
=== BarnabasDK_ is now known as BarnabasDK
=== sonicwind is now known as pringles
=== pringles is now known as sonicwind
=== Avago_Broadqual4 is now known as Avago_Broadqual
Guest65hey all, I'm having a network issue, I have 2 router in the bridge mode, one is used for work and the other is my main. I recently updated the static ip of the work router but since then, every time I connect to it, I have really low speeds or sometimes the connection drops, or I get an error when trying to access a site that it cannot connect to00:50
Guest65the host, what could be the issue?00:50
Guest65I'm having the same issue on another system that runs OpenSuse00:50
pragmaticenigmaGuest65: Why are both routers in bridge mode?00:54
Guest65just the work router is in bridge mode, the other one is in router mode00:55
pragmaticenigmaGuest65: what is the purpose of running a router in bridge mode?00:55
=== Channing is now known as butt
Guest65it has a separate ip range used for work only and it's isolated00:56
Guest65so in any case it's totally separated from the main network00:56
Guest65it used to work fine for couple of years, but I recently updated its static ip, I checked to make sure there are no conflicts but I feel like something is possibly causing an issue00:57
pragmaticenigmaI think you're using the wrong terms, or enabling something you shouldn't, or not understanding the purpose of running a router in bridge mode00:57
=== Avago_Broadqual8 is now known as Avago_Broadqual
Guest65I thought running a router in bridge mode is just to make sure the second router is just a router and doesn't conflict with the first router wi-fi broadcasting?00:58
Guest65is that not it?00:58
pragmaticenigmaGuest65: setting a router to bridge mode is to effectively turn the router into a network switch/hub00:59
Guest65ok, so if it's a wi-fi router and I put it in bridge mode, wouldn't I still be able to connect to it but on a separate SSID?01:00
pragmaticenigmaYou shouldn't need bridge mode at all01:00
Guest65so it's been in bridge mode when I first set it up but let say I assigned ip address to it back then, and now I assigned a different ip like why this change cause the network issues?01:01
Guest65does it have to do with the bridge mode?01:01
Guest65or am I unknowingly using the same ip for 2 different things?01:02
pragmaticenigmaGuest65: In as simple terms as I can put out there. It is the rarest of rarest needs to ever place a router in bridge mode01:02
Guest65ok for my own education then, what is bridging? since it seems like I got it wrong?01:03
pragmaticenigmaGuest65: https://www.howtogeek.com/867942/what-is-router-bridge-mode/01:03
pragmaticenigmaGuest65: I mentioned earlier, it is turn make a router act like a switch. It does not perform any network isolation, as you appear to desire01:04
Guest65thanks, ok so based on this definition, my main router is connected to my modem and I use that basically as the "router" it handles all the network traffic and everything, the second "router" is now connected to first router, but to make sure it doesn't also try to handle the network traffic and cause any issues, I put it in "bridge mode" (so as01:07
Guest65you say now works like a switch). The main idea behind it was that I can then isolate this second router on the main one and the SSIDs that are produced by the second router are only used for work and guest lets say.01:07
Guest65Is this an incorrect approach?01:07
pragmaticenigmaThat is the incorrect approac01:08
pragmaticenigmaThere is NO network isolation with the second router being setup in bridge mode. All the devices attached to the second router are provisioned IP addresses, by the first router, making all devices on the second router able to talk to and see devices attached to the first router01:09
Guest65I see, I was using the isolation features of the main router to isolate the bridged one, now that that's clear01:11
Guest65if I bring it out of bridge mode, would I have conflicts on the network?01:11
Guest65since now I have 2 routers that are trying to resolve dns?01:11
Guest65the second router should still be wired to the main router to connect to the internet01:12
pragmaticenigmaGuest65: I think we're getting beyond the scope of #ubuntu, and you may want to move to #networking to ask further questions.01:13
Guest65fair enough!01:13
Guest65Thanks for the help tho01:13
LemofoHELLO! i installed ubuntu in android 11 hard locked bootloader without root via termux.01:20
Lemofothe question is, gow can i expand the root privileges between android directories? i am half root inside /data/sbin and some other dirs.01:21
Lemofothe device is a multilaser gmax2 SE 64. this is an unrootable device, they will not give me the bootkey for unlock01:22
pragmaticenigmaLemofo: None of what you said makes any sense to me. Do you have a guide that you followed that would help clarify what you are trying to do?01:24
Lemofoi tried to clone magisk structure inside /data/adb via ubuntu and root sudo with sucess. the magisk32 works fine, but the daemon dos not initialuzes. any sugestion?01:24
pragmaticenigmaor how you got to this stage?01:24
Lemofoi got via ubuntu distro in termux & termux x1101:25
Lemofoi need to launch magisk daemon for expand my gained root privileges.01:26
pragmaticenigmaLemofo: that's not a supported thing here, this is for Ubuntu on desktop. You'll have to find a Termux community for help with things related to that setup01:26
Lemofogive me the channel...01:27
pragmaticenigmaLemofo: I wouldn't know where to begin to look... you can try `/msg alis list termux` or replace termux with any other related term or word for what you are trying to do, to see a list of channels that may have a topic that matches.01:29
Lemofoi found #termux here. thanks.01:30
Sayoubaneed help03:16
karenwHello, what's your actual problem Sayouba?03:22
yvsHi everyone, got "The value 'noble' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources03:50
yvsCan't call method "policy" on an undefined value at /usr/bin/apt-show-versions line 54.03:50
yvsError during update" error at upgrade from 24.04 to 24.10 with "do-release-upgrade" command. Is that something obvious that needed to change (like default release name in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99defaultrelease) to fix it?03:50
Bashing-omyvs: Ubuntu Studio ? A known issue that is being worked on.03:55
EickmeyerBashing-om: Only for upgrades from 22.04 to 24.04. 24.04 to 24.10 should work.03:56
yvs@Bashing-om: I'm not familiar with Ubuntu Studio. It's Ubuntu Desktop 24.04, after changing Prompt= from lts to normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades, and typing do-release-upgrade I got that error03:58
Bashing-omEickmeyer: Good to know - noted :D04:22
=== GayGuy is now known as Resource
=== diceLibrarian2 is now known as liceDibrarian
=== krist is now known as kriztmark
Guest8which option on the GRSYNC interface should I select for incremental backups06:13
=== MaJoL is now known as SheepN
SheepNHi, does Linux support Intel Ultra 7 265 cpu?09:07
TuxWhat flavour of ubuntu or distro you looking at depends on wether it is supported or not.09:08
SheepNubuntu or linux mint09:08
Tuxis there a specific flavour i need to consider?09:08
SheepNjust standard ubuntu desktop09:08
TuxThanks. Give me a second09:09
SheepNThank you09:09
loloki suspect anything will work, if perhaps suboptimally, try and see! i doubt it will start a fire, but no warrantee is provided...09:10
TuxLook it is always good to be sure.09:10
TuxBut seriously kind of a newbie here so FDont think that what i am going to say is entirely correct.09:10
TuxI think they do support those cpus?09:11
loloki mean theres technically never a warrantee, and its free to try, so why not?09:11
Tuxexactly thats the spirit09:11
Tuxim literally running ubuntu on a intel pentium09:12
Tuxand a windows 7 laptop09:12
Tuxim sure that cpu can work09:12
lolokif you get an error you can come back and tell us what it is09:12
Tuxbut im not so good with computer hardware09:13
Tuxmore btter with software09:13
Tuxlook always here to help09:15
Tuxthank you09:15
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== Dhag0r is now known as Dhagor
Guest60Guys, I just released this. I need people to test it out. Go to https://sockets.jemail.us. Don't join a chat. Just send messages.10:51
Guest60I don't want to advertise, but what else can I do?10:51
tomreynyou can not advertise10:51
Guest60How do I get users then?10:52
Guest60At least try it out for 30 seconds.10:52
tomreynnot our issue, this is an ubuntu support chat, only10:52
Guest60Who said it was a support channel?10:52
Guest60It just says the channel is logged.10:52
tomreynthe channel /topic10:52
Guest60Fine. But where else can I go to talk about this?10:53
Guest60Asides Libera.Chat10:53
Guest60Nevermind. Sorry for advertising.10:55
=== humanx is now known as kopkpsdkcsdnpcnc
BluesKajHi all12:01
kuka_liehi BluesKaj12:23
BluesKajhi kuka_lie12:25
jo_whats up12:53
=== neocharlesalt is now known as neocharles
Guest80I think I have this laptop https://www.amazon.co.uk/Acer-AN515-44-Display-Windows-Headset/dp/B089BM56BH (without headset) , what is the best RAM additional memory I could add to it?15:26
oerhekslook at the specs at the acer site? Acer Nitro 5 AN515-4415:27
oerheksthey give the correct values and the max memory possible15:27
oerhekssee https://store.acer.com/nl-nl/acer-nitro-5-gaming-laptop-an515-44-zwart-115:28
oerheksit has 2 slots, so if both are filled.. you have to replace both15:28
Guest80I think I have 8gb of RAM preinstalled15:28
Guest80how do I know both slots are filled in ubuntu?15:29
oerheksthe site says standard 16 .. maybe 8 gb is snooped off for the internal GPU15:29
Guest80amazon co uk says 8gb15:29
oerheksdmidecode https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/check-ram-speed-linux/15:30
oerheksif size says: Size: No Module Installed15:30
oerheksthen the slot is empty15:31
Guest80yeah slot is empty15:31
oerheksthis is all i know without using a srewdriver15:31
Guest80what do You think about this https://www.amazon.com/Crucial-PC4-25600-SODIMM-260-Pin-Memory/dp/B08C511GQH/ref=as_li_ss_tl?dchild=1&keywords=crucial%2Bddr4%2B3200&qid=1603616272&sr=8-3&th=1&linkCode=sl1&tag=jimincome-20&linkId=88741d6004bf1c5733f2b3175cae03fe&language=en_US15:31
oerheksdunno, is there bad memory?15:32
Guest80it's 16gb crucial sodimm15:32
Guest80idnk , I am just trying to find best option15:32
oerheksyou better ask the reseller, maybe you need to get an even one15:33
ravageIf you plan to use both modules and your board supports interleaving you should get a module with the same size and speed15:33
Guest80I have this now https://pastebin.com/du8nYUhZ15:34
ravageBut all that is probably better to discuss in #hardware15:34
oerheksi ddont want " the guys in #ubuntu told me so"15:35
Guest80it's great laptop with ubuntu, way faster than it was with windows 10, except 8gb of ram is barely usable for video editing, A.i or other stuff15:40
Guest80that, and not having an caps locks indicator15:41
oerheksget the same module? from acer?15:42
oerheksthis goes beyond ubuntu support15:42
=== boswandeling6 is now known as boswandeling
=== OMagus833 is now known as OMagus83
=== p is now known as Guest4681
=== Game11454220 is now known as Game1145422
en1gmaim running ubuntu 24.04.1 amd64-desktop. i have a 6900xt (Nav21) and installed rocm 6.3.1 and im not sure which amdgpu "version" i have installed as i attempted 2 different installer guides. i do think i have everything working but i cant tell how to check the actual version of my amdgpu dkms and module in use version number22:31
enigma9o7I would install inxi and use "inxi -G" that usually has the driver info I'm interested in22:32
enigma9o7dunno if that shows what you're looking for tho22:33
en1gmathanks. checking it out now22:33
en1gmato my understanding from the research on the internet you cant check the dkms kernel module version but i should be able to tell the kernel module i would think22:34
enigma9o7Put your inxi -G in a pastebin if you have questions about that output.22:35
enigma9o7well it has your amdgpu version as 6.10.522:37
en1gmathe rocm6.10.5 i can believe eventhough the guide i followed was for 6.3.1 but my amdgpu module dont look right in there22:37
enigma9o7if that's the question you had22:37
en1gmathats my rocm22:38
pragmaticenigmaen1gma: you may not need the extra drivers for that card. it should be included with the default opensource drivers22:38
en1gmaim not really wanting to use it as a regular graphics card. i need opencl, hip. basically thats inside the rocm when you pick that with usecase22:39
en1gmai think i set it up as usecase=graphis,rocm22:39
en1gmabut the big problem is which amdgpu driver did i set up? there are two different ones. i started to follow the guide from the amd gpu drivers for linux. basically just an amd-gpu install script but it wouldnt complete so i followed the amd rocm guide22:40
en1gmathat one completed22:40
en1gmathats the one i eventually finished so i not sure how to check just to make sure22:42
en1gma'sudo apt install amdgpu-dkms && sudo apt install rocm'22:43
en1gmai not sure if the amdgpu-dkms is loading because lsmod only shows "amdgpu"22:44
pragmaticenigmaI imagine you'll know if it is loaded or not when you use the program that requires its presence22:46
=== krist is now known as kriztall
en1gmai have tested it. its working but what driver am i actually using? i need to know that info im pretty sure because there are two different version.22:48
en1gmaso there is no way to check which kernel module version is loaded for the amdgpu driver?22:48
pragmaticenigmathis may help: `lshw -c video`22:51
en1gma"configuration: depth=32 driver=amdgpu"22:52
en1gmathey all just return "amdgpu" i read and tried alot of cli commands and not one yet.22:53
en1gmaso i figure i would come here and ask :)22:53
en1gmawhere the "Pros" are :)22:53
en1gmait should have 2 parts. one for the kernel-module amdgpu-dkms and another actual module it loads (i think)22:54
en1gmaRadeon™ Pro Software for Linux® version 24.20.3 for Ubuntu 22.04.5 HWE with ROCm 6.2.322:57
en1gmaand the other one that actually fully installed was in the other link with different rocm 6.3.1 which is newer but i think the amdgpu driver is actually older22:58
en1gmathe linux pro driver is 24.20.322:58
en1gmawith the 6.2.322:58
en1gmathats from and gpu linux drivers22:59
en1gmaand the one i actually installed is "echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/rocm.gpg] https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu/6.3.1/ubuntu noble main" \"23:00
en1gmathe one that is 6.2.3 links to jammy23:00
thomas_ubuntu the best23:01
en1gmaif it could tell me which version i am currently using i would believe you23:04
en1gmahttps://rocm.docs.amd.com/en/latest/compatibility/compatibility-matrix.html#past-rocm-compatibility-matrix   says i need ubuntu 24.04.2 and for the other instinct card it says i need ubuntu 24.04.523:04
enigma9o7well you could check what version of that package is installed23:04
enigma9o7dunno if that means you're using it or not tho23:05
en1gmaim only aware of 24.04.123:05
enigma9o7but can't have two versions of same package installed23:05
en1gmai even did that with apt and it shows whats installed but i not sure if i believe it23:05
enigma9o7its not known to lie, it uses signature verification, etc23:06
en1gmayes but if it didnt use apt and just used its own ./amdgpu-installer script would it bypass apt23:07
pragmaticenigmaen1gma: then you would have to trust the script to identify and install the correct driver. That would be beyond the expectation of someone in this channel to know that script and how it identifies and installs the kernel drivers needed.23:10
en1gmai think i got the right rocm installed. i see 6.3 and 6.10 mixture in apt search amdgpu23:10
pragmaticenigmaideally, the script used apt to install the driver23:10
en1gmaok. i think i will just trust this ubuntu 24.04.1 updated install then. i was worried about i might have mixed drivers. i did see some display lag when opening and moving windows around the desktop23:12
en1gmai dont think it did that before but im not sure. oh well. dont take that long to reinstall everything since i just did a clean install23:12
pragmaticenigmaen1gma: if you're concerned I would try back on a weekday, rather than the weekend. there tends to be more advanced knowledge volunteers here on weekdays23:13
en1gmaits not too pressing. just figured i would come here and see if there might be a magical command someone might have known to get revision of a loaded kernel module in use23:14
en1gmaapt search is kinda of my end result too as it shows it installed23:14
en1gmaand the version number23:15
en1gmaweird though as they are using the rocm version number instead of the actual display driver version23:15
en1gmathanks for the help23:15

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