
* daftykins cracks open a packet of jaffa cakes23:17
daftykinsis it me... or have they shrunk? D:23:19
zxmpiat some point people will snap and in a 100 years kids will have to learn about the jaffa cake riots :-P23:25
daftykinsinstigated by davef ;)23:26
zxmpiyou mean <_< >_> the jaffa cake bandit23:26
daftykinsah yes i should have used his secret identity23:26
davef( •_•)>⌐■-■ 23:27
davef"Oops. Our website is temporarily unavailable in your location. We are working hard to get it back online." .. they're on to me23:28
zxmpisounds like a job for the jaffa cake liberation front if ever there was one23:29
* penguin42 doesn't buy Mcvities of anything any more23:39
daftykinsno? what did they do to you? :o23:39
daftykinsi feel like you've told me before xD23:39
penguin42hmm not sure; I moved away from their Choc Digestives when they kept shrinking the packs23:41

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