[00:33] Any WP admins here? I am learning and running a WP site on my home computer with Apache Webserver the WP Security says 'The required module, gd, is not installed, or has been disabled.' However phpinfo shows gd installed and I have enable the mod with phpenmod. How do I fix this? [00:54] owensjrw: are you running phpinfo() throughthe webserver (not CLI), and on the same virtualhost / fpm pool? [00:58] do you have both php-gd (or php8.3-gd or for your very php version) and libgd installed? [01:05] have commented in the php gd module in the correct php.ini (and restarted the webserver / cgi daemon)? [01:27] ubuntu doesn't ship php with gd [01:27] ubuntu ships their own gd instead that wp doesn't like === JanC is now known as Guest5306 [14:59] tomreyn: Thank you yes need to restart the webserver. did systemctl restart apache2 fixed it. [15:08] "systemctl reload apache2" might have been enough, not sure. [15:08] i dont think apache can add/remove modules by reload [15:09] hmm, right, it's not just a matter of reloading configurations [15:21] I also did phpenmod yesterday both probably had something to do with it. But yes the warning is gone now and and phpinfo() shows gd version 2.3 and enabled. Thanks for the help. === Wyly9 is now known as Wyly