
xu-irc75wHello guys, hope you are doing all well. I jusr installed xubuntu and when it finished and prompted to restart it stucked there. I had to pull the usb and press enter for it to reboot because ubuntu tells you to do that hut not xubuntu15:04
xu-irc75wFrom 55 people onlune at least someone can reply smth15:11
xu-irc75wNorvthat you have to but just in case15:11
tomreynxu-irc75w: hi. i assume you're not the same xu-irc75w wo asked a question here about an hour ago?16:26
tomreynhmm, actually, you might be16:27
tomreynactually, you didn't ask a question, just pointed something out. are you looking for assistence with something xubuntu specific now?16:29
xu-irc75wYes please so 2 things firatly after installing xubuntu as i mentioned there was thi issue that there was no prompt on the screen to remove the usb and secondly when i resume from sleep opening my laptop lid i dont get the prompt.to enter the password but i see the screnn16:30
tomreynplease file bug reports about this16:31
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:31
tomreynif you have the capacity to do so, please check launchpad.net for existing (duplicate) but reports before you do. but better report it twice than not at all16:32
xu-irc75wI dont have an account and i dont know on jow to do it. Im a new linux user. I found this irc and i thought this is the place for this tyoe of things16:33

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