
ogra_madduck, how exayctly did you upgrade ... that sounds like it broke00:25
ogra_(even though the UI looks a bit different in 24.04, all elements (panels, dock and launcher etc) are there as they used to be )00:26
JanCmadduck: check if gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock & gnome-shell-extension-appindicator are installed & enabled00:47
JanCalso check if extensions aren't disabled generally (this can sometimes happen after a crash, it seems)00:48
JanCyou might need gnome-extension-manager and/or gnome-extension-prefs to re-enable them then00:50
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ArchDaveHappy holidays!01:31
plaisthosis there a recommended way to install the ubunut 22.04 kernel on my ubuntu 24.04?01:31
oerheksplaisthos,  no01:31
plaisthosthere seem to be a bug in the newer kernel of not forwarding some packets over a bridge interface and I would like to see if it is kernel related01:32
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack01:32
oerheksthat would give the 24.10 kernel if you  have reason to do so01:32
plaisthosYeah, the 24.10 kernel seem to have the same problem01:33
oerheksif you need the old way, reinstall01:33
plaisthosoerheks: you mean reinstall the whole system?01:33
plaisthosoerheks: that is not helpful01:33
oerheksyour question is not clear, why the old kernel and stuff?01:34
oerheksgcc and such01:34
plaisthosoerheks: I did sa that I want to test if it is a kernel bug that the i225 nic does not forward some packets over the bridge interface, didn't I.01:35
oerheksno, you did not01:35
plaisthosmy second message in the channel after I asked the question. DId that message somehow get lost?01:36
RikMillsrecommended, no. possible, probably01:36
oerheksmessages don't get lost01:37
plaisthosoerheks: debatable :D Especially on long message I have seen IRC servers loose them01:37
RikMillsoerheks: the message where they said that is in my scrollback01:38
plaisthosAnyway then I am doing it the way that worked twenty years ago with adding the old distro and using package/distro with apt-get %)01:44
plaisthosI had hoped there was a better way for this nowadays01:44
robotoanyone help with a failed do-release-upgrade. now working in live cd boot session04:07
oerheks i225 nic ,, tried to update your bios/firmware?04:32
enigma9o7Hi, I'm new to ubuntu gnome, been using it a few days now on a new laptop, and the most annoying issue I run into is the trackpad getting bumped while typing putting my cursor at the beginning or middle of what I'm typing.05:39
enigma9o7I believe this is probably user related, I've never had to use a keybaord with an enabled trackpad where my wrists are before.05:39
enigma9o7but there must be some way to deal with this, cuz like, lotsa people use laptops without external mice05:40
enigma9o7so how do they do it?  I mean, it can't be as bad as what I e05:40
enigma9o7what I am experieincing.  that sentance got cutoff cuz somehow i focused on the sidebar, same problem, fuxing tracking05:40
enigma9o7sorry its called touchpad05:41
enigma9o7My belief is the setting to disable touchpad while typing is not working.  How can I further debug this?05:43
oerheksenigma9o7, install gnome-tweak, it gives 'disable while typing'  after you press the 1st letter05:45
enigma9o7I don't have it.  So how do I post a screenshot using gnome tools?05:47
enigma9o7When I click prntscrn, i can select full screen capture, then it says it saved it to clipboard.05:47
oerheksi use copyQ05:48
enigma9o7How do I get it from clipboard to internet.  For example with enlightenment there is an option to share that puts on on05:48
enigma9o7FUCK I HGATE TOUCHPADs05:48
enigma9o7for pasting I Guess.  that puts it on enlightenment.org, but with gnome its in my buffer i05:48
oerheksthen the clipboard gives <image>  and double click posts it on imgur05:48
enigma9o7every time i type i end up clicking the cursor to thebeginning again05:49
enigma9o7wow thanks oerheks05:49
enigma9o7ohhhh copyq05:49
enigma9o7thats external not gnome05:49
enigma9o7so with gnome, i have to apperantly open an image editor, paste it, save it, then upload it?05:49
oerheksindeed, else you have one line under your mouse only05:49
oerheksno, copyq will do05:50
enigma9o7It doesn't give me the option to save screenshot to file or imgur/etc.05:50
enigma9o7right, but what about with gnome builtin stuff?05:50
enigma9o7with builtin stuff, i would have to capture, paste, save, upload, right?05:50
enigma9o7there is no easier way to skip any of those steps?05:50
oerhekscapture would save it auto to copyq05:51
enigma9o7there seems to be no way to save FUCKFUCUFU CK KA05:51
enigma9o7sometimes while typing it'll highlight previous stuff and then when i type delete it05:51
enigma9o7anyways, gnome tweaks doesnt have any option about that, i'd be happy to share screenshot if it didnt take 5 steps05:51
enigma9o7what can i paste the image into to save it?  if i wanna go thru allt he steps that is...05:52
oerhekssection keyboard & mouse05:52
enigma9o7oh, not touchpad section?05:52
enigma9o7I'm in "mouse and touchpad" section of gnome tweaks05:53
enigma9o7and it has 3 options05:53
enigma9o7this is why i wanted to share screenshot instead of typing it....05:53
enigma9o7[how do I "always on top" a window i gnome?  so i can copy those three options without switching back and forth windows]05:53
oerheksthis is 22.04 ..05:54
oerheksmaybe 24.04 is different?05:54
enigma9o7every dai Im annoyed more and more that i can't figure out how to do basic stuff05:54
enigma9o7Im on 24.1005:54
enigma9o7my three options are "middle click paste", "touchpad acceleration" and "disable secondary click"05:55
enigma9o7)?What can I Paste this image into from my buffer to save it to a file so I can upload it (that comes with ubuntu05:57
enigma9o7Sorry, the )? shoulda been at the end, but touchpad put me back to the begnning again05:57
oerheksdunno then05:57
enigma9o7I've tried a few (local) seardches and nothing comes up, but I imagine there is an image editor included, no?05:57
oerhekscopyQ should work the same05:57
oerheksopen imgur, new post, open copyq from top pannel, double click image05:57
enigma9o7Again, I Have not installed copyq.05:58
enigma9o7I am tryig to force myself to learn gnome.05:58
enigma9o7If I just install allt he tools I used on previous computers/os/desktops I wouldn't learn anything.05:58
enigma9o7For example, i could use ephoto, I could paste and then right click select "upload to imgur".  but thats enlightenment which I use on my main computer.05:59
enigma9o7u on a few days ago.  But I'm on a new (used) laptop I bought to travel with that i installed ubunt05:59
enigma9o7Note again the touchpad jumped me to the beginning of sentance before I was done typing, so gotta start after the period then read the begnning.05:59
oerheksone needs a paste tool.. dunno how to do without06:00
enigma9o7FWIW, I have found gnome touchpad gestures pretty friggen awesome.  the three finger swipes for overview, or right left for other desktops, is awesome, two finger for scroll, awesome06:02
enigma9o7its just when Imtyping it causes problems06:02
enigma9o7two finger swipe for back/forward, awesome06:03
oerheksmaybe this is a help https://community.frame.work/t/guide-ubuntu-22-04-23-10-allowing-for-disable-while-typing-behavior-for-trackpad/4561206:03
enigma9o7pinch zoom, etc, all of that friggen cool06:03
oerheksgsettings get org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad disable-while-typing true06:04
enigma9o7bummer, already true06:06
enigma9o7and fyi you told me get not set, but i wanted to get first anyway to see before set06:07
enigma9o7There is that setting already in normal gnome (not tweaks) setings, and I Have it enabled, but it doesnt work.06:07
enigma9o7Could this be a hardware issue?  I have no idea.  Honestly I've never used a atouchpad before, on normal laptop I have "xinput --disable 13" to keep it disabled and use external mouse.06:08
enigma9o7but this one, i didnt bring a mouse, its a little 12" scren portable thing, i wanted a portable laptop and to teach myself how to use touchpad, etc.06:09
enigma9o7i just finished reading that link you provided, oerkeks, i think that mainly applies to X, they keep saying stuff about how wayland is different.  my problem is wayland.06:45
enigma9o7I guess I could try logging into X, have never done that, probably all my sisues would be gone, but this is also the first computer I've ever had witha  gpu good enough for wayland so I'm having fun gtrying to make that work06:46
enigma9o7I've already solved quite a few wayland only issues.....  and of course have realized its stupid to be using wayland already, but for me this is fun trying to make it worik06:46
enigma9o7X now, for the first time. but i gotta know, so logging into06:47
enigma9o7(start after the period again, touchpad jumped me to beginning while typing)06:47
enigma9o7I'm in X now!  Let's see if it's problematic while I type this.  I did notice in that thread you linked, the solution the person a06:49
enigma9o7nope, couldnt finish typing before touchpad did things06:49
enigma9o7in this case i opened some other apps.  that happens sometimes.  or it splits windows in half, dunno how that happens.06:50
enigma9o7like i get the app switched to bottom half, somehow interpreting something from touchpad that says to make my app half the screen on bottom06:50
enigma9o7anyways, problem seems to still exist in X06:50
enigma9o7when i said before "i opened some other apps" i mean "IT opened some other apps"06:51
enigma9o7while i was typing, i musta bumped touchpad in a way it clicked the dock06:51
enigma9o7So. Instead of continuing to ramble - how do I debug06:51
enigma9o7god fucking daming i cant type one sentance06:51
enigma9o7, when setting it in GNOME doesnt work.  So, instead of continuing to ramble, I have one question.  How do I get the touchpad to disable while typing06:52
enigma9o7argh fux06:52
enigma9o7How do I get the touchpad to disable while typing when the setting in GNOME settings doesnt work?06:52
enigma9o7(logged back into wayland)06:56
enigma9o7ok ubuntu support people, this is like the final issue i havent solved that i need to solve to be able to keep sing ubuntu/gnome.   and i have no intention of giving up.  so i'll be asking this over and over every day or two until someone can help me fitgure it out.07:09
enigma9o7or until i figure out how to do it myself due to my awesome web seserach skills07:09
enigma9o7The problem is, I dunno if this is even GHOME issue, I think its tackpad issue, cuz I started using GNOME and tradkpad at the same time, I wouldn't have this issue if I wasnt using trackpad.07:10
enigma9o7fuck, its called touchpad07:11
enigma9o7why am i saying trackpad?   why is that word in my mind?07:11
doom_merry xmas07:11
enigma9o7is that some olden day word for them?07:11
enigma9o7feliz navidad07:11
enigma9o7prospero anyo y felizidad07:11
doom_goto a terminal and man man07:12
doom_type man man07:12
enigma9o7And why is there no manpage for women?07:12
doom_there is no man for women07:12
enigma9o7ya ya ya07:12
enigma9o7welcome to jokes from 199107:12
doom_still good07:12
enigma9o7yknow at one point some dude got kicked of ubuntu mailing list for making jokes that suggested women are hard to understand07:13
enigma9o7its like ubuntu mailinglist lore history stuff07:13
enigma9o7i remember the joke well just because of that.07:14
enigma9o7cuz such an uproar about the joke07:14
enigma9o7but if you havent heard it, maybe i should see if i can finish it before getting kickbanned.  its not even that offensive or anything.07:14
enigma9o7so theres this biker dude who dies, but he was like a real good guy, always like giving presents to orphans at chrismtas and stuff, etc07:14
enigma9o7so god is like, dude, you're awesome, you wanna keep living and  I'll give you one wish07:15
enigma9o7and biker dude is like, yeah sure... hmmm one wish..... okay... i want me a bridge to hawaii, i wanna ride my bike from california to hawaii07:15
enigma9o7i've driven all over usa and candaa and mexico and been to 49 US states, but never been to hawaii07:16
enigma9o7so gods like hmmmm.... you understnd the logitstics of that?  i gotta influence a lot of stuff.... you know how much steel and concrete that'd take?07:16
enigma9o7this would be like some huge undertaking, nobody's built some bridge hundreds of kms across the pacific ocean, etc07:17
enigma9o7sothen gods like, is there anything else maybe would work?07:17
enigma9o7so biker dude is like hmmmm.... okay..... well i've alwyas wanted to understand women, like what they mean when they say stuff, what they're thinking etc....07:18
enigma9o7and god is like "so how many lanes you want on that bridge?"07:18
doom_lol good07:18
webchat47get check for hiv / aids stds please!! good luck07:23
webchat47merry x mas07:23
webchat47happy holidays07:23
webchat47get it checked !! :)**07:24
enigma9o7I haven't had an AIDS test in a couple decades.07:25
enigma9o7So thansks for the reminder.07:25
enigma9o7(although i was married like 20 yeras ago and dont think my wifes been cheating and know i havent.... so odds are, i dont have it)07:28
tomreynenigma9o7: please keep in mind this is not a place for chatting (and let's not respond to spam either)07:28
enigma9o7Oh wow this is support channel, sorry.  I was in here earlier trying for support but thought i was in offtopic by now, my super bad.07:29
madduckI am staring at this 24.04.1 LTS machine and failing to get remote desktop working. x11vnc, which I've been using for years. I cannot start any X clients through SSH with DISPLAY=:0, just gives me "Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified" and "Error: Can't open display: :0". The Web is very unhelpful. Plus, if I go to Settings→System→Remote Desktop, I just get a blank settings07:37
madduckpage. Any clues?07:37
tomreynmadduck: this doesn't help you getting x11vnc to work, but my understanding is that the default approach for graphical remote access to ubuntu 24.04 and newer are based on rdp07:46
tomreynand this includes access to the graphical login07:47
tomreynthis said, i don't have a clue why your sharing screen in settings would be blank07:47
tomreynhttps://losst.pro/en/how-to-enable-remote-desktop-in-ubuntu-24-04-amp-24-10 has some details, not a website i'm familiar with, but it looks good enough on the first glance.07:48
tomreynalso, my impression is that gnome would prefer to do away with Xorg sooner than later and just use wayland07:52
enigma9o7and with wayland there apperantly is no vnc07:54
enigma9o7so you're stuck trying to use rdp that's builtin to gnome, and installing rdp plugin for remmina if thats your client07:55
enigma9o7and if your version of remmina doesnt support rdp, just give up and login to X and use x11vncserver, its 1000000 times easier.07:56
arifendronugrohoٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ07:56
madduckx11vnc used to work with wayland just fine. It was all I needed. RDP has the smell of Microsoft and Windows, and of course, it doesn't work and the error messages are cryptic as hell07:57
enigma9o7x11vnc works with wayland?  what?!@#$  well damnit i never even tried, i just gave up completely on remote login under wayland07:57
enigma9o7everything i read said that vnc doesnt work under wayland07:58
enigma9o7I'm still not sure why wayland is better, i've been trying it for four days, yeah it seems to work, but makes so many things complicated that used to just work07:59
bombastuffenigma9o7: Wayland is a work-in-progress. They've only had 15 years of development time. They need another 150.08:00
bombastuffbut it was very important to replace X11 ASAP with the half-finished Wayland08:00
bombastuffbecause some manager at Red Hat wanted to check a box for career promotion08:01
enigma9o7oh, duh, that makes sense08:09
enigma9o7things never happen unless they're forced i guess08:09
enigma9o7when they work fine already08:09
enigma9o7people are dumb, they don tsee the future08:10
enigma9o7we gotta think 150 years in the future08:10
enigma9o7stop focusing on "now"08:10
bombastuffexactly. I'm glad, as I'm sure Microsoft is too, that Red Hat railroaded the idea of the Year of the Linux desktop by a couple of decades08:22
tomreynplease note this is still not a discussion forum.08:24
madduckI am happy if X gets replaced by something better/modern, but when "DISPLAY=:0 xclock" doesn't work anymore over SSH, then that is not progress08:40
madduckAnd the Web is full of problems with gnome-remote-desktop since Ubuntu 22, which makes me wonder if the folks driving this are actually aware08:41
madduckfact is that I've just upgraded Ubuntu for my mum, and now I cannot use remote desktop anymore, which is a problem as I am headed home tomorrow.08:47
tomreynX forwarding has been sketchy for a while, i think. i assume these folks you mention may be the ones working in #ubuntu-desktop (which is not a support place)08:47
madducktomreyn: I am not even asking about X-forwarding. "DISPLAY=:0 xclock" starts xclock and it should pop up on the laptop08:48
tomreynoh right, i got this wrong08:48
madduckX forwarding over SSH works just fine. But I need access to the remote display :0, not to my local display ;)08:49
madduckI switched back to X.org and now it all works again09:08
Guest46hello people10:20
Guest46I am on ubuntu 22.04 lts and I want to update to 24.04 but before that I want to know hows your experience on 24.04? should I update? are there any things I should worry about?10:23
cbreak24.04 is nice10:36
cbreakI had to fight a bit to get proper firefox instead of the crappy one in snap, but overall it's good10:36
Guest46wdym proper firefox? I was using snap one in 22.04 and faced OOM and freezing issues frequently so I switched to chrome. should I install from binary?10:42
ogra_cbreak, i hope you filed bugs for all issues you found with the snap then10:45
mrelceecbreak: there is nothing improper about the firefox in a snap.   its just a method of distributing all the parts of a complex app with it's own dependency hell with supposed versions of app code and libraries that all work. maybe you're less comfortable using it vs apt and deb files?11:03
candidflakesI am experiencing wifi disconnection issue11:28
candidflakesThe wifi disconnects automatically after few minutes11:28
=== Assid_ is now known as Assid
candidflakesAnyone here?11:29
cbreakogra_: I did many years ago, but it didn't seem to be fixed last time I checked11:48
ogra_really ? what was it ?11:48
cbreakmrelcee: no, the problem isn't the distribution method itself, it was that the sandboxing brearks 1password, and other plugins11:48
ogra_1password works since years11:49
ravagethe only problem seem to be some USB devices for authentication11:50
ravageEverything else works just fine11:50
ravageI think I was on the .deb version for the first 6 months. After that most stuff was fixed11:51
mrelceeravage: You mean like yubikeys for web logins?11:51
cbreak1pass never worked for me, it just couldn't connect to the application11:51
ogra_what doesnt work are certain smart-card authentication mechanisms for governments (brazil and belgium IIRC) but all password managers should work since native messaging support landed years ago11:51
ravageYubikey may even work now11:51
cbreakthe weirdo vpn for work also never worked, since it somehow needs to be triggered from a web page. Don't ask me why, it's garbage11:52
ogra_it surely does, canonical uses them :)11:52
ravageNeed to test that. Have 2 at home but don't use them atm11:52
cbreakand the ibm aspera file send / receive plugin also didn't work.11:52
ravageI think there are some card devices that don't work11:52
cbreakI don't think I remember problems with yubikeys though11:52
ogra_they didnt work til they were added explicvitly ... so there was a short period between bug report and fix where they didnt11:53
ogra_(the snap env checkas for vendor id and stuff, so such devices need to be added explicitlöy)11:54
ogra_and i'd expect files send/receive to work everywhere nowadays with the improvement of XDG portals11:55
cbreakI doubt xdg has any bearing on this11:56
cbreakthe ibm aspera stuff relies on an external application11:56
cbreakwhich gets started by some weird plugin, when logging into their web page11:56
cbreakit's all a stupid hack. Don't know why people use it. But it's the corporate-mandated file transfer platform :/11:57
mrelceehuh. had no idea 1password was ported to linux11:57
cbreakmrelcee: it works really well, the application is nice, there's even a ssh-agent emulation / cli program for it :)11:58
mrelceeused to be a user when it was mac only.    bailed when they required a subscription11:58
cbreakI was annoyed by the subscription too, but ... it's worth it for now.11:58
mrelceestill have a copy of v6 here with my last password db and old app serials/reg info11:59
cbreakthe linux 1pw doesn't support the old format, it's purely cloud / subscription based :/11:59
mrelceeoccasionally i need to pull something out but it's getting very rare11:59
cbreakI think if I didn't like 1pw, I'd investigate bitwarden. I did try keypass and some variants of it, and didn't like them at all12:00
mrelceeif i bailed on mac desktops I would likely self host bitwarden on a $5 digitalocean droplet  with a couple other apps like linkwarden.12:03
ogra_or just use post-it's sticking to your monitor frame ... :)12:04
mrelceeMy password is PaSsWoRd!_12:05
cbreakI have too many passwords :/ No idea how people without pw manager manage12:05
* ogra_ thinkls these PW managers only got that famous because the monitor frames got so thin over the years 12:05
mrelceeyeh. two passwords in my life are committed to memory/.  those exist in no manager   those get me in to everything via my pw manager12:06
mrelceehad to remember my AppleID.  if i cant log into that I am dead.12:08
mrelceea lot their original customers (I am one) remember 1passwd (before they called it 1password) people promising they would never be subscription based.     I respomded to them going subscription by turning off auto update and never giving them my money again.12:11
ravageJust in case you really think about host bitwarden use vaultwarden12:15
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BluesKajHi all15:46
BluesKajhi Boredwife, an attention drawing nick there :-)16:05
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ZhouBaiden5232Use BIDEN46 to receive a free Presidential Pardon with your first purchase. Promo valid until January 20th. https://BidenCash.bid - Best CC from White House (for now!)18:02
=== DarkShadow is now known as different
kev1224hello gus19:35
cabazonhi, I'm looking to find git source of linux-image-6.8.0-1018-oracle-64k package, where can I find it?20:26
pragmaticenigmacabazon: oracle is a multinational corporation, while they distribute the source code to their customized kernel images, the do not have a community repository20:29
pragmaticenigmacabazon: you can make your own by downloading the source yourself and then initializing your own local git on the source tree if you desire20:29
cabazonseems like it's here https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux-oracle/+git/jammy20:37
morgan-u22.04 chroe just crashed ubuntu (not the computer this time and not just chrome this time.) Is anyone interested in helping me to trace this problem. Been having this for years! . ---- before 22, years ago, it would just gum everything up and i had to hard-reboot with the power button. - i would love a better answer than "get more ram" I have 8G.20:56
morgan-uThe famaed stability and resilience of linux is not on display here. Perhaps this would contribute?20:58
bpromptmorgan-u: hmmm 22.04 chrome?   as in google chrome or chromium?20:58
bpromptmorgan-u: crashes happen on all OSes, once I had macOSX borking on me, simply because I was going too fast on the database20:58
morgan-u22.04 - Oh I am dso sorry for being unclear. I thought that ws obviously my version of ubuntu.  My chrome is mintained with the normal 22.04 ubuntu updates.20:59
pragmaticenigmamorgan-u: Google Chome is not distributed in the Ubuntu repositories. You would have had to install it from another source (likely from Google's download page.) Because it's not part of the community maintained software it's not supported here.21:00
morgan-uI thought that one of the prime features of linux was its stbility.21:00
bpromptmorgan-u: hmmm I think latest chrome version is 13121:00
pragmaticenigmamorgan-u: recommendation would be to install the community maintained Chromium browser, and attempt to recreate the issue.21:01
morgan-uSo is anyone interested in HOW chrome crashed the system?21:01
bpromptmorgan-u: that's nothing exotic, mind you, for any webbrowser to crash, depends on the webpage code21:01
morgan-ubprompt,  wht does it mean to go too fast on the database?21:02
bpromptmorgan-u: ohhh at the time, I was inputting data in  hmmm I think it was FileMaker in macOSX21:02
morgan-uI thought it might be interesting to look t the logs.21:02
pragmaticenigmamorgan-u: it might not even be the web browser, but your own habits. such as having dozens of open tabs. not closing the browser regularly (most websites keep their javascript running in the background chewing up memory even when not in view.)21:02
morgan-upragmaticenigma, All those things are indeed in the web browser.21:04
bpromptyeap, there are some sites, that I can see right off my cpu  go up to 90% or more in 2 seconds, so I know they're running some cheesy suboptimal js code, a couple of hours ago one was doing it, running some js, possibly a webworker, to splatter some ads on it21:05
morgan-uAs I understand it, the system should crash chrome. That I see as my doing. But when it crashes the OS - is different.21:05
morgan-uWhat is it that I can use to see my cpu usage? bprompt21:06
morgan-uI will try ff sometime again. I keep forgetting why I abanon it.21:07
pragmaticenigmathere are dozens of ways to monitor a CPU. There should be a system monitor in your applications menu for starters. htop, btop, top are all command line tools that can also show your system resource usage21:07
morgan-uthanks, will do it.21:08
pragmaticenigmamorgan-u: also, if you're serious about trying to figure this out. I would recommend installing Chromium.. which is the open source, community maintained, un-googled browser. Because more than anything... that will indicate whether where the problem is. The Chromium browser in ubuntu's repos are community maintained and tested with the version of Ubuntu their made available to.21:11
bpromptmorgan-u: hmmm my desktop manager alreayd comes with one, but there are many you can run on the systray, mine runs on the systray, so I knonw when something is going on21:13
bpromptmorgan-u: however, that's not google chrome's fault per se, or the OS's either21:18
leftyfbmorgan-u: add more memory. 8GB is no longer enough, especially with google chrome and 20+ tabs open21:57
leftyfbinstall the 8GB of memory you said you had available to install21:58

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