
=== andy_ is now known as andy__
circleClicking the networking icon in the taskbar pops up the familiar Networks popup, with checkboxes for WifiDevice and AirplaneMode. Also has a button for enabling "Hotspot". Clicking gives me an open=unsecured hotspot with name username-hotspot. I have attempted to add a WPA2/3 password to the hotspot but it does not seem to change the existing06:10
circlehotspot. Disabing and reenabling the Hotspot button creates a second, unsecured wifi with the same name. Is there any way to 1. turn on security?  and 2. get the list of attached devices?06:10
circle(Kubuntu 22.04.4)06:14
borkedgainHello!  I'm trying to figure out if Kubuntu supports TPM hardware-backed full disk encryption?  I see the option in the Ubuntu installer but not the Kubuntu installer.  Is there an extra step that needs to be taken to enable this option?16:02
IrcsomeBot_<Stone> Hello there, hi ask the dev for bug, they send me on kde forum wicth thoose people always send my away can some one help me ........16:51
IrcsomeBot_<Stone> Hey there, i’m obtain a problem in kubuntu 24.04 :16:51
IrcsomeBot_<Stone> Operating System: Kubuntu 24.04 KDE16:51
IrcsomeBot_<Stone> Plasma Version: 5.27.1116:51
IrcsomeBot_<Stone> KDE Frameworks Version: 5.115.016:51
IrcsomeBot_<Stone> Qt Version: 5.15.1316:51
=== JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays
=== wisp is now known as absolutewisp
IrcsomeBot_<plutorocks> can Fedora media writer create my Kubuntu bootable stick?18:06
IrcsomeBot_<plutorocks> is it safe?18:06
IrcsomeBot_<TimoSalola> balena etcher seems to be preferred nowadays, but feel free to try the fedore writer. Will most likely work (re @plutorocks: can Fedora media writer create my Kubuntu bootable stick?)18:24
IrcsomeBot_<plutorocks> Tried it. When flashing a Fedora image for instance, media writer would verify the image at end but for Kubuntu, it didn't verify. (re @TimoSalola: balena etcher seems to be preferred nowadays, but feel free to try the fedore writer. Will most likely work)18:25
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
mparilloIf you have Linux anyway, I prefer dd. I am just very careful.18:29
diogenessplutorocks, you can simply do: sudo cp kubuntu.ico /dev/sdX (your USB device that you identify by running: lsblk)19:00
bpromptHay Bartender!!! said the horse at the bar19:25
IrcsomeBot_<plutorocks> How good is screen recording on spectacle ?20:44
IrcsomeBot_<plutorocks> Is it on par with obs studio or simplescreenrecording?20:45
bpromptplutorock:   as far as I know, Spectacle only does screenshots, not screen recording20:48
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
cbreakbprompt: I think it does screen recording in 24.10, haven't tried it myself though21:40
=== oerheks1 is now known as oerheks

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