[08:45] page at https://xubuntu.org/download/#show-all needs correction; 22.04.4 ISO is mentioned which ends in error... details found at https://askubuntu.com/questions/1537083/torrent-link-for-xubuntu-22-04-is-not-working/1537086 [11:19] JackFrost: I suppose we could do the update-alternatives thing with a symbolic link or something [11:24] guiverc: Thanks for the heads up. I updated the links so they should work once our aggressive caching cools down :) [11:26] thanks & :) bluesabre [11:28] yep checks out as 22.04.5 to me... [11:39] JackFrost: I decided to poke the hive, we'll see how it goes: https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/-/issues/364#note_99507 [11:39] -ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Issue 364 in xfce/xfdesktop "Xubuntu default wallpaper not respected by Xfdesktop 4.20" [Closed] [11:41] Revert! :>