[08:28] mornin peepz [08:39] o/ [09:52] hey zxmpi [10:19] any plans for new year? [14:42] survive [14:45] not a bad plan for 2025 [15:37] i think that's a lot of peoples plans [16:43] ah, the smell of hot WD40 [17:24] i decided i would like to murder some mini battenberg this eve so just made a last minute shop... where a Jamaica Ginger cake also leapt into my hands at the last moment! [17:47] sounds like some custard would do no harm [17:51] that would have been a good combo, too late now [22:48] gents, i do believe i'll be cooking a roast for dinner this evening. [22:49] got a turkey breast, spuds, carrots and gonna honey roast some parsnip. I even managed to find Bisto right here in Quebecistan. [22:59] impressive! i wouldn't know where to start with a roast, probably wouldn't make one once my folks pass [23:38] * penguin42 has roasted spuds, carrots and parsnips before - not sure what the temperature for turkey breast would be [23:42] ah those battenbergs went down nicely [23:47] I've never liked marzipan, so the tradition was to peel them and give the marzipan to my mum [23:47] :O [23:52] smart, a marzipan hoarding baroness >:) [23:53] I don't think she's ever managed the hoarding part with marzipan [23:53] only with internal storage? :D [23:59] nod