
sybaritentoddc1: thanks! What i tried to say though is that... It would be power management for, i guess, "no specific user logged in"00:29
karenwWhat just happened? O.o00:46
tomreyntoo many users on one ip, who have not requested an exempt00:47
JanC6 doesn't seem that much to me, especially as at least some are obviously just the same with a tail01:16
eelstrebori.m unable to play bluray discs with my bluray player with vlc. all the libbluray* packages are installed. is there anything else i should look for that may be missing?01:29
NeilRGwhat is this line in my fstab? /swap.imgnoneswapsw0002:22
NeilRGdo I need it02:22
NeilRGmount point is none, which is weird02:23
toddc1NeilRG: normal swap is a option if not used it uses a swap page so not needed just a option02:26
karenwNeilRG: It is not strictly needed, no. But it allows disk space to be used as memory, which is generally better than programs being killed by the OMM killer.02:27
=== toddc1 is now known as toddc
karenwIt is correct for it not to have a mount point02:29
karenws/OMM killer/OOM killer02:29
darwindoes OpenCL from AMD (amdgpu) for Ubuntu still work with Radeon RX Vega 64 or that's now 'too old'?03:59
chitoHello I am on 23.10, quite out of date and cannot seem to do a release upgrade due to repos no longer existing for my release. Is there an easy method to just upgrading to an LTS?04:04
Bashing-om!eol | chito Not real hard -04:09
ubottuchito Not real hard -: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:09
oerheksdarwin it should work04:10
oerhekshi pragmaticenigma04:21
chitointerestingly the eol page is down04:23
chitoDoes it make sense to just swap my sources list?04:23
Bashing-omchito: Let me scare you up an example to reset sources,04:24
oerhekschito, that is the debian way, does not work for ubuntu04:24
chitoOK but the ubuntu way doesn't work because I waited too long04:26
chitoso what are you supposed to do in that case04:26
=== Maglcite is now known as mag
pragmaticenigmachito, there is a way, the eol page normally provided has the steps on it. if the page is down, you may need to wait a bit for it to come up, or for a volunteer here to help put together the instructions04:28
chitoI see. Thank's friend04:29
Bashing-omchito: Run in terminal ' sudo sed -i -e 's/archive.ubuntu.com/old-releases.ubuntu.com/g' /etc/apt/sources.list ' // Then run ' sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade ' - Such as like : https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2346438 . // Beware in 24.04 apt changes the sources.list format.04:32
chitoIDK it's not working04:53
Bashing-omchito: "it's not working" does not tell us much . As a place to start to understand - pastebin the present sources.list file.05:00
linuxhpwrite newuser06:44
linuxhpsudo wall "Hii.."06:44
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wusemanHi LuckyMan07:02
linuxhpsudo wall "Hello wuseman"07:03
linuxhpWelcome hwpplayer107:04
linuxhp~user@user/moo3 Hello07:05
moo3hi linuxhp07:05
linuxhpNice to meet you07:05
moo3u too07:05
moo3You trolling?07:06
linuxhpIm new to this07:06
linuxhpI just inspired from the series, and just tried to explore the world07:07
moo3Where are you from in India linuxhp?07:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:08
linuxhpyes Mr moo307:08
moo3arraybolt3 is right. Sorry.07:08
arraybolt3np :)07:08
linuxhpAre you from India Mr moo3?07:09
moo3no no linuxhp but note what ubottu wrote07:10
linuxhpOkay, Thanks for the rembember07:11
linuxhpCan i know how to exit the channel. Because im new to this os07:13
moo3/ and exit together07:13
linuxhpOkay thanks for the information, I will catch you later07:14
andy_e buone feste08:58
andy_sono nel canale giusto per ottenere aiuto con linux?08:58
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mari-estelmeh i hate pinned folders automatically created in my ~, just clutter10:16
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gajdorendreHi All!10:21
mari-estelstuff like Desktop/, Downloads/, Pictures/, Templates/, etcetera10:21
mari-estela pattern that came from window$10:22
oerheksthose are generated by xdg-user-dirs10:22
oerheksno, not from windows10:22
oerheksCreate a local ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs  for folders, or ~/.config/user-dirs.locale  for language10:23
oerheksdefaults are in /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults10:24
mari-esteli meant it comes from window$ as a design pattern. Cheers, i will disable them10:25
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt10:27
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* ogra_ is pretty sure the XDG folder structure has shown up first in NeXT OS, was then adoped by MacOS before anyone else had them ...13:08
ivaatmoohi. could someone give example of autoinstaller to add to ubiquity to be preset other language as select?13:20
ivaatmooor autoinstaller auto installs only?13:21
ivaatmoois this still relavent https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityAutomation ?13:23
=== justache is now known as SpiritedMan
ogra_ivaatmoo, only for rather old releases ... ubiquity is dead and gone in recent ones13:32
ogra_ivaatmoo, https://canonical-subiquity.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/intro-to-autoinstall.html13:35
ivaatmooogra_, ubuntu 24.04 seems like ubiquity is there or not?13:36
ogra_nope, that uses a subiquity based installed13:36
ivaatmooand how one would set in subiquity to be default language something else?13:38
ivaatmooso user has choise already in his language13:39
ogra_see the link i posted above it has all the autoinstall docs13:39
ivaatmoothis seems to be automatic install. i still need logic where user interacts with installer but just with default language not english13:41
ivaatmoothere is scroll list for language but exactly this screen would be need in other language13:41
ravageYou just have to find your language in the list13:42
ravageIt's even in the users local language13:42
ravageI think everyone should be able to handle that13:42
ivaatmoobut this screen is in english13:43
ogra_ivaatmoo, does thios help ? https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/oem-config-in-24-04/47803/313:43
ravageThat's really a chicken and egg problem13:43
ivaatmooogra_ if i have locale already set (by not autoinstaller) then subiquity should pick it up as well?13:47
ravageSet where?13:48
ivaatmooogra_ thanks. i will try13:52
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zphinxdoes anyone know what polkit action is needed to allow a user to install propertiary drivers without administrative account? or atleast being quieried for their own password?15:31
pragmaticenigmazphinx: drivers are installed to the kernel level, elevated privileges are going to be required15:35
zphinxpragmaticenigma: yeah, hence why im asking what action in polkit i should be looking at.15:35
pragmaticenigmaThat's not how polkit works, it's not what it is for15:37
=== iwannaberoot1643 is now known as iwannaberoot164
ivaatmoodoes autoinstall file needs to be named user-data or user-data.yml and is this correct grub entry? https://paste24.net/raw/avyYXe16:26
ivaatmoocurrently file is at nocloud directory?16:27
ivaatmooi mean without question mark16:27
ivaatmooand "linux /casper/vmlinuz autoinstall ds=nocloud\;s=/cdrom/nocloud/ boot=casper only-ubiquity splash ---" means that file is looked from dir /nocloud ?16:59
ivaatmoonot from /cdrom/nocloud ?16:59
ivaatmoohm it does look from cdrom17:03
ivaatmoofile is in local directory /nocloud17:03
CrtxReavrI'm using Zorin, which is Ubuntu Jammy based. . .17:11
CrtxReavrIs there a CLI app where I can few audio levels for a sound device?17:11
leftyfbCrtxReavr: sorry, but that's not supported here17:12
ravageplease contact  their support. we only support Ubuntu and it's official flavors here17:12
CrtxReavrOkay, then forget I said Zorin.17:12
ravagethats not how this works17:12
CrtxReavr"I don't know." would be less typing.17:12
ravagegood luc17:12
leftyfbCrtxReavr: please seek support from Zorin, or install Ubuntu17:13
pragmaticenigmaCrtxReavr: It doesn't matter, when a distribution forks away from another, it is to make significant changes to the way the OS operates. It was based, mean a snapshop was taken of the current development state at that time. From there on forward they are no longer the same as design decisions diverge from that point.17:13
CrtxReavrEnjoy life in mommy's basement.17:13
ivaatmoook this is not working. subiqitui still in english17:51
ivaatmoobefore X env i have this https://paste24.net/raw/boov3b17:57
ivaatmoothis sets for example live ubuntu to other language17:57
ivaatmooand i try also user-data locale to set subiquity default slection to other language17:59
ivaatmoofor some reason no effect17:59
ivaatmoogrub entry linux /casper/vmlinuz autoinstall ds=nocloud\;s=/nocloud/ boot=casper only-ubiquity splash ---17:59
pragmaticenigmaivaatmoo: the language selection in the autoinstall is for the installed OS, subiquity itself only has English and translations available for Spanish/Español18:09
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ivaatmooUbuntu Desktop installer set default language18:19
ivaatmoook, i found a solution18:24
ivaatmoogrub entry with locale18:24
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hyperuser7754Hello Guys19:33
hyperuser7754im from russia, my english it so awful19:34
lotuspsychje!ru | hyperuser775419:35
ubottuhyperuser7754: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:35
bprompthyperuser7754: well, so far so good :)19:35
cbreakenglish is a very useful second language to learn. Not as useful as C++, but still... :)19:35
hyperuser7754v #ubuntu_ru nikogo net19:36
bpromptwb hyperuser775419:39
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bpromptallo nomike21:06
nomikeI'm running Ubuntu 14.10 on a Lenovo ThinkPad T14 Gen 1 AMD. Since ever (which is 2-3 years) I'm having an issue with the fingerprint reader. It works, I can us it to log in, authorize sudo, unlock the screen, but every now and then, it stops working. The lock-screen no longer displays the note about being able to unlock with my fingerprint. After a reboot, things work again.21:07
nomikeDoes this sound familiar to anyone?21:09
bpromptnomike: hmmm not to me, I have a fingerprint button on my touchpad, but I never use it :)21:17
oerheks1pressing simply space does not show the login again?21:25
tomreynnomike: you'Re aware that ubuntu 14.10 has been out of support for many years? maybe you mean 24.10?21:39
nomikeAh..yes. 24.10 of course. It was a typo.21:44
tomreynthere's general criticism on using biometrics for authentication. also, most fingerprint scanners installed on computer hardware have a very low resolution and are easily fooled (this is, partially, changing). the driver situation hasn't been great (possibly as a result of this).21:47
=== nordlucht34 is now known as nordlicht34
sybaritenSo, i have a ubuntu v20-running laptop here. Well it's in another room, I always do SSH. I'm not saying I'm lazy, but.... is thee a remote desktop solution that i could just install and fire up on a stock ubuntu, I mean, without physically interacting with the machine at the same time?22:00
sybaritenBasically, do i need to do stuff _at_ that machine, or can i just install something over ssh and get the desktop of that machine, on my Windows machine perhaps22:01
tomreyni would expect you to have to walk *this one time*. it may be possible without. i think there are CLI commands to enable gnome's remote desktop sharing.22:02
cbreakyou can probably do most things via SSH, maybe you might want to try X11 forwarding, if you want to use GUI programs. Might not always work.22:03
bpromptsybariten: I'd think you can also install VNC on both machines22:09
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sybaritentomreyn: uugghh   <---- Eric Cartman type noises22:12
sybaritenbprompt: hm, isnt VNC something that falls under remote desktop?22:12
sybaritenas an umbrella i mean?22:12
sybaritentomreyn: i'm kidding, it's okay i guess22:13
bpromptsybariten: hmmm yes, I think it does22:13
bpromptsybariten: isn't that what you're looking for?22:13
cbreakisn't remote desktop some proprietary microsoft thing?22:14
cbreakI keep hearing about security holes in it anyway22:15
bpromptcbreak: hmmm remote desktop?  not that I know of, Microsoft make their own RDP to talk to other windows boxes, but all other OSes use their own too, VNC works on all22:21
sybaritenbprompt: yes sure, your wording just made it sound a bit like you had an alternative suggestion there  :)22:21
bpromptsybariten: tightVNC :)22:22
sybaritenBut honestly i think those things called "rdp" (like... an MS thing?) were more efficient than good ol VNC last time i checked, that's always been quite resource suboptimal i feel22:22
sybaritenoh, and then there's teamviewer too, why didnt i think about that. That tool is just nuts22:23
sybaritenPierces through any network hinders like a spear, sysadmins all over the world fear it22:24
cbreakteamviewer's a gigantic security hole, only used by morons and clueless people :/22:24
zorinfuck ass22:24
cbreakthey do cloud shenanigans, and occasionally forgot to validate credentials before granting access to other people's machines22:25
sybaritencbreak: well, nah. Depends on whose side you're on.  :)  When you're just a worker needing to get your shit done at some place, it can be helpful....22:25
cbreakyou mean a double agent?22:25
sybaritencbreak: no, but as you may know, the conflict between the people who set up and administer the IT at an organization, and on the other hand the people who need to use said IT, is a battle as old as time itself22:27
=== oerheks1 is now known as oerheks
cbreakhmm... lucky me, I do both :/22:27
cbreakthat explains the constant monologuing in my head22:28
sybaritenI'm just saying i've had some instances where teamviewer has saved me a lot of work, but then again the sysadmins at that place would not have encouraged my use of it.22:28
sybaritenAnywhoooo... this is a long shot, but i suppose no one here uses the phone-and-computer program called "localsend", under linux?22:29
=== Aavar_ is now known as Aavar
bpromptsybariten:  hmmm nope, well, not me22:49
WeeBeyHi ! In Gnome passwords & keys (Seahorse), I can't select multiple login entries and delete them at once. Does someone know how to bulk delete entries? I have a couple hundred from a VPN app that i need to delete.22:49
oerheksthat should have been fixed in seahorse 3.29.92 https://github.com/GNOME/seahorse/blob/main/NEWS22:54
WeeBeyoerheks, hmm weird! maybe they fixed it for "ssh keys" but not logins? :-(23:03
oerhekshold shift and arrow down to select  them?23:04
WeeBeyselect works fine23:05
WeeBeyright click unselects23:05
WeeBeydelete key or ctrl delete don't do anything.23:05
WeeBeyI guess it's a bug.23:06

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