
=== jag is now known as sibuyas
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IrcsomeBot_<plutorocks> I will try and see if turns out well. (re @IrcsomeBot: <cbreak> bprompt: I think it does screen recording in 24.10, haven't tried it myself though)05:53
IrcsomeBot_<plutorocks> Tried it. It still need more workings to become a proper functioning recorder09:51
=== aaaaaa is now known as Mariannnn
BluesKajHi all13:19
=== tiago is now known as StimpS
cbreakhmm... annoying... with 24.10, firefox doesn't remember the position of windows anymore19:47
cbreakand other programs don't either :/ maybe some wayland bug19:47
mokotanhey, i've been having issues with file previews in krita (installed from ubuntu's repositories on kubuntu 24.10) w/ the native file dialog. is this the right place to be asking for help regarding that? i have some logs suggesting it's because it can't find the ThumbCreator service.20:09
=== diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian
bpromptmokotan: hmmm I don't use Krita myself20:19
bpromptmokotan: I'd like to point out there's a #krita channel in  the network20:20
mokotanfor the record it's broken in VLC too, with the same error, same repository; I have this hunch it's because kubuntu moved to plasma 6 and kio-extras changed in some way that also changed how the thumbnailers are called20:20
mokotanso it's wrong for me to say it's a krita issue20:20
mokotan(but i am not a developer i am an artist w/ some IT training lol)20:20
bpromptmokotan: depends, your issue is with the native file dialog window, and that varies depending on what desktop manager you use and the app, some apps use whatever the desktop manager has as default, and some use their own dialog20:21
mokotanright, it's dolphin20:22
bpromptmokotan: and yes, that's no Krita or VLC or other apps, is just the file manager that's being used for the "file open" dialog20:22
bpromptmokotan:  hmmm I use Konqueror as my file manager, does many things dolphin doesn't, like hmmm opening many folders on the same tab, so you can see many locations all at once, and it has a nice thumbnail preview View20:23
cbreakI can recommend ranger, it's cool... but... it's ... weird... maybe I shouldn't recommend ranger :/ (also, it won't help with your problem)20:27
bpromptis cool and is weird?20:27
mokotani'm amused to be evangelized about regarding alternatives20:27
bpromptmokotan: not trying to proselytize you, just saying that I use dolphin now and then, but mostly konqueror, mind you that both use the same "file open" dialog utility20:31
mokotanoh, well, okay, but i am amused anyways20:31
mokotanand yeah i just installed konqueror to try it & i see it seems to have the same issue anyways20:31
bpromptmokotan: but your issue is one of simply viewing previews of files, that's independent of Krita when it comes to the file open modal dialog , and you can use other apps just for previewing like Gwenview20:32
cbreakit's probably what ever framework krita uses for displaying the file open dialog. Somehow they've always seemed ugly and inconsistent to me on linux...20:33
mokotanyeah; i mean krita can open the files just fine, it is an image editor, of course. but my workflow is tricky when i need visual thumbnails for large directories full of images with similar technical names so i can distinguish my project files. current workaround is to keep dolphin open in the working directory, which is egh20:33
cbreakkrita's using Qt, so it's either the platform native dialog or the Qt hack dialog. Probably the former20:34
mokotanwell, here's the error i get for every dolphin file picker: kf.service.services: KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found20:34
mokotanthis is the only clue i've got really20:34
bpromptmokotan: https://snipboard.io/bGe6vJ.jpg     <----- the top part is viewing 5 different folders in konqueror, in the same tab, the bottom part is viewing a folder in large preview mode20:40
mokotancool setup20:42
bpromptI opened 5 folders, but it has no limit that I know of, often times I have to open 4 at once to move files around between devices20:42
bpromptohhh mind you that Konqueror also save sessions, I have two sessions saved, one with 5 tabs and another one with 2 tabs, but same, it has  no limit on sessions either20:44
bpromptmokotan: wondering if it's your installation of kde or dolphin that has the issue, namely if  you installed a "snap" version or a "flatpak" version of it20:47
cbreakI don't think it is a setup specific problem, I can reproduce the problem20:48
mokotanit's from ubuntu's repository, not flatpak or snap, both of which had different issues (i.e. flatpak uses GTK file picker, blegh)20:48
mokotanthe appimage can't use the native file picker at all so no replication (or potential solution) is to be found there either20:48
cbreak(and the problem is in the file open dialog, not plain dolphin, for me)20:49
mokotancbreak: that's good20:49
mokotani suspect that it's to do with plasma 6 since i only recently updated having moved from an ssd on kubuntu 22 running plasma 5, where it was working ok20:50
mokotanwell, with the new toolkits - but again this is ignorant idle speculation on my part20:50
bpromptmokotan: hmmm mine is a fresh install of kubuntu 24.04.120:51
cbreak24.04 is stuck on kde5, 24.10 switched to 620:52
oerheksLTS never gets a new feature, basicly20:53
bpromptwell, I wouldn't mind plasma 6, if it cooked breakfast, but something tells me it doesn't, so not too sure I'm missing anything20:53
mokotan i recommend a maid20:53
bpromptif it ain't broken, don't fix it20:53
cbreakit does wayland20:53
bpromptcbreak: 24.04 does wayland too20:54
cbreakwhen I tried it on 24.04, it sucked at it20:54
cbreaklots of problems with resolution scaling, and a bunch of other things. But in 24.10, wayland seems to basically work20:54
cbreakat least the easy 90% :)20:54
cbreakopening windows seems broken in wayland, not sure if it's really wayland's fault though. It probably is.20:55
bpromptcbreak: many packages have slowly moved to wayland, last I checked, is an improvement, but not exacly a "new paradigm" per se20:55
mokotani like wayland for one stupid reason20:55
mokotani think the W icon is a lot cleaner & nicer to look at than the x11 icon, for programs that don't have an icon20:56
oerheks24.10 does nvidia+wayland \0/20:56
mokotanthis is a bigger win to me than any of the under-the-hood technical improvements20:56
mokotanwell i guess the per-display scaling is nice too20:57
cbreakmokotan: you might be able to change the icon arbitrarily if you are motivated enough :)20:57
bpromptheehhe, yeah, Hex Edit the binary with the icon :P20:58
bpromptmokotan: you know, about your preview stuff, you can always drag-n-drop from a preview in konqueror or dolphin, dolphin also has a thumbnails View, and you can drag-n-drop to Krita21:00
mokotanyeah, and i do that, but it doesn't help for exports or saving, both of which i use heavily21:00
mokotanso my issue is probably a kde6 issue; is there a better channel could be asking for help in?21:00
bpromptthe file open dialog in Kde blows some, you can filter, or put a whole url, I regularly drag-drop or just righ-click, way faster, not to mention I can do multiple files at once21:00
bpromptmokotan: hmmm well, it was working before, right?    is this since the update, was it a distribution upgrade?21:01
mokotan"before" is by now about a month ago; I moved SSDs from a tower to a laptop and rebuilt to fedora, then decided that actually i still couldn't stomach GNOME after my ricing impulses dragged me into that please-don't-theme-our-apps thing the GTK devs started passing around, and well this is a tangent; long story short, i moved PCs from tower to21:03
mokotanlaptop and upgraded from kubuntu 22 to 24 in the meantime.21:03
mokotaninto finding that*21:03
bpromptmokotan: any impulses to do a fresh install of 24 on the laptop?21:05
mokotansince cbreak can replicate it on a separate unrelated install of 24.10 (right?), not really21:06
bpromptI mean, mine works, can't be that different, plasma aside, hell even with plasma can't be that different21:06
mokotanunless you mean downgrading21:06
mokotanwhich, answer is still "not really"; lost too much time to distro fuckery the last month honestly21:06
=== diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian
oerheksHNY !!!!23:00
cbreakwelcome 2025 :)23:04
oerheksfireworks are hell here now23:04
karenwAn hour to go and someone's letting off a small army's worth of explosives23:05
karenwOnly going to get worse23:05
oerheksa chemical incident, every year23:05
oerhekspoor dogs and cats23:05
karenwHow do I stop my machine from powering down to a state I disconnect from irc/discord/etc. when idle?23:21
karenwIs it removing the "sleep" automation in power settings?23:25
karenwI don't mind the screen turning off though23:25
bpromptkarenw: I think that'd be in the System Settings > power management > energy saving23:26
bpromptkarenw: you could change your power management profile there, to leave the Wifi alone, thus not disconnecting23:26
karenwI don't see any wifi settings.23:30
cbreakkarenw: do you have set something for "suspend session" in the power settings?23:44
karenwAfter a period of inactivity: Sleep after 15 minutes23:45
cbreakconsider setting it to not suspend. The computer won't run while suspended, so no IRC23:45
karenwI just want it to lock and turn the screen off.23:46
karenwThe other options are Do Nothing, or Shut Down23:46
cbreakturning off the screen is further down in the power settings23:46
cbreakI recommend "Do nothing" for suspend session23:46
karenwWhen laptop lid closed has the option for Lock Screen23:46
karenwSo if I say "Do Nothing" on inactivity, will it not lock the session either?23:47
cbreakno, screen locking is an other setting23:47
cbreakit's under "Screen Locking", not "Power Management". Yes, the settings are all over the place :(23:48
karenwcbreak: Ah, thanks. I think that's all I need to change then. On AC power -> Do Nothing on inactivity.23:49
cbreakkarenw: there are other options for IRC.23:51
cbreakI use ZNC, a bouncer, which could run on some server somewhere23:51
cbreakso even if the computer running the client is rebooted, the bouncer maintains the connection. (I run it on the same computer though so it wouldn't work for me ... :P )23:52
karenwBetter solution if I can into a job. Throw some cheap linux box on azure.23:52

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