=== Marceaux is now known as Marqeaux === paran0n2 is now known as paran0n [02:43] hello [03:16] Hello [04:30] hi [04:36] Hi I recently installed ubuntu in my pi, I am using systemd with netplan. I have been trying to disable power save for my wlan0 but unsucessful can someone help please [04:44] Can anyone please guide me how to disable powersave for wlan0 on ubuntu using systemd [05:09] @Redro /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf [05:09] try 2 [05:09] then reboot or restart network manager === remy_ is now known as remy [08:41] hi, I am having problems with my bluetooth earbuds. They stay connected to bluetooth but the audio drops and KDE pops up that the audio is going through the speaker and after 5-10 seconds it comes back and the popup says the audio is coming from my earbuds. When I check syslog I get: wireplumber[10903]: spa.bluez5: Failure in Bluetooth audio transport /org/bluez/hci0/dev_24_95_2F_AF_2A_3D/fd10 at the time when my connection drops [08:52] should pulseaudio still be installed or does pipewire obviate it? === sage_ is now known as sergio === sergio is now known as toadie [11:19] hi can someone help me with ubuntu studio [11:29] !ask | toadie [11:29] toadie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [11:29] note there is also #ubuntustudio [11:30] also: hi and welcome :) === rvalue- is now known as rvalue [11:47] hi === root is now known as Guest7073 === JanC is now known as Guest5306 === marco is now known as jonnycloaca === Juesto is now known as Juest [16:19] If I have a start shell script (running the script as sudo), will that sudo setting also apply to all sourced shell script inside the start shell script? [16:19] yes [16:19] ravage, looking to run the start script as sudo, and remove all added sudo prefix in the commands inside the scripts. [16:20] ravage, thanks! [16:21] hermano: sudo runs the command as root... and then everythig that command does runs as root... so if you dont want everything in it to run as root, then why are you using sudo [16:22] rbox, sudo and root is not the same thing. [16:22] then what are you trying to do [16:22] and how are you using sudo [16:23] he told us exactly how he uses it. he put sudo before the command [16:23] rbox, just cleaning up my scripts from sudo prefix, thats it. I am adding software to folder "/opt" and I noticed that it does not work if I ad as a non-sudo user. [16:23] if you are just doing 'sudo command' [16:23] then it is running as root [16:24] what does "it does not work" mean [16:24] rbox, I see your point, but many times one is not allowed to run as root and especially if handing over script, they must be stated with sudo user, not root. [16:24] sudo runs the program as root [16:24] end of story [16:25] see "yes" above [16:25] the story already ended [16:25] hi all. My name is kendell clark and I'd like to get in touch with the accessibility team to begin contributing to ubuntu. I am not a programmer but a very curious computer user. There is a minor bug that needs fixing in both ubuntu and ubuntu-mate. The screen reader state is not persistent across boots. [16:25] rbox, it runs sudo and if a user is part of sudo group, it has elevated priviledged, very close to root. [16:25] hermano: wtf? [16:26] i think you have no clue what sudo is [16:26] !contribute [16:26] To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see https://ubuntu.com/community/contribute and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/37746 [16:26] rbox, anyhow, I think I got input to my question. [16:26] !bug | kendell [16:26] kendell: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [16:26] hermano: proably shouydln't be using it if you dont know what it is [16:26] rbox, thanks for the input. [16:27] thanks for that command, I'll run it now. I'm not sure where the bug is, I suspect in the gconf keys that are activated with alt+windows+s, but it's a guess only [16:28] describe the bug best you can [16:28] the screen reader works just fine, it's just not activated at startup like it's set to do. A very minor bug [16:29] cant you just put it in autostart? [16:29] https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/startup-applications.html.en [16:30] that's exactly what I did and it now starts. The gconf stuff isn't set but that only seems to be there to autostart it [16:30] so problem solved? [16:31] sort of solved. What's supposed to happen is you press alt+win+s, a few seconds later you hear "screen reader on". Aftar that it autostarts. But putting it in autostart fixes that. [16:34] to reproduce, press alt+win+s on your desktop. You should hear screen reader on. Reboot. The screen reader will not start again when the system starts [16:42] kendell, do you have some crash reports in /var/crash ? [17:43] I've been advocating for open source software since 2011. I used to develop a linux distribution called sonar which is linux with accessibility preconfigured. Back when I started linux wasn't as accessible as it is now === E_Bomb35 is now known as E_Bomb === JohnTheNerd718 is now known as JohnTheNerd71 === Guest5855 is now known as zero === zero is now known as Guest4294 === Rosalind is now known as rosalind === pro is now known as Guest480 === paran0n9 is now known as paran0n [23:03] Hey hey! [23:06] Ugh i had prepared a long question but turns out I had the wrong impression, so no point in asking. [23:07] Rubber Duck Debugging strikes again [23:07] Haha, me? [23:08] I think i had a teacher who use/d to talk about that :-) [23:08] Yeah. But formulating a question to ask someone, you end up understanding the problem better to the point the question no longer needs to be answered. [23:09] Yep, could see that happen. This was a bit different though. I more or less remembered wrong. Ubuntu desktop + SSH login question. However i just realized or remembered now what my actual question is. Oh how the tables have turned [23:11] So i have an HP laptop with Ubuntu v22 or something like that. Seems as, if i start up the machine and just let it run and don't log in graphically do a desktop at the machine, it will instantly go to sleep mode whenever the lid is closed. If i do login however, it does not sleep if i close it (i use this machine as a server so it should always be on) [23:11] Could there be something like different energy profiles at play here, depending on whether ubuntu thinks something is "sitting at the machine" ? [23:12] s/something/someone , hehe [23:26] sybariten: default desktop yes it is assummed that you would want power management on a desk/laptop as it is assummed that a server should run 24/7 [23:28] sybariten: you can reset power from the gui settings/power or cli https://askubuntu.com/questions/1357702/how-to-configure-power-management-by-command-line === hp is now known as Skippy