=== thelou756463593 is now known as thelou75646359 === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [08:47] Hi there I was wondering if anyone could lead me to the right one to use for an Nvidia gpu, xorg or wayland. I'm running Kubuntu 24.10 [08:48] Pqlwf [08:48] Hi there I was wondering if anyone could lead me to the right one to use for an Nvidia gpu, xorg or wayland. I'm running Kubuntu 24.10 === thelou756463595 is now known as thelou75646359 [12:43] Hi all [12:51] how can I find this wallpaper? : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/469d298e/file_81159.jpg [12:58] plutorocks, that seems to be 24.10 'Oracular Oriole artwork.. in brown ubuntu > https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ruvenss_ubuntu-2410-oracular-oriole-has-been-released-activity-7251830427177353217-pn7g [15:16] hello! [15:58] Do you have the actual artwork or link for the blued kubuntu? (re @IrcsomeBot: plutorocks, that seems to be 24.10 'Oracular Oriole artwork.. in brown ubuntu > https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ruvenss_ubuntu-2410-oracular-oriole-has-been-released-activity-7251830427177353217-pn7g) [16:00] plutorocks, no, i did not found it in kde-artwork-active nor kubuntu-wallpapers [16:01] https://ubuntucinnamon.org/?page_id=649 [16:04] oh found it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntucinnamon-wallpapers [16:04] in that package >> ubuntucinnamon-wallpapers/usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntucinnamon/oracular/ubuntu_cinnamon_oracular_oriole.jpg [16:05] but it is brown, not blue [16:12] I don't think it exists a wallpaper with that blue. IIRC that was mocked up for that installer slide. [16:12] The svg if the graphic should be available somewhere, so would be easy to make a similar one. [16:13] *of the graphic [17:51] У тебя есть аккаунт на Bybit/Binance, но не знаешь, с чего начать ? У меня есть решение! Официальное сотрудничество, уникальная возможность - жду твоего сообщения в ПП ! [17:56] beregUpp, no spam please [17:58] RickMills, where can one find that installer slide? [17:59] subiquity Slideshow ? [18:01] found it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oracular/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu [18:04] nope, i cannot find it there [18:07] oerheks: [18:07] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/1:24.10.5 [18:08] thanks !! plutorocks ^ ^ ^ [18:09] oerheks: but the wallpaper is not a full thing in the slide. i.e. just a small part of the image [18:09] free_and_open_Source.png [18:09] jups [18:11] even the source .xcf gimp file does not have it a full wallpaper size and resolution [18:20] no clue how to transform to blue .. ubuntucinnamon-wallpapers/usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntucinnamon/oracular/ubuntu_cinnamon_oracular_oriole.jpg === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [19:39] The svg if the graphic should be available somewhere, so would be easy to make a similar one. [19:39] Thank you. (re @IrcsomeBot: in that package >> ubuntucinnamon-wallpapers/usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntucinnamon/oracular/ubuntu_cinnamon_oracular_oriole.jpg) === warmana1 is now known as warmana === home is now known as home_ === home_ is now known as home__ === home__ is now known as home