuff, but it would be iso to begin with07:11
ramblebamblemount it as iso that is07:11
arraybolt3ramblebamble: that gives you an image file, not an ISO file. ISOs are pretty much impossible to write to in the traditional sense, though there are some tools for it like growisofs07:14
arraybolt3*some tools for writing to an ISO in weird ways07:14
enigma9o7converting a disk image to iso9660 format?07:17
ramblebamblearraybolt3 from mount-man-pages    .....any user can mount the iso9660 filesystem found on an inserted CDROM using the command:.... and here is makefs for iso https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/makefs.8.html07:18
enigma9o7if the usb is already iso, you could just dd it to a file....07:19
ramblebambleas for the weird ways:  https://superuser.com/questions/319005/what-makes-a-bootable-device-bootable <- which would be the tricky bit to convert  the isofs into something bootable that can be written to a cd07:19
enigma9o7but if its something else like fat32 or exfat i imagine its more complciated :)07:19
enigma9o7did they say anything about bootable?07:19
ramblebambleI think they did yes.07:20
enigma9o7oh doh, i just read scrollback, yeah.07:20
enigma9o7sounds even more complciated then!07:20
enigma9o7i'd personally go back a step and figure out what problem i was trying to solve, and if converting my flash drive content to iso format has anything to do with it07:21
enigma9o7My own question, I'm using oracular and need newer version of yt-dlp to get around an issue youtube caused with the version in repo.  So I checked to see if there's backports, but I guess it seems that's only for LTS?  So noble users have available package, but oracular stuck with older one?  (I know i can get it from outside ubuntu or backport it myself etc, just commenting - and confirming this is normal behavior when using07:37
enigma9o7non-LTS versiono f ubuntu?07:37
enigma9o7further investigation reveals it does exist, but only thing there is cockpit... https://packages.ubuntu.com/oracular-backports/allpackages07:41
enigma9o7so i guess its just up to whoever's doing the backport where they put it and if they bother to do it for more than LTS I guess.07:42
=== MostWanted is now known as DarkShadow
ramblebambleenigma9o7... sorry was AFK... not familiar with yt-dlp,but   what is the use-case there? Instead of bringing the OS-version to a version that that application supports could you entertain the idea of either installing it in a bin-folder inside your path explicitly or using a container?08:14
enigma9o7I know I can get it from outside ubuntu or packport it myself, just commenting, and confiming it was normal behavior when using non-LTS version of ubuntu.08:21
=== nonsane_ is now known as nonsane
enigma9o7But the use case is, with yt-dlp, you can't "yt-dlp -U" on debian/ubuntu and it tells you to use backports... which works fine on debian stable and ubuntu lts, but its not in oracular repo that I'm using now.08:22
enigma9o7it yt-dlp case, noble-backports has a version from last month, while oracular from september - that no longer works with youtube.08:23
ramblebambleNot familiar with the `-U` switch.... I am assuming 'update'.. in such a sccenario  I wouldn't get it from any repository, I would always go straight to the source, just because the delays are fewer.08:23
enigma9o7but anyways yeah it is what it is, no worries, just surprised and can see that as slightly annoying since one of the reasons to use the interim versions is to be able to get newer versions of software from official repos than LTS08:24
ramblebamblee.g. I am doing the same for newpipe under Android because ytube is known to always throw a monkey wrench trying to lock their proprietary content-buckets down further.08:24
enigma9o7Yes, in fact on android the only reason I've ever added a repo to f-droid was for newpipe, for the same reason, need faster updates than official repo.08:25
ramblebambleyeah..... maybe open a ticket with the package-curators.08:25
ramblebambleYou can also directly install it from github.08:25
enigma9o7Its Unit193 who does the backports of yt-dlp,and he's active on irc, its not like I couldnt just ask him directly why not backport to oracular, but when I first noticed this, it was all new to me and wasn tsure if i was doing something wrong, then wondered if it was policy for everything, not just one package, i'v enow learned nope it does exist and its up to the backporters what they do08:26
JackFrostBecause policy says LTS-only.08:27
arifendronugrohoٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ08:39
=== toolz is now known as Daniel
ogra_enigma9o7, use the yt-dlp snap ;) it is well maintained and will refresh itself automatically in time with each new upstream release10:49
=== zareem58 is now known as zareem5
=== JanC is now known as Guest2879
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BluesKajHi all14:59
jacopls recommend any clone app you can install in native ubuntu to use for usb cloning15:25
oerheksdd is standard tool, cli only15:26
oerheksand a simple search would give tons more https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-copy-clone-hard-disk/15:27
=== jose is now known as ho-ho-jose
devslashMy server is running ubuntu and is enrolled in ubuntu pro. When I run apt upgrade it says that there are 10 apps that can be upgraded with esm-apps which has something to do with ubuntu pro. How do I update those apps16:14
tomreyndevslash: if your system is properly enrolled in 'full support' 'Pro' (not just 'infra support'), you should receive these automatically.16:25
devslashI found out that I had to run pro enroll esm-apps to enable esm-app updates16:25
tomreynthere is https://ubuntu.com/pro/tutorial and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq/34042 and https://canonical-ubuntu-pro-client.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/16:26
devslashonce I enrolled in esm-apps, the 10 esm-app updates installed as expected16:27
tomreynlooks like you solved it on your own :)16:28
devslashyea I guess16:28
ax562Morning folks.  I was able to setup 24.10 proper.  Looks like the issue was Grub2(<2.12) was not able to properly read the file system to boot kernel. I had to go into system firmware and choose to boot into 24.10 grub2 v2.12 for things to load and boot.  First time I had seen this issue ever.  Just thought I'd share.16:38
devslashdo any of you use Tailscale with Ubuntu ?16:39
ax562BTW wayland + nvidia + gnome 47 is AMAZING.  Thanks for the amazing work Ubuntu!16:39
kutwhat tools can I use to get files out of an image.dd ? mounting isn't working16:42
tomreynkut: what did you create this image from?16:44
kutsomething similar to photorec, i was going through a few linux live cds to try to recover the hdd and made a backup at one point16:45
tomreynif it's a full (partitioned) disk, you'll need to read + interpret the partition table forst of all. losetup or kpartx can help there16:45
kuti think it was testdisk16:45
tomreynwhat did you run testdisk against? a full disk, a partition, something else?16:46
kutkpartx says resume on ioctl on loop2p1 failed invalid argument16:46
kutfull disk16:46
kuti think it's part of a raid 116:47
tomreynthen you'll need to setup a raid1 with a missing array member16:48
kuthow do I do that? I'm using ultimate boot cd/usb now16:50
tomreynyou can do this from a running ubuntu system, if it's a software raid (mdadm)16:52
kutmdadm isn't working16:52
tomreyndoes it say "today is not the day" and quits?16:52
kutsays device exists but is not an md array16:53
tomreynhmm, it would be a device of an array, which you'd need to define yet16:53
tomreynbut maybe it is indeed not an md array, only you would know16:54
leftyfbwe're making assumptions here16:54
leftyfbkut: run:  file image.dd16:54
leftyfbkut: I would try losetup first over assuming it's an image of a software RAID array16:54
kutx86 boot sector16:55
leftyfblosetup -f image.dd16:55
kutno results?16:56
leftyfbhow big is this file?16:56
kutbad boot sector so i rebuilt it and can see the files now :)16:57
kutmy heroes16:57
leftyfbkut: just FYI, the boot sector isn't needed for mounting. You probably had a dirty/bad filesystem that you have since repaired16:58
kutyeah, it was shutting down when anything networking was changed so i reinstalled the OS and lost some important files16:59
kutgood ol cnc grinder machines16:59
kuti would send you guys some cookies17:03
tomreynthat's kind of you. i tend to reject all but necessary cookies, though.17:04
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:07
oerhekstomreyn = ​​☐👍 ☐👍👍 ☒👍👍👍17:07
tomreyn:) maybe it was really lefty who helped the most, though17:09
TR1950XI made changes to this file /usr/lib/modprobe.d/systemd.conf. How do I ensure the changes will take effect next reboot?18:30
JanCyou should never change that file; it will be overwritten when it gets updated18:31
JanCif there is something you want to change you should override it with a file in /etc18:32
astromThis is so peek18:38
=== seanh__ is now known as seanh
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SkibidiBiden1915This may be the last Christmas with President Biden, but it's your first Christmas with BidenCash! Start repairing your budget at https://BidenCash.bid/?ref=libera21:00
cbreaksounds braindead21:00
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