
=== lubuntu is now known as jluc
jluci've spent the whole day trying to upgrade then install lubuntu on a dual boot machine with no usb key19:38
jlucfirst with grml but install failed with errors19:39
jlucbut at least i got a "try or install lubuntu" in boot menu19:40
jlucthat enable me to run this session19:40
jlucthen i cleared a new partition on HD (rather than SSD) and installed lubuntu there19:41
jlucthis partition got the "boot" flag19:41
jlucbut doesnt appear in boot menu so i cannot launch it19:42
jluchow can i have that supposed to be installed partition in boot menu19:43
jlucsda : HD with windows + new lubuntu partition / sdb : SSD with now broken old lubuntu (and /boot/grml + .iso originaly)19:47
tomreynjluc: did you install lubuntu in bios or uefi mode? how did you boot the lubuntu installer? you should install in the same mode windows boots in, which is probably uefi mode.19:55
jluci've installed it so many times...19:56
tomreynalso make sure windows fast startup is disabled19:56
tomreynand update your bios19:56
jluchow do i know whether uefi or bios ?19:56
tomreynwhen you boot lubuntu in uefi mode, it will say "ubuntu" on the startup menu19:57
jluci didnt achieve anything running windows related to this 19:57
tomreynand an "ubuntu" directory will be placed on your efi system partition (ESP) 19:57
jlucit looks like this is it except it's lubuntu19:58
jlucthere is a /home/lubuntu folder19:58
tomreyndo you have an efi system partition at all?19:58
jlucgparted says there is a 100Mo ntfs "System" partition19:59
tomreynit would be a FAT formatted file system20:00
jlucand the main windows partition is a 195Go "Compaq" partition20:00
jlucalso ntfs20:00
tomreynwhich windows version is this?20:00
tomreynmaybe it is old and installed in bios mode20:01
jlucthen there is that new "lubuntu" ext4 100Go partition where i installed lubuntu using the previously installed installer20:01
jlucand there is the old single partition on SSD where i first tried to use grml20:01
jlucwhere the previous now broken lubuntu was running20:02
tomreynif you intend to fix the existing lubuntu installation, knowing how t is meant to boot, and how windows boots, is essential20:03
jluclast time i tried i could boot windows20:03
tomreynthere is a "boot-repair" live system you could try.20:03
jlucwhen i try to launch the old partition, boot loops on errors and wellcome screen and errors and wellcome etc20:04
tomreynoh you can boot up to the graphical login screen and it only fails there somehow? then it's basically booting up fine20:05
tomreynyou can then also boot to recovery (slsct from grub menu) and examine things further20:05
jluci have 2 lubuntu installations now : 1) the new one that installed 100% but isnt present in boot menu 2) the other new = broken old one 20:05
jluci can boot to recovery yes - i'll need help there, using another computer then20:06
tomreyndo you have a wired internet connection?20:06
jlucnope very slow wire, and slow mobile ethernet20:07
jluc(down max 5Mbps)20:07
tomreynwhats your normal internet access?20:08
jlucthis is it or what do you mean ?20:08
jlucwell it's my parent's place...20:08
jluc(mobile to usb)20:08
tomreynwell, i guess 5Mbps is good enough to fix the installation20:08
jluci can install gparted and hexchat !20:08
tomreynit's not really clear why your fresh install doesn't seem to be bootable though20:09
jlucbut downloading a new iso would require a couple of hours20:09
jlucyes, i installed it with official installer that should handle that20:09
tomreyni'd start with getting to understand how windows and lubuntu currently boot, prepare an overview of your partitions and boot methods on a pastebin20:10
jlucunless my grml grup previous update has broken somethin20:10
jluchow can i report the boot methods ?20:10
tomreynand disable fast startup on windows, maybe also update bios from windows20:11
jlucit's a very old machine20:11
jlucive never updated a bios20:11
tomreynlsblk on linux is a good start to get an overview on partitions20:11
jluchere : https://pad.infini.fr/p/lubuntu20:14
tomreynplease use    https://bpa.st     or      command_to_capture_output_of |& nc termbin.com 9999     next time.20:18
tomreynnow let's see     sudo blkid20:18
tomreynokay, which one did you say is the old lubuntu installation?20:22
jlucSPEEDY, the SSD20:22
tomreynindeed there doesn't seem to be an efi system partition. this and "old computer" would suggest this system and both windows and linux are set to boot in the old bios mode20:22
tomreynso you want to keep the old lubuntu partition / file system, right?20:23
jlucthe best would be to install the new version of lubuntu on SPEEDY20:23
jluc(and overwrite the old lubuntu)20:24
jluci have saved the data and it's ok to format it or whatever20:24
tomreynhmm that's not really a safe operation, i recommend a frehs install, or at least ensure you have a backup first20:24
tomreynoh you do, ok20:25
jlucthere are backups on USB and /SAV partition on HD (sda3)20:25
tomreynso you're happy to restore the backup later? or would you still prefer to keep the data on "speedy"?20:25
jlucfrankly i'm happy with the most installation-success prone20:26
jluci've spent the whole day on that20:26
jlucit's be a pleasure to restore the data when that'll be possible on a new lubuntu20:27
tomreyni mean you will surely be able to restore what was in your /home subdirectory20:27
tomreyn(if you backed this up)20:27
tomreynthe configurations and installed software you'd need to do afresh20:27
jlucyes fine20:27
jlucit's my mother's computer and only basic software20:28
tomreynthis linux live system you're running now, is this the lubuntu installer?20:28
jlucyes, the one i installed on SSD using grml as far as i can remember20:28
jlucin "try" mode20:29
tomreynoh you placed a bootable copy of the installation media on the disk then?20:30
jlucthere was an iso and what i understand is that using some command i declared it to grub20:31
jluci can find the tutorial20:32
tomreyni'm not sure what "the one i installed using grml" means exactly. if you can provide commands you ran or guides you followed, this might help me get a better understanding.20:32
jlucyes i will find that20:32
jlucsudo apt install grml-rescueboot + sudo mv ~/Downloads/filename.iso /boot/grml/ + sudo update-grub20:34
jlucthat's it20:34
jlucdone that on SSD good old lubuntu partition20:35
jlucthen reboot and there was a new lubuntu entry in boot menu20:35
jlucthen i could NOT install on top of SSD partition (even after unmounting it)20:35
tomreynso i'm guessing that "/boot/grml/" is stored on /dev/sdb120:36
jluci couldnt install because of : « /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptroot: 18: .: Can't open /lib/cryptsetup/functions20:36
jlucE: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptroot failed with return 2... »20:36
tomreynwhich is where the disk-bootable installer iso is now stored, and that's also why you could not installed there20:37
jlucyes 20:37
tomreyndid you enable disk encryption during installation20:37
jlucit's difficult enough to sort that out without obscuring it20:38
jlucthen i created an empty partition on HD sda and used the installer to install lubuntu there 20:38
jlucbut cant launch it20:39
jluchere we are20:39
tomreynokay, so you want to install lubuntu to /dev/sdb. on sdb, you currently have a single partition sdb1, which contains your old lubuntu installation, which is bootable but does not boot up fully somehow. you are ok with replacing this instlalation, and loosing your data. however, there is also the only currently lubuntu (live/installer) system on there, in the form of a bootable iso in /boot. you don't have an external usb stick you could use for 20:42
tomreynwriting the lubuntu installer on. 20:42
tomreynis all of this correct so far?20:42
jlucyes thats it20:43
jlucthere is no "boot on usb" in the bios settings options20:43
tomreyni should add: you also have a non-bootable lubuntu 24.04 installation on /dev/sda4, and a windows installation on sda1+2, and a backup partiotnon on sda3 (ext4). sda is a HDD, sdb is an SSD.20:43
tomreynyou're saying this bios does not support booting from usb?20:44
tomreynsheesh, must be really old20:45
tomreynand a bios upgrade would have been a good idea ages ago then20:45
jluci've never heard of bios upgrade before recent spectre or such issues20:46
jluci thought bios was ROM stored20:46
tomreynit's writable20:47
tomreynyou can boot grml from an external disk somehow, too, right?20:47
jlucthere is a dvd reader writer but no dvd20:48
tomreynyou will need to boot the lubuntu installer from a disk that is not sdb20:49
tomreynthat's the only reliable way to ensure you can install *to* sdb20:49
jluci wonder how could i install lubuntu there years ago ?20:50
tomreynprobably from a dvd20:50
tomreynso what you can try now is to again do what you already did: use grml to place the lubuntu installer iso on the disk, but not on /dev/sdb1 but on /dev/sda4. then boot this installer (fingers crossed) and use it to install to /dev/sdb1, replacing the existing installation there20:52
tomreynor you can buy dvds and write the lubuntu installer iso to it and boot from there and install to /dev/sdb1, replacing what's already there20:53
tomreynyet another potential approach would to boot to windows, start the lubuntu installer .iso in a VM, and grant this VM full access to the physical disk /dev/sdb (the SSD), and then install lubuntu to this disk, overwriting existing data20:55
jluci need to sort that now for my parents, coz i leave tomorrow20:57
tomreynyet another approach would be to try to boot any linux system you can currently boot, from a disk that's not sdb, so grml or the /dev/sda4 installation, and use debootstrap to install to sdb - but that's advanced20:57
jlucyep i will try grml on sda...20:58
tomreyn/dev/sda4 hopefully20:58
tomreynwell, you'd need to also install grub to /dev/sda, though,a dn that will overwrite the windows boot sector20:59
tomreynso windows will then only be able to boot if you can set it uo for chain loading in grub21:00
tomreynwhich os-prober can do automatically, but it is not enabled by default anymore21:00
jluci dont understand 21:01
jlucim afraid i wont sort that out21:03
tomreynwell, ignore this part for now.21:03
tomreynstart with step one: use grub to place a bootable lubuntu installer iso on /dev/sda4, and make that bootable and boot to it21:04
tomreynfixing windows booting will the final step then21:04
tomreynjust wondering: do you parents actually want the dual boot setup?21:05
tomreynin my experience, most people really only use one OS, hardly switch in a multi-boot setup21:05
jluc_Thanks tomreyn to take the time21:13
tomreynyou're welcome 21:14
tomreyni think i'll have an earl grey, hot, now.21:15
tomreynjluc_: any progress?23:03
jluc_I've switched that computer to windows23:40
jluc_it's over bloated and also complex to admin but not so slow i thought it would be23:40
jluc_next time i'll come i'll have an install DVD with me23:40
jluc_so i can reinstall an uptodate lubuntu23:41
eyeohjluc_: the oldest machine I have that can still boot from usb is from 200423:44
eyeohsomething doesn't sound right with yours23:45
jluc_lucky you23:45
eyeohI'm not gloating. I'm trying to suggest something isn't right here23:45
eyeohand that there must be a way to boot from usb23:45
eyeohdid you mention which motherboard23:47
eyeohok never mind23:49
jluc_yeah its late here...23:50

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