[11:05] Hello! I'd like to rebuild a gcc package on ubuntu 24.04. I'm following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpdatingADeb . However, when doing debuild -us -uc -i -I, it finished with tons of stub packages without doing any actual compilations. What's the proper way of generating a gcc/g++ package? ideally without other stuff === JanC is now known as Guest8418 === JanC is now known as Guest3844 [11:48] amosbird: Meaning, GCC itself, or a program which uses GCC and has e.g. a Makefile? [11:48] tsimonq2: gcc itself [11:49] amosbird: `debuild -S -d -sa` is burned into my memory to build a source package which is then uploaded into a binary package. Of course, `-us -uc` skips signing. I'd have to look up what `-i`/`-I` does. You're looking to build this package locally? [11:49] (uploaded to a PPA and then built into a binary package, that's English, heh) [11:49] tsimonq2: yes. I'd like to do some local patches to gcc [11:50] amosbird: My best advice would be to use sbuild so you don't have to worry about cluttering your local build environment: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild https://wiki.debian.org/sbuild [11:50] That's also what the official infra for both Ubuntu and Debian uses. [11:51] If you want to build it *without* such a wrapper (herebedragons), it's a matter of nailing down the right dpkg-buildpackage command. [11:52] Sorry I don't follow. What do you mean by wrapper? [11:53] Is there any oneliner that I can refer to? I'm trying to find out what the ubuntu building farm does but cannot find out any cmdlines [11:53] My apologies, it's somewhat late (early) here. Basically, sbuild allows you to use a clean chroot (and thus pull fresh build deps) for the build. [11:53] That's what the Ubuntu build farm does. [12:07] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild [12:07] oh sorry, tsimonq2 already linked to that [14:13] does anyone know where can I get the autopkgtest-results.cache ? the link mentioned at https://git.launchpad.net/bileto/tree/britney/fetch-indexes#n126 does not have it [14:14] it has for oracular but not for plucky [14:21] * sudip wonders if paride knows [23:50] libgit2 is migrating! [23:55] yeah, a weekend gift from Britney