
webchat69tomreyn, do you know of any, I will try to see if I can reach them.00:00
webchat69it worked, so I guess my ipv6 is working00:01
webchat69the problem was with the DHCPv6 so maybe that is only for hooking up with my isp name server00:03
slingamnfor what it's worth, DHPCv6 is not the primary way to get an IPv6 address, usually the router broadcasts a router advertisement and your computer just picks an address within the prefix via stateless autoconfiguration (usually with privacy extensions)00:03
tomreynwebchat69: https://test-ipv6.com/ will provide more info. but this is a bit off-topic here, you could ask questions on networking in #networking00:04
webchat69ahhh ok, I will go there.00:04
webchat69slingamn you know too much00:04
slingamnenough to get myself into trouble :-p00:05
webchat69yeah hahaha00:05
webchat69thanks for the chat fellas00:06
tomreynyou're welcome00:06
tomreynLuckyMan: did you mean to ask a question?00:16
LuckyMannope, it was accidental, carry on00:18
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thomas_hey all00:45
thomas_ubuntu the best00:46
tBKwtWSMight be tired or dumb. But I'm running this service that for security reasons downgrades to the nobody user. But it's default behaviour is to want to read a config file from my home dir, which is not public. I've worked around the issue, but wonder what the correct way is.00:49
tBKwtWSThe man file even states to make sure the config file can be read by the user the service runs at. But then doesn't hint to how, is the home dir public by default?00:49
rboxtBKwtWS: all you need is +x on the directory f or the other user, and +r on the file for the other user00:56
tBKwtWSrbox, thanks that sounds reasonable. I'll try!00:58
tomreyntBKwtWS: people have different opinions on whether users' home directories should be world readable. i'd recommend against that and rather store the file (or, if that's the only option, a (regularly updated?) copy of it) elsewhere.01:06
tBKwtWSrbox: It didn't seem to work. But using the system wide config file works instead, since I am the only user on this system.01:09
tBKwtWStomreyn: Yeah originally on unix they were public for collaborative purposes. But on a desktop there is often private stuff there.01:11
tBKwtWSI think the ubuntu installer has a toggle for making the home dir private, but I think that's encryption.01:19
MichAelFromKYI'm new to this IRC thing.. How would I join GhostBSD?01:32
MichAelFromKYoh! I found it..01:32
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enigma9o7You cannot be helped.03:50
nitrogenthat's for sure. LOL03:51
CeeClearHello. Been getting this error message whenever i try and burn a dvd05:00
CeeClear"SCSI error on write(17680,16): See MMC specs: Sense Key 5 "Illegal request", ASC 21 ASCQ 04. (brasero_burn_record brasero-burn.c:2854)"05:00
CeeClearany suggestions or has anyone encountered the problem before ?05:00
* enigma9o7 calls the cops to report illegal dvd burning.05:01
CeeClearCute. but its a iso of a file I own.05:01
CeeClearDo you have actual suggestions or bad humor ??05:01
CeeClearI also get the same error message when i try and burn data DVD's05:04
enigma9o7Only bad suggestions.  Like web search that error, try another dvd burning software, try another  type of fidsc....05:06
CeeClearIs there a way to delete and reinstall the firmware for my dvd player/burner ???05:16
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enigma9o7Is it listed in ubuntu's firmware tool?05:39
enigma9o7(I don't have an optical drive on this machine so not sure if they're typically there...)05:40
enigma9o7In any case, not sure how to tell it to reinstall firmware on something, only upgrade (which I have used it for succesfully myself on bios)05:40
henryguanybody is here?06:47
henrygufirst time to be here06:47
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Galileohappy New year!06:56
Guest6how are you10:01
Guest6it seems fine10:01
tomreynhello Guest610:01
Guest6i like it10:01
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OscarWineConsidering a dual boo Windows 10/Lubuntu, If I want the Home folders (Documents, Downloads, Music, Videos) to be the same as those same user folders in the Windows repartition, can I do that by just using a symlink? So if the user makes a Download in Linux, he could also see that same download in the Windows' Download folder?12:33
OscarWineNote: Windows partition is already mounted when booting, as I added it to the /etc/fstab file.12:35
tomreynOscarWine: The issue with this is that Windows and Lubuntu use different file systems, and they can't easily / reliably share one.12:35
tomreynYou can access your Windows file system from Lubuntu, but the Windows NTFS does not support the file system features needed to store a Lubuntu users' home directory, nor can Lubuntu repair the NTFS, should it get broken.12:37
OscarWineIs there a better alternative?12:38
oerheksYesterday you claimed it worked under mint, so your setup should work with ubuntu too12:38
OscarWineoerheks: Yes... I did this before by changing xdg-user-dirs file (for example, changing "$HOME/Documents" to "/media/USERNAME/Stockage/Users/USERNAME/Documents"). Now I was considering just using a symblink and not changing xdg-user-dirs file.12:41
oerheksit is a system change of destination user dirs. not adviced to do so, if the filesystem is not posix, like ntfs.exfat12:44
OscarWineThe goal is that if I download a file, it will always go to the same folder location, regardless of the OS being used.12:44
OscarWineoerheks: What would be the best method to achieve the mentioned purpose?12:45
oerheksclean solution would be using inotifywait to watch the ubuntu folder, then script it to move/copy the file to the share12:46
oerhekssomething like this https://blog.nashtechglobal.com/how-to-monitor-a-directory-for-new-files-in-ubuntu/12:46
OscarWineThanks. I will check it out.12:47
oerheksor tons of others https://askubuntu.com/questions/622971/how-i-can-monitor-new-files-in-a-directory-and-move-rename-them-into-another-dir12:47
oerheksyou will end up with double files.12:48
tomreynOscarWine: you could have a separate FAT filesystem which you only use for downloads, and use that from both OSes.12:52
tomreynthis directory would be writable by any user on either system. you could add a symlink to it on Lubuntu, so your web browser writes downloads there immediately. You could do similar on Windows.12:54
tomreynI have not tested this setup, generally advise against multi-boot setups and recommend to make an informed choice after testing in a VM, possibly continuing to run the other OS in a VM for as long as needed.12:55
OscarWinetomreyn: I'm indeed using a separate partition for storage in Windows, so Windows in installed in a 100 GB partition c:\ and the storage of documents, downloads, videos, etc are in a separate 755 GB partition d:\. But the d:\ partition is NTFS, not FAT.12:56
OscarWineNote: I moved the Documents, Downloads, Videos, etc Windows folders from c:\ to d:\12:56
OscarWineAlso, the PC is old, so I don't think it will do well with VM.12:57
tomreyni see. i have nothing more to add.12:58
OscarWineSo if either Windows or Linux someday break, I can just reinstall the system while the user's personal files are in a separate partition.12:59
tomreynassuming that this partition will remain untouched when you do, yes.13:00
tomreynmake sure you have backups, though13:00
OscarWinetomreyn: I found this link https://superuser.com/questions/1741710/shared-partition-to-be-symlinked-by-both-dual-boot-oss where it also recommends using FAT3213:01
tomreyni see13:02
OscarWineThis is going to be difficult, considering the 4 GB file size limitation, but the other 2 recommendations from this link were executed (namely, Disabling Windows Fast Startup and having the NTFS partitions permanently mounted via fstab).13:02
tomreynntfs can work, too, as long as you reboot to windows everytime after you mounted it on linux.13:03
OscarWineWould exfat be a better file system for this purpose?13:05
tomreynpossibly, i lack experience there13:12
tomreynthere's also the issue of software patents which affects exfat13:16
OscarWineIn that case, I will just use NTFS and see what happens13:17
tomreynfor windows 11, there seems to be another option: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/wsl2-can-now-mount-linux-ext4-disks-directly13:22
tomreyni'd still recommend using a separate file system for this purpose13:22
OscarWineThis old PC is not compatible with Windows 11.13:25
OscarWineWindows 10 already eats about 74% of it's RAM on start-up.13:26
ravageAnd what exactly do you need windows for?13:27
OscarWineI will guide the user to use mostly Linux and use Windows only when he might want to use a specific Windows software13:27
BluesKajHi all13:29
OscarWineI wouldn't even bother to install Linux to begin with, as I won't be the user... But it's very slow on Windows. I did what I could to try to make Windows lighter... But there's so much one can do for that.13:29
OscarWineHi, BluesKaj13:29
ravageHeh. I would not bother to install Windows at all :D13:30
BluesKajhi OscarWine13:30
OscarWineravage: It's already installed in this case... And the user might want to use Windows software while using Linux for web browsing or watching a movie.13:33
ravageyou could just ask the user what software he needs13:33
ravagemy guess it not that much on an old system like this.13:34
OscarWineI'm not sure he will be able to answer that, as he might want to use a new software at any moment for some specific task. So I will leave Windows for that while recommending web browsing and other light activities on Linux13:36
oppowin10 can install WSL2?  i recalled older windows can't.13:43
deadromMonitor to the right dropped to 640x480. When I ask xrandr it says HDMI-1 connected primary 1920x1200+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 582mm x 364mm for center screen, which is correct, but:13:43
deadromHDMI-2 connected 640x480+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm for the right. Both are HDMI connected, the on on the right through a hdmi switcher. This setup hasn't changed in years so I'm a bit out of ideas.13:44
deadromSystem settings do not offer anything beyond 640x480 so I guess EDID is not read correctly. Pointers appreciated.13:45
cbreakdeadrom: is it a cable / connection issue?13:59
oerheksor reset the monitor with its own menu?14:08
deadromcbreak: just checked but ill replug14:09
deadromoerheks: will save that as last resort14:09
anankedeadrom: well, something clearly changed. did you reboot, upgraded packages, etc?14:12
webchat2Hi. On Ubuntu 24.04 I'm noticing a lot of problems with files not appearing in file explorer. I can always fix it with nautilus -q. Is this is known bug or should I be reporting it? Unfortunately this is company CCI so I'm reluctant to use Apport.14:18
leftyfboppo: I think you're looking for support in #windows14:19
iconoclast_heroanyone know where update-notifier stores config settings?14:19
leftyfbiconoclast_hero: which settings exactly?14:19
iconoclast_heroWhen I click the setting button on update-manager there are seven tabs of settings.  I refer to those.14:22
leftyfbiconoclast_hero: which setting exactly are you looking to change on the CLI?14:28
iconoclast_herothere's "No manual entry for update-notifier"14:28
iconoclast_heroso i can't look at where that says there file is supposed to be.14:28
iconoclast_heroit looks like, based on me making a change, that it cannot be in ~/.config or, in fact anywhere in $HOME14:29
iconoclast_heroor etc, so it's probably /var/lib?14:29
iconoclast_heroall of the settings that I can't get into because the GUI settings button won't bring up the settings dialog on one of my machines.14:30
deadromananke: regular system updates. python3 get-edid.py HDMI-2 tells me it could not find EDID for HDMI-2 so I'll start looking at the connection chain once more.14:38
deadromI was wrong, that's not even through a switch, direct hdmi to hdmi connection on a fairly good and new cable. So since this started after a recent system update the radeon driver's become my new prime suspect.14:41
deadromRyzen3 3200G integrated on free radeon driver on U22.0414:42
deadromJust compared to Xorg.0.log.old: there HDMI-2's modes are all properly detected. on the current only standard VESA modes. Pretty sure it's a driver issue.14:52
deadrom*sigh* https://xkcd.com/963/14:52
tennisandersI'd like to try out running a cli way of sending input into something like chatGPT instead of having to log onto the browser. But every tool I've found so far seem to require payment for getting an API key? Is that correct? There's no free way of doing this or am I missing something?16:07
ravageYou can create API keys for free accounts16:08
ravageThey are probably limited16:08
ravageCheck the documentation16:08
leftyfbtennisanders: ChatGPT doesn't require a paid account to get an API key. Regardless, there are several 3rd party tools to access chatGPT from the CLI. This being one of them: https://github.com/0xacx/chatGPT-shell-cli16:08
leftyfbtennisanders: none of which are unique nor related to Ubuntu specifically and are not supported here16:09
oerhekssee pricing https://openai.com/api/16:11
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=== celtheart_ is now known as celtheart
poewhy i cant instal roblox18:38
leftyfbpoe: contact roblox for support18:39
taeaadDid the task manager change in 24.04? Is there still a way to do the task kill via shortcut and the "x"?18:40
poe_why i cant install Roblox18:41
leftyfbpoe_: contact Roblox for support. It's not a supported application in ubuntu18:42
poe_but i need to install it18:42
leftyfbpoe_: great, contact Roblox and they should be able to help you18:42
poe_you are my homa18:42
poe_my home for all seasons18:42
poe_i cant feel it18:43
leftyfbpoe_: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/203312800-Computer-Hardware-Operating-System-Requirements   "Linux: Roblox is not supported on Linux."18:43
poe_linux its just18:43
poe_for kids18:43
poe_but my child is 14 years18:44
leftyfbpoe_: good luck18:44
poe_she want install roblox18:44
poe_but we contact roblox18:44
poe_and they said contact with you18:44
leftyfbpoe_: no they didn't18:45
poe_they did18:45
poe_how YOU can knoz18:45
leftyfbpoe_: try #linux18:45
leftyfbit's not supported on Ubuntu18:46
leftyfbI see there might be ways using flatpak18:46
poe_ubuntu support its mean18:46
oerhekspoe_, read their website,  roblox Wine support was discounted18:46
oerheksgood luck18:46
taeaadnvm I think I confused xkill with Task Manager.18:46
taeaadpoe_: Developers decide which platform / operating system their software works on, not the other way around.18:47
oerheksa quick bing search: https://roblox.fandom.com/wiki/Roblox_on_Linux18:48
poe_you know password od print18:49
* oerheks scratched head; password?18:50
poe_in PRIMTUX18:50
oerhekswe don't do forks, see topic18:51
oerheksand they do not have an IRC channel here on #libera, try #linux18:53
poe_you make me angry18:54
karenwYou can uninstall ubuntu by installing another OS such as Windows and removing any ubuntu paritions to use the entire disk in that installer. Bye.18:57
poe_i dont like you18:58
karenwAnd Nothing Of Value Was Lost19:01
cbreakso, I tried 24.10 a few months ago, and am trying it again right now. Overall it's nice, but I still have problems with some games in wine. I have no idea what the problems are caused by. The symptom is thata sometimes, keys just get stuck, and further input gets delayed a lot or ignored.19:17
cbreakthis seems to happen in world of warcraft and overwatch via wine / lutris, but also to a lesser degree in proton cyberpunk 2077. It happens in kubuntu's plasma 6 as well as what ever the standard gnome ubuntu desktop uses19:18
karenwDoes this happen if you log in to a true X session instead of Wayland?19:18
cbreakit happens both in x11 and wayland19:18
cbreakI'm using an nvidia rtx4080, with the 560 open drivers from the ubuntu repo, standard kernel19:19
cbreakthe same version of wine in 24.04 works fine.19:20
cbreakI have a minor suspicion that it's related to kernel / driver interaction, since the problem seems worse in raids with lots of stuff happening than when soloing19:21
cbreakanyway, I'd be interested if anyone else has a similar problem, or has no problem with a similar setup19:22
cbreakI'll try the old 6.8 kernel next time, using 6.11 at the moment19:26
seifeslimeneHello, can i show milliseconds in gnome ubuntu19:37
oerheksdate +"%T.%N" returns the current time with nanoseconds.19:44
oerheksdate +"%T.%6N" returns the current time with nanoseconds rounded to the first 6 digits, which is microseconds.19:44
oerheksdate +"%T.%3N" returns the current time with nanoseconds rounded to the first 3 digits, which is milliseconds.19:45
oerheksso, yes19:45
RegularPastelooking for a gui audio player, not a music player, but something I can start and stop, easy big buttons, for transcribing my notes from recordings. Any pointers?20:01
RegularPastehaving a seek bar or something with time remaining ect would be helpful20:01
RegularPastebeen using VLC, but I wonder if there is something more tuned to my desires20:02
toddcRegularPaste: might check into video editing most include audio editers like OBX studio20:11
cbreakRegularPaste: I'd have said VLC first, but maybe you're better off with an actual editor like Audacity20:15
cbreakwonder if audio -> note transcription can't be done automatic, at least in a first pass20:17
cbreakmaybe something like https://flathub.org/apps/net.mkiol.SpeechNote if you're talking about text notes and not music notes20:20
RegularPastemaybe the editors might be the way to go. there are some automated transcribers, but I need to edit my voice notes when I put them into text to give context or correction20:21
RegularPasterecord mp3 > listen to recording > type into text editor20:22
cbreakWhen I was working in a hospital, the secretaries had special foot-pedal operated audio players for transcribing stuff. They were surprisingly efficient with them.20:24
cbreakif you can program a bit, you could hack something like that together with global shortcuts, and MPV / mplayer in slave mode20:25
RegularPasteha, the foot pedals. I worked for a company and we used foot pedals to start and stop video and also to take vid capture stills, I dont think I need to go that far, but it works great20:27
cbreakdo you use kde or gnome? In kde, you can add global shortcuts to do stuff like start / stop audio (I bet you can do it in gnome too, I just don't know how)20:30
enigma9o7yes, there's keyboard shortcuts in gnome settings.20:31
cbreakgeneric media keys probably also work, but the functions can be rebound. Not sure if that's precise enough20:34
RegularPasteI use KDE. I think I might have found my solution, use a vlc skin. has what I need.20:37
RegularPastecbreak: you have a link for the global shortcuts?20:37
RegularPastehttps://www.videolan.org/vlc/skins.html ftouch 1.0020:39
cbreakRegularPaste: in the settings, keyboard, shortcuts, media control. Or Juk,if  you use that one.20:40
cbreakthe media control bindings control what ever media player you used last I think (if they integrate with it, which firefox and vlc do)20:40
RegularPasteAh. I'll have to play arround in there. Thank you!20:43
enigma9o7Hello.  How would I get gnome window decorations (min/max/close) in qBitorrent (qt6) in a Wayland session in Oracular?20:47
enigma9o7I have installed qgnomeplatform-qt6 but it didn't help, not sure what else to try.20:47
cbreakthe gnome stuff is dumb, from what I read, they insist on the program drawing decorations itself20:48
karenwIs your problem NO decorations, or just not-gnome-like decorations?20:49
enigma9o7not gnome-like, see https://imgur.com/a/Gn0mrxm20:49
enigma9o7the wrong buttons for min/max/close20:49
cbreakit's probably using Qt20:50
karenwThe short answer is: Working as intended.20:50
enigma9o7Ummm, not probably.  Its Qt6.20:50
karenwIf you ask GNOME they will just say "Use a GTK bittorrent client"20:50
cbreakso it likely relies on the WM / Compositor to draw them, and has fallbacks for gnome, and those fallbacks are ugly20:50
cbreakyou could use transmission. It has all kinds of frontends :)20:51
enigma9o7No, its not working as intended.  qgnomeplatform-qt6 is suposed to work.20:51
enigma9o7It doesn't even have search.20:51
enigma9o7qgnomeplatform-qt5 works fine for qt5 apps20:51
cbreakbut search isn't related to window decoration, is it?20:51
enigma9o7and I don't have any other qt6 apps to see if this is problem with all qt6 apps or just qB20:51
enigma9o7cbreak: its not, but neither is suggesting using transmission20:52
karenwIMO it's a problem with gnome/mutter. But they consider it a WONTFIX.20:52
JanCmight have to restart to get something like qgnomeplatform to work20:52
enigma9o7Which isnt what I want, cuz it lacks one of the two main features I want.20:52
enigma9o7I have restarted.  I've been trying to solve this off and on for a week, ever since I installed ubuntu.20:53
karenwSo Wayland requires applications to draw window decorations. There is a protocol to request the compositor to draw them instead. Gnome's stance is there is no way, no how, not a chance they will implement that protocol. And if you don't like how your application renders, feel free to use the gnome-project equivalent. (This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.)20:54
enigma9o7This is just earlier in the day than I normally am online so thought perhaps might get an idea form someone whose solved this already....20:54
enigma9o7karenw: right, and this is the issue qgnomeplatform resolves.20:55
enigma9o7It has always worked on previous versions of ubuntu/gnome that iI've used.20:55
karenwWell, it's no longer being maintained. Last commit was 2 years ago :(20:56
karenwSo guessing something changed in mutter or Qt to break it.20:56
enigma9o7but yes i've searched and see fedora has moved onto something else, but debian/ubuntu still seem to be using this.20:56
JanCwhy do you say those aren't Gnome min/max/close ?  maybe show the difference in the same screenshot...20:57
enigma9o7the solution on fedora is to use qgnomedecorations or somethinglike thtat.  But I need solution for ubuntu oracular :)20:57
enigma9o7gnome has cirles around the buttons, but okay will take screenshot to show20:57
karenwDid you try starting the application with QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gnome (While mentioning that, you could try the hammer of QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb to get X decorations)20:58
karenwThey do look like gnome-style decorations, just the wrong theming.20:59
enigma9o7I think I added a second screenshot to same link?20:59
cbreakdidn't the gnome folks fork their stuff recently again, with adwaita vs gnome?20:59
JanCGnome has those only when the window is focused, I think?21:00
cdriscollit seems like the focus idea varies per application (firefox from mozilla ppa has circles while unfocused)21:00
karenwSo the gnome-terminal window is definitely using client-side decorations. Since things like the new tab button is integrated into them.21:01
cdriscollor at least it does with one of my firefox profiles, but apparently not the other, hah21:01
karenwOr using them as intended, rather21:01
enigma9o7yeah no problem with firefox, and yes im using version from mozilla repo (not ubuntu ppa or snap)21:01
karenwTBH, what you currently have on your bit torrent client is what I would naively expect from a non-gtk app running on mutter.21:02
karenwFollows the theme as best it can, but not perfect, and definitely no integration.21:03
enigma9o7ah ok I see21:03
enigma9o7it is working, its the circles that dont show up in focus or not21:03
enigma9o7half working i mean21:03
karenwAnyway, not sure how to get qgnomedecorations working better sorry. (Did you try running it with QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb? X was the default until 24.04 afaik so that should give you 24.04-like behaviour)21:04
JanCcertainly something to test21:05
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enigma9o7yes thanks much you've helped, i didnt realize it was working at all, and yes I have played with that, the directions say setting it to gnome...  but Ill play around more, thanks again21:06
seifeslimeneoerheks: I mean in the gui the desktop not inside code21:07
steffiwo kann ich die spiele herunterladen21:09
leftyfb!de | steffi21:09
ubottusteffi: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:09
B0g4r7__If I copy a string to the clipboard in X11 in Ubuntu, is there a way I can then access the clipboard contents programatically?21:15
cbreaksure. Every program that connects to the same xserver can21:16
B0g4r7__So I'd need to connect to the xserver and request it.21:16
cbreakeven from a shell script via programs like xsel, xclip or similar21:16
B0g4r7__xsel did the trick.  Thanks.21:21
=== B0g4r7__ is now known as B0g4r7
B0g4r7Well, it almost worked, but the data is truncated.21:26
B0g4r7to exactly 4,000,000 bytes.21:26
cbreaksuspicious :)21:26
cbreakmaybe some limit in the xserver for clipboard storage21:26
B0g4r7It's there in the clipboard, but xsel doesn't extract the entire contents.21:27
B0g4r7xclip worked and got the entire content.21:31
pragmaticenigmaB0g4r7: On xsel project site, there is an issue from 2019 regarding limitations in selection size. https://github.com/kfish/xsel/issues/33 ... The solution or "fix" that was applied came from xclip. No idea if those changes have been brought into the version maintained in Ubuntu.21:39
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 33 in kfish/xsel "xsel silently fails to set selection to file contents if over ~4000 bytes" [Open]21:40
pragmaticenigmaB0g4r7: apologies, I misread part of that thread... a solution to a different project was to use xclip instead of xsel, because of the same issue you appear to be having21:55

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