
=== Guest7283 is now known as Psil00
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f3l1xxxanyone here???00:41
rockyduckhow are yall01:07
bray90820How would I find what partition table my drive is using01:19
rboxbray90820: what do you mean "what partition table"01:20
bray90820MBR or GPTor something else01:21
bray90820Because everything I can tell it doesn't have a partition table but I don't think that's even possable01:22
rboxwhy would it not be possible01:22
bray90820Doesn't a drive that has data on it need to have a Partition table?01:23
bray90820It's in an LVM just for context\01:24
rboxwhat does fdisk -l /dev/blah say01:24
rboxwhat does lvdisplay say01:24
bray90820dev/sda just FYI01:26
bray90820nevermind you said /dev/bleh I was just saying sda01:27
bray90820Outpiut of commands01:28
rboxwhat about pvdisplay01:28
rboxyeah, the lvm is directly on the drive01:29
rboxno partition table01:29
bray90820Is it ok to have it like that or should I change it?01:30
rboxits not okay or not okay01:31
rboxits just what it is01:31
bray90820So is it ok to leave it like that?01:31
rboxits not "okay" or "not okay"01:31
rboxits not going to make your computer blow up if thats what you're asking01:32
bray90820But am I at greater risk of data loss or drive failure?01:32
rboxwhy would it cause your drive to fail01:33
bray90820I have no idea if it would or wouldn't that's wht I'm asking01:34
rboxbytes are bytes01:34
rboxthe drrive doesnt acre01:34
bray90820Did you mean Care?01:35
rboxthat too01:36
bray90820Ok that pretty much answer my questions01:36
uadevveron a regular 22.04.4 LTS install, supposing I want a GUI .wav audio editing program, what program should I invoke?03:56
XploreUuadevver: audacity04:03
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spring893Hello, I'm getting failed to "Tuning failed, falling back to fixed sampling clock05:44
spring893when trying to mount an SD card formatted as exFat. Any ideas what could be causing this?05:44
spring893I've run chkdsk /f in windows which found no bad sectors. I also reformatted it in windows, but that did not help.05:45
ax562spring893 so it works in windows?05:50
spring893Yeah, working in windows just fine. I also tried a different SD card and that one works in ubuntu oddly enough.05:50
spring893The differences are the working one is 32GB SanDisk and the one that isn't working is a 128GB Samsung.05:51
ax562spring893 in windows, writing to it and reading no problems? 128gb samsung?05:56
spring893Yes, no issues reading or writing in windows05:57
spring893Yes 128GB samsung. I should clarify though actually, they're both micro SD cards (I'm using the same SD card adapter for both).05:58
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ax562ah, thats probably it05:59
ax562whatever that adapter controller is isn't playing nice06:00
spring893Ah, I see. The same adapter works fine for both cards on windows. Do you think there's some additional software I could install to have it work for both in ubuntu?06:03
ax562if the adapter is working with the 32gb in linux, "lspci" should show you what linux is identifying it as.  If you research the model of the adapter and reference what "lspci" shows then it is identifying it correctly, but most likely, my hunch, is it's probably being identified incorrectly and using some generic driver.  my hunch06:05
ax562 hopefully that helps some, I gots to call it a night. all the best. :)06:07
spring893Thanks for your help!06:09
spring893For the record lspci gives the same output for both cards: 07:00.0 SD Host controller: O2 Micro, Inc. SD/MMC Card Reader Controller (rev 01)06:09
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Guest81hello im installing the original amdgpu driver from here  https://www.amd.com/en/support/download/linux-drivers.html using wget , following this --https://rocm.docs.amd.com/projects/install-on-linux/en/latest/install/amdgpu-install.html08:58
Guest81i wonder, if updates will appear automatically or if i have to add the source url somewhere (like you do for PPAs)?08:59
Guest81the insatllation works fine!08:59
spring893I believe you won't receive updates automatically unless the software has some built in update checker09:01
spring893It looks like just installing the .deb package manually. Rather than adding a source to apt from which it would check for updates when you run apt update.09:02
Guest81thanks. can I make it auto update with apt update somehow?09:05
ogra_Guest81, what exactly is the reason yopu switch to the closed source driver (which is generally worse than the opensurce one AFAIK)09:09
Guest81gonna use rocm libraries09:10
spring893Guest81, if amd provides a source repository, but from the docs you shared it doesn't seem that they do09:11
Guest81ok thanks09:12
spring893I think your best options would be to use the open source driver or otherwise get some email updates or just manually check from time to time09:12
Guest81i just now see that the tutorial one is newer than on amd website  amdgpu-install_6.3.60301-1_all.deb (wget https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu-install/6.3.1/ubuntu/noble/amdgpu-install_6.3.60301-1_all.deb)  VS https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu-install/6.2.3/ubuntu/noble/amdgpu-install_6.2.60203-1_all.deb09:15
Guest81which one am i going for now :D09:15
younderIn theory opensource drives should be fine as the standard is ope. I have noted, though, that people have had problems.09:15
Guest81the only problem i had with open source was that they did not screen autoswitch off (switched right back on afterwards) and yeah i could not use ROCm09:17
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GUEST0101Hi, how do I increase scroll back on ubuntu in the vscode terminal ?10:09
GUEST0101also in the regualar ubuntu terminal10:09
ogra_GUEST0101, no idea about vscode, but the gnome terminal has a setting in the options to set the number of lines10:15
GUEST0101ogra, so I have unticked limit scroll back to10:16
GUEST0101is that what you mean ?10:16
ogra_yeahm that should work i guess (i never untick it but set it to something high, like 15000)10:17
ogra_(else it might eat all your ram)10:17
Guest58Hello, where could I get help with printing on Ubuntu 24.04.1?12:03
lotuspsychjeask your issue here Guest5812:03
lotuspsychje!details | Guest5812:04
ubottuGuest58: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.12:04
Guest58The description of my problem is here: https://dpaste.com/BTSCH3MGY.txt12:05
mari-estelhey, great problem description Guest58!12:06
lotuspsychjeGuest58: did you add samsung printer drivers yourself, or did you add your printer via gnomes settings?12:07
Guest58lotuspsychje: both12:07
lotuspsychjeGuest58: when you print something, does 1 printer show, or multiple?12:08
Guest581 printer shows up12:09
lotuspsychjedid you try a reboot Guest5812:09
Guest58rebooted both – printer and machine12:10
lotuspsychjeGuest58: is it usb connected or wifi?12:12
lotuspsychjeGuest58: can you type this in a terminal: journalctl -f , then unplug your usb and re-branch it then !pastebin the output12:13
* ogra_ notes that CUPS switched to driverless printing by default ... 12:15
ogra_not sure what happens if you actually install printer drivers ion that scenario12:15
lotuspsychjeGuest58: wich did you try first? the samsung manualy driver or the gnome systemsettings printer add?12:16
Guest581st: default settings, 2nd: samsung manual driver, 3rd: system settings printer add. Journalctl output: https://dpaste.com/AYH32P873.txt12:18
ogra_is this journal output with or without the third party driver installed ? (you should have done 3) before installing anything because it is usually supposed to just work without installing such things)12:21
Guest58this output is with the samsung drivers already installed12:22
lotuspsychjemaybe Guest58 installed the drivers because default printer add didnt work?12:22
lotuspsychjejournal seems to find the device12:23
ogra_well, thje printer is IPP capable, it should just have worked through that without adding drivers (which might influence the IPP stack handling)12:23
Guest58There was the same massage on the default printer "Printing completed" while nothing printed.12:23
ogra_before o12:24
ogra_r after12:24
ogra_(after you added the driver i mean)'12:24
Guest58All results are the same before and after driver installation.12:25
Guest58I didn't notice any difference.12:25
ogra_well, then at least the driver didnt break too many things12:26
lotuspsychjeGuest58: is your ink still full enough, and not dryed out so it gives you an empty page?12:26
Guest58The empty toner diode is off. The printer doesn't show any signs of problems.12:28
ogra_where exactly did you get that driver from ? note the samsung printer division got sold to HP a while ago, so recenbt drivers come from some HP page12:30
Guest58I have it from the samsung website. It's some old driver and I don't see it any more on the samsung website.12:31
ogra_try this one (and make sure to rermove all remaining bits of the old driver before installing the new one)12:32
lotuspsychjenice find ogra_12:33
Guest58that's the same one that I use already12:34
ogra_ah, so you dont have it from the samsung website then12:35
Guest58I don't remember – long time ago, but I already have it12:36
ogra_well, what you can download today might be newer (and adjusted for new linux releases)12:37
Guest58This is the same release that I use: uld_V1.00.39_01.1712:37
lotuspsychjehere's an olddd bug #178579012:38
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1785790 in cups (Ubuntu) "printer does not start print job Samsung M2020" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178579012:38
lotuspsychjemaybe Guest58 should file a new bug, since default printer adding doesnt seem to work12:40
Guest58How to file a new bug (I've never done it)?12:42
ogra_ubuntu-bug cups12:42
ogra_just type that in a terminal ... the rest will be automatic (asking you some questions etc)12:42
ogra_the existing bugt is very interesting though ... it shows that the installed ppd file has no read permissions12:43
BluesKajHi all12:43
ogra_"grep: /etc/cups/ppd/Samsung_M2020_Series_SEC842519313B7A_.ppd: Permission denied"12:43
ogra_that might indeeed cause issues (though i'm still not sure how/if PPD based printing works with the new driverless stuff)12:44
Guest58"The problem cannot be reported"12:45
ogra_huh ? does it tell you why ?=12:45
mgedminit should!12:45
Guest58just left some email address12:46
mgedminusually the reason is something like "you have pending updates of some totally unrelated packages"12:46
ogra_yeah, it ususally gives a reason12:46
lotuspsychjetested it here on 24.0412:46
lotuspsychjeit gives the choice between snap vs deb cups12:47
ogra_as a fallback use LP directly: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+filebug12:47
lotuspsychjethen when you pick snap, it says indeed cannot be reported12:47
ogra_right, but it gives you a reason ... even in advance12:47
lotuspsychjelemme screenshot holdon12:47
Guest58Full message: "The problem cannot be reported: cups is provided by a snap published by openprinting. Contact them via mailto: [...] for help."12:48
ogra_aha !12:49
ogra_so yes, itr gives you a proper explanation12:49
lotuspsychjelets try the deb now12:49
ogra_just use the link i gave abvove12:49
lotuspsychjeapt also gives a cloud error; https://dpaste.org/dxYrR12:50
ogra_well, your install seems to be cloud-init based ... not a typical setup12:51
lotuspsychjepicking the deb in apport works12:51
ogra_yeah and till reads the bugs in LP regardless if they come from snap or deb so it will get attention either way12:52
lotuspsychjeogra_: how come cups is now both deb and snap at same time?12:53
ogra_it nwas supposed to be snap only already, but there is UI integration with the printer dialogs missing for the snap12:54
ogra_26.04 will be snap only12:56
lotuspsychje: )12:56
lotuspsychjeare you getting your bug filed Guest58 ?12:57
Guest58yes, slowly12:57
lotuspsychjeok take your time!12:57
Guest58Is this enough for a bug report? https://dpaste.org/BToD5/raw13:05
lotuspsychjeGuest58: also mention you tested adding a printer by default + official samsung drivers13:07
Guest58ok, it looks like reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/209310213:11
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2093102 in cups (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS printing problem on Samsung Xpress M2026W" [Undecided, New]13:11
lotuspsychjeGuest58: thank you for filing the bug and make ubuntu better!13:11
lotuspsychjeGuest58: now type: apport-collect 2093102 from your terminal to import your logs into this existing bug13:12
lotuspsychjetnx Guest58 it worked!13:16
Guest58ok, when could I expect to start printing again?13:17
lotuspsychjeGuest58: filing the bug doesnt mean your issue will be resolved right away13:18
lotuspsychjeGuest58: but at least now the developers are aware of your bug13:18
lotuspsychjeGuest58: you got another printer added too? Deskjet-F300-series13:19
ogra_i'd still try to remove the older driver you had around and do a fresh download ... just to be sure you have the latest13:19
Guest58I'll try to print what I need on another machine.13:20
oerheksmy samsung 1660 does not need a download, it works OOTB13:20
ogra_so should all others too ;)13:20
oerheksare you printing through USB, guest?13:22
lotuspsychjeGuest58: now your bug exists, try some systematic steps: remove all printer drivers again, try again default printer add and last the latest as ogra advices13:22
Guest58I have also 1 more issue, but it's not a bug. I love virtual 2D workspace martix (instead of vertical 1D line of workspaces). Are there any plans to get this type of workspace order as a choice in Ubuntu?13:24
lotuspsychjeGuest58: do you mean a square of 4 workspaces like it used to was on unity?13:26
Guest58I use a square of 16 workspaces (4x4).13:26
lotuspsychjeGuest58: i think square workspaces can still be found on the ubuntu unity flavour, and wayfire desktop13:28
oerhekssettings > multitasking gives that optoin, to expand to 4x4 or whatever13:29
oerheks* on gnome13:29
mgedminhm?  doesn't stock gnome only support a dynamic or fixed-length horizontal strip of workspaces?  iirc you need an extension for a 2d matrix13:31
oerheksi never looked deeper into this..13:31
oerheksi use 2 monitors anyway13:32
lotuspsychjeon wayfire the compiz effects are back on a wayland base and they got a great community too #wayfire13:37
lotuspsychjebut its a bit of a puzzle to tweak at start13:37
oerheksmore .. https://itsfoss.com/ubuntu-workspaces/13:40
ingemI installed ubuntu on my hp probook 650 g2, and now the battery is at 1% and it says not charging. Any idea what is wrong? Is there a fix?13:50
tomreynhi ingem. does it turn off when the battery depletes fully then?13:51
respawnis it the right charger13:51
tomreynor does it keep running at 1% forever13:51
ingemwell it seems to be depleted. if I pull it out it immediately turns off13:51
respawnis the voltage ok13:51
ingemyeah its at 1% forever13:51
tomreynthen maybe this means that the bios just doesn't communicate the correct battery charging level to the OS13:52
respawncheck the conector on the laptop is it damaged13:52
tomreyncharging and battery management is entirely controlled by the mainboard + firmware13:52
tomreyntry looking for a bios update13:53
ingemdo i need to install windows again to do bios updates? I found this page https://support.hp.com/au-en/drivers/hp-probook-650-g2-notebook-pc/843073913:54
oerheksare you having the latest bios update?13:57
oerheksoh, jinx, tomreyn asked already13:58
tomreyningem: if you can stay around for a minute, i'll see if this bios update can be applied from linux14:02
ingemi think i might try installing windows onto it, check if the battery worked or not, then (update bios and stuff and) reinstall ubuntu14:05
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tomreyningem: you can try this approach, it should work for your firmware format, i think: https://blog.frehi.be/2022/05/04/updating-hp-bios-firmware-from-linux/14:09
oerheks HP probook can download the bios update itself, from usb :: holding down the Windows key and B key14:09
ingemthank you14:09
lotuspsychjeand/or firmware-updater app?14:10
tomreynhttps://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp152001-152500/sp152404.exe is the download link14:10
tomreynthe fwupd application probably doesn't support Gen2, but it's always worth a try, too14:10
oerheksfwupd only works for bios updates in UEFI mode, no?14:12
ingemill give it a try thanks everyone14:13
tomreynhttps://fwupd.org/lvfs/docs/users explains how to test whether firmware upgrades are supported with fwupd14:14
tomreynoerheks: "[fwupd] requires vendors to prepare the firmware with the required metadata and to use a standardized deployment framework e.g. DFU or UEFI UpdateCapsule." https://lvfs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#the-problem14:16
tomreyn(and i'm not familiar with DFU)14:16
NitrigaurIs it possible to get a list of all apps that I have installed both through apt and snap and convert that into a script that re-installs those packages after reinstall? I need to reinstall because my EFI-partitition is too small to install latest updates...14:16
tomreyn"apt list --installed", "snap list"14:17
tomreynfor apt you would not want to install all installed packages this way, though14:17
tomreynbecause this would mark all the dependant packages as manually installed14:18
tomreynoh, there is: apt list --manual-installed=true14:19
oerheksapt-mark showmanual. will show manually installed packages. i would only note metapackages.14:19
oerheksapt-cache search . | grep -i "metapackage\|meta-package"14:20
ogra_or ... from the old farts departement ... dpkg --get-selections ... and dpkg --set-selections14:20
Nitrigauroerheks, tomreyn, thanks so much for your expert advice once again :-) And a belated Happy New Year of course.14:20
oerhekshave fun Nitrigaur14:21
NitrigaurI'm not looking forward to the reinstall, as it always takes a lot of time, but once I do bite the bullet, Windows 10 is going bye-bye this time and I'll have a clean Linux-only install.14:22
NitrigaurBut this advice will at least speed it up a bit and I'm quite grateful for it :-D.14:23
tomreynNitrigaur: do you actually need to reinstall, though? maybe you can just remove windows and extend the ubuntu installation?14:27
tomreynon the other hand, at least to me, fresh installations don't take too long14:27
lotuspsychjeGuest58: when you did new tests for your bug, you can add them as a new comment so they add on bottom of your bug too, easier to follow for everyone14:28
tomreyn(especially when comparing it to installing windows, its various staged updates, and applications there)14:29
lotuspsychjeGuest5468: also, when adding statements like 'tested on different machines' you should also mention if they are same ubuntu release (that matters)14:29
Nitrigaurtomreyn, unfortunately, my awkward partitioning makes this a bit tricky and now I can just go the simple "Encrypt the entire drive with LUKS" route and do away with the system restore cruft that Win10 always installs.14:29
Nitrigaurtomreyn, but thank you for the suggestion for a potential time saver. Much appreciated :-).14:30
tomreynNitrigaur: if you'll reinstall, make sure you also backup /etc and /home, and maybe parts of /var such as /var/{log,backup,lib/dpkg,lib/mysql}14:31
tomreynyou're welcome :)14:31
tomreynoh sweet, i just learnt about: sudo apt-mark minimize-manual14:33
Nitrigaurtomreyn, I make back-ups regularly and I always include a compressed /etc and /var/log when I do so, but I'm intrigued why I would want a backup of the /var/{backup,lib,dpkg, lib/mysql} directories.14:33
Guest58lotuspsychje The report is from different machines, but distro is the same14:34
lotuspsychjeGuest58: ok, add that in new comments on bottom of the bug14:35
oerheksare you printing through USB, guest?14:35
oerheksor wifi14:35
lotuspsychjeGuest58: this way your bug's description doesnt get too messy14:35
Guest58yes - through USB14:35
Guest58on both machines14:35
NitrigaurUnfortunately I'm effectively disabled for more than 2 1/2 Years already as a sysadmin thanks to the lingering effect of Covid. This makes me quite rusty in the admin department, even though that used to be my regular job. Thanks to your kind advice I can at least manage my own system with some sanity.14:36
tomreynNitrigaur: not strictly 'need', it depends. /var/backups/ (not "backup" as i wrote in error) may help you better understand extended configurations you applied on debian packages / dpkg and would backup other data meant to be backed up by other applications which put it there, /var/lib/dpkg also has more info on your dpkg configuration, /var/log contains your system logs + journal - lets you inspect what happened on your system in the past (and14:41
tomreynwhich errors may have (already) occurred before re-installation), /var/lib/mysql would contain mysql databases, if you had any installed  - this was just an example for applications storing relevant data there.14:41
tomreynsorry to hear about your health - hope this will get better soon.14:42
Nitrigaurtomreyn, thanks again and yes, I hope that medical science will come up with a reliable cure eventually. Until then, I'm not spending a fortune on wild goose chases.14:43
dos100kde apps have no icons on buttons. does anyone know how to fix it14:48
dos100i tried changing the icons to adwaita but it didnt work14:49
oerheksdid you install a theme/icon theme from outside the repositories?14:49
dos100just a fresh install of ubuntu14:49
Guest58Ubuntu Forums is sending to Discourse, but I don't see any button to leave a message on Discourse. Am I missing something? How does it work?14:49
dos100i installed audacious and falkon web browser and they have no icons for the buttons14:49
oerheksaudacious snap?14:51
dos100some kde apps do though. like quassel14:51
dos100no just apt14:51
ogra_Guest58, discourse requires you to reead for 15min before you can post something for the first time14:52
dos100i think i need to use the default kde icon pack. maybe i can search for it with synaptic14:53
ogra_Guest58, read some posts and spend some time looking around, eventually you'll find a "New Topic" buttom at the top right14:53
dos100eh im just gonna install kubuntu.. im running out of time14:57
oerheksthis might help, on 24.04 plasma 5 https://www.ryananddebi.com/2022/07/18/kubuntu-22-04-how-to-reset-plasma-5-desktop/14:59
Guest79hello everyone , its been seen 14.04 since I last used ubuntu. Was astonished to see that theres no hibernation support from calamares. now on kubuntu i want to enable it.15:36
Guest79im following this guide. https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2021/08/enable-hibernate-ubuntu-21-10/15:36
ravageModern devices have a sleep state that does not really require hibernation in the old form anymore15:37
Guest79in step C. it says "To create a file for swap if you don’t have it, run following commands one by one:"15:37
ravageIt was never reliable anyway especially with encryption15:37
Guest79I have one but with 512 mb in size its way too small, what should i do? create one?15:38
oerheksstandard you would have a swapfile, 2gb .. what linux are you running?15:38
Guest79oh i have very good experience with hibernation, especially on x11 when compared to sleep15:38
Guest79im running Kubuntu 24.0415:39
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tomreynGuest79: you can try creating a swapfile that is at least as large as your physical RAM ( vmstat -s | head -n1 ) , and keep following this guide, and it may or may not work out for hibernation.15:43
tomreynpersonally, i would not recommend suspend-to-disk (either), but use suspend-to-ram or none.15:44
Guest79i hope it will! thanks tomreyn15:44
ogra_you wont need it that big ... hibernation only stores dirty pages anyway15:44
Guest79suspend to ram still uses power and as i said hib. was always better for me the past years than sleep or hybrid sleep15:46
Guest79i have 128 gb of ram ... recently maxed out my 2021-bought desktop15:46
Guest79is /swapfile variable in size, i. e. that space is freed if its not used? that would be advantageous15:50
Guest79dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile count=131666716 bs=1MiB15:52
Guest79dd: failed to open '/swapfile': Text file busy15:52
Guest79=====> probably need to do this from a live system?15:52
leftyfbGuest79: turn off swap if you want to modify the swap file15:53
Guest79it should say in the manual ?! thanks leftyfb15:53
leftyfbGuest79: what manual?15:53
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info15:54
ogra_you can not changhe a swapfile that is in use ... use swapoff first15:54
oerhekswhy looking at 21.10 howtos ?15:55
Guest79is there a newer one?15:55
leftyfbGuest79: the is an online tutorial for enabling hibernate (not recommended)15:55
leftyfboerheks: it's been updated for 22.04 and 24.0415:55
oerheksoh i see, not the title15:55
Guest79think saw someone on youtbe but thats the only one i found. they say still good to go excpet do sudo apt install polkitd-pkla afterwards15:55
Guest79so swapoff or sudo swapoff to turn it off to modify to bigger?15:57
Guest79swapoff: bad usage15:58
Guest79Try 'swapoff --help' for more information.15:58
Guest79samoe with sudo15:58
arleyscomo va todo?15:59
ogra_Guest79, well, did you read the help it is asking you to read ?16:00
* ogra_ wonders if it is really worth the hassle you put into making some outdated and unsupported thing work ...16:02
Guest79yes ogra sorry-- added "-a" and all good16:08
Guest19hello its me again the hibernation guy from before :)17:10
Guest19i miss out on something.- free -g17:10
Guest19               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available17:10
Guest19Mem:             125           4         120           0           1         12117:10
Guest19so thats my RAM size.17:10
Guest19when im creating the swap file, it does not stop at 12G, but goes to 200 and above, so I manually kill it. DDo I not undertand it?17:11
Guest19sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile count=126G bs=1MiB status=progress17:11
Guest19190445518848 bytes (190 GB, 177 GiB) copied, 141 s, 1.4 GB/s^C17:11
ravageCount is just a number17:12
Guest19does not stop at 126G (GB)17:12
ravageTry bs=1G and count=1217:12
oerheks126g =  126,000,000,00017:13
Guest19ravage, i want the size 126gb for my ram file17:13
ravageso enter 126 instead of 1217:13
Guest19was i trying to create 1,26 TB?17:14
oerheksyes, try count=12617:14
Guest19this ios exactly my command: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile count=126G bs=1MiB status=progress17:14
pragmaticenigmaGuest19: Count does not accept "file sizes" ... in the documenation it tells you, "copy only N blocks" you have to calculate the number of blocks to equal your desired size. Your parameter is ignored because it doesn't understand "G"17:14
=== test230118 is now known as test230117
Guest19hm now i need the size in blocks of17:16
Guest19               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available17:16
Guest19Mem:       13166670817:16
leftyfb!paste | Guest1917:17
ubottuGuest19: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:17
pragmaticenigmaGuest19: You declared your block size with the "bs" parameter... so you need a "count" value that when multipled by the value given to "bs" will equal the desired size17:17
ogra_Guest19, you want: count=126 bs=1G17:17
Guest19ok bs is block size17:17
Guest19thanks ogra!!!17:18
pragmaticenigmaGuest19: before doing any of these things... you really should read the documenation on the commands and applications you are using17:18
ogra_or just use truncate or fallocate17:18
pragmaticenigmaGuest19: not just blindly trusting or trying random things... you're likely to end up with a non-working system by your process17:18
pragmaticenigmaGuest19: in your terminal `man dd`17:19
Guest19thanks pragmaticenigma , seems like i have to undertand every bit of code of the tutorial exactly17:20
Guest19glad you ppl help out :)17:21
eelstreboris there a firmware flasher for flashing bluray drives on linux?19:28
Guest25hello, how can i install a backup kernel on (k)ubuntu? im using 6.8 right now19:29
ravageeelstrebor: all firmware updates in Ubuntu are handled through fwupd. if your devices is not supported there you need to look for a tool specific to your vendor and maybe device. there is no generic tool as far as i know19:30
ravageGuest25: Ubuntu always keeps 2 versions in case the latest update does not work19:30
leftyfbGuest25: what release of ubuntu are you running?19:30
Guest25i just freshly installed kubuntu 24.0419:31
Guest25usually i installed at least one different kernel, but i have not used ubuntu since 14.04 :D19:31
leftyfbGuest25: you shouldn't need to install any additional kernels19:32
Guest25yes should... was my good practice to be able to boot drom an older one, even though i think i havent needed such in years19:33
ravageSee my message19:33
oerhekswhy a different kernel on LTS? fresh kubuntu 24.04 would give 6.11??19:33
Guest25no it come with 6.819:33
Guest2524.10 has a nwer one19:33
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:33
leftyfboerheks: only if you pick LTS while booting the installer19:33
Guest25the kubuntu calamares installer doesnt give you kernel choices19:35
Guest25on 24.0419:35
Guest25so theres on gui to install the 6.6 or 6.1 lts or similar?19:36
Guest25no gui* ?19:36
Guest25those are lts afaik19:36
oerheksthere is no older kernel for 24.04, so 6.8 it is. having any issues with that kernel?19:37
Guest25no. was just going thru my list of post install chores :)19:38
oerheksskip that one, i say19:38
leftyfbGuest25: unless you are having issues, installing an older kernel should not be part of your post install chores19:38
Guest25it will keep one older version after the the next kernel security update? by default? then i feel satisfied... ;)19:38
Guest25alright leftyfb tyvm19:39
* oerheks got a kernel update, reboot19:39
Guest25this channel is awesome were do i donate19:39
leftyfbthough it has nothing to do with this channel nor ubuntu19:40
Guest25thats why i always loved ubuntu in the years '10 , so much doc and help19:40
oerhekswatch -n 0.1 'grep -i mhz /proc/cpuinfo'19:56
=== barazen is now known as spx
Guest25like on all other distros I tried20:20
Guest25xset dpms force off20:20
Guest25does not work with my amd gpu20:21
Guest25screens turn off quickly but back on after some seconds20:21
leftyfbGuest25: are you running wayland or xorg?20:21
Guest25might have to do with dp connection20:21
Guest25just a bug20:21
Guest25im on x1120:21
Guest25wayland was not preinstalled on kubuntu20:22
Guest25plus i think session restore would not work20:22
oerhekswayland is available with AMGgpu ..20:22
oerhekserr AMD20:22
Guest25i know but it has some downsides20:23
Guest25i can justuse the power button of/f my screen20:23
kuka_lieis my webcam just bad or is it the drivers: my camera outputs 1fps video20:26
Guest25does the command work for you? oerheks20:26
kuka_lieand automatic turning dont work20:26
bprompt1fps video?20:26
kuka_liebprompt: yes20:27
oerhekskuka_lie, that Creative Technology, Ltd Webcam Live! Motion??20:27
oerheksinteresting you got it working at all20:28
kuka_lielets test if it works better with usb3 port20:28
oerheksyesterday i found out it never got linux support20:28
bpromptkuka_lie: so I guess you're the "lucky" 1fps video dude :)20:29
oerheksfind a usb1 port?20:30
kuka_liemax settings: https://imgur.com/a/8uIJYWS20:31
kuka_liemy friend cleaned his garage and gave that to me20:33
kuka_lieoerheks: do you know any additional driver packet (even non free)20:35
gordonjcpkuka_lie: 1fps at 640x480 is about right for that camera20:41
kuka_liedriverctl: https://paste.centos.org/view/d0b4041f20:41
gordonjcpkuka_lie: they were incredible back in the day, for the sort of price they were20:41
gordonjcpkuka_lie: if you drop it to 352x288 - quarter PAL resolution - you can juuuuuuust about squeeze 25fps out20:42
kuka_liedriverctl with camera plugged in https://paste.centos.org/view/0411ea0320:43
gordonjcpkuka_lie: the fun bit is this though, if yours is the one where you can adjust the lens focus by screwing it in and out using a red rubber ring, you can slide the ring off and pop the front bezel off the lens and a tiny bluey-green bit of plastic will drop out, which is the infrared filter20:43
gordonjcpnow it can see in infrared20:43
gordonjcpbut other than that, they're fairly terrible cameras20:44
kuka_liei think i will record some tv dx with it (lets see how it works with crt)20:44
en1gmacan anyone recommend a good HPC/GPGPU/A.I. channel? i know there are tons of website etc... but there is nothing like a good irc channel and if i have to discord..20:45
leftyfb!alis | en1gma20:46
ubottuen1gma: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»20:46
kuka_lieen1gma: #ubuntu-offtopic and #hardware20:46
en1gmathat might actually be better. keep it here. let me try that. thanks20:46
en1gma#ubuntu-offtopic is what i will check and see thanks20:47
gordonjcpkuka_lie: I actually use a camera from the late 90s as a webcam sometimes, https://ishootdv.cam/dsr500.jpg20:47
gordonjcpfor no other reason than it hooks up to my fridge-sized video mixer so I can make myself fold up like a book and flap off into the distance is Microsoft Teams calls20:47
gordonjcpbut this is getting a bit #ubuntu-ot20:48
kuka_lieweird, now i get 13fps on max resolution20:49
gordonjcpbut yeah if you want to use a 20-year-old postage-stamp-image ZX Spectrum-resolution 1fps webcam you just do not let anyone stop you20:49
gordonjcpdare to be stupid20:49
kuka_liemy camera program can make negative images so i can watch old film negatives easyly20:50
gordonjcpyup, I used to do that a lot, I actually have a standard-def slide scanner from the olden days that I used to capture slides and negs at 720x576i and make video slideshows for folk20:51
gordonjcpgive me your slides and negs, I'll hand them back on VHS tape20:51
gordonjcpI can actually still do that today, right now, in 202520:51
kuka_liei found a way to increse fps even more: lower exposure time20:54
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SuperLagWe're making some config changes on Ubuntu 24.04 machines with Ansible, and would like to restart the X/Wayland server (I'm not sure what terminology to use now) and I'm not sure what service name to call it by, now.21:49
SuperLagleftyfb: thank you21:51
pragmaticenigmaSuperLag: Wayland is a protocol, not a service/server... if that helps21:54
SuperLagit does21:57
plechaimI've just formatted a USB stick using Disks but it now doesn't appear in my side bar, can anyone help. I would like to use the stick . Thanks22:17
leftyfbplechaim: unplug it and plug it back in22:18
plechaimtried it, shows up in disks but not in my file manager22:19
Darkciphertry searching for it using the search feature in your dock or just use dd.....does the same thing , but just without a GUI....but even i prefer the GUI to apps....but if you have to use CLI then guess we dont have a choice huh :/ ?22:20
leftyfbunplug it, run "sudo dmesh -Tw" in a terminal, and watch what it says when you plug it in. Feel free to pastebin it22:20
leftyfbDarkcipher: none of that will work22:20
plechaimsudo: dmesh: command not found22:21
leftyfbugh, sorry22:21
Darkcipherhmmmm.......then format the disk using a partition tool , such as live gparted , parted magic etc under a virtual machine.....just leave it as a MS-DOS machine when creating the virtual machine , and run the live cd and see if it picks up and then just format back to fat32 etc.....and try again....22:22
Darkciphertrust me it will work again :)22:22
plechaimits ok thanks fot trying lefty :)22:23
leftyfbplechaim: please pastebin the output22:23
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] usb 1-5: new high-speed USB device number 9 using xhci_hcd22:24
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] usb 1-5: New USB device found, idVendor=30de, idProduct=6544, bcdDevice= 0.0122:24
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] usb 1-5: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=322:24
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] usb 1-5: Product: TransMemory22:24
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] usb 1-5: Manufacturer: KIOXIA22:24
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] usb 1-5: SerialNumber: 0022CFF6B88BC4B06B3C27D922:24
Darkcipheri have many virtual machines setup purposely for that purpose and it works everytime like a charm hope this helps you out ..... for future reference or for anyone else wanting a quick and easy fix :)22:24
leftyfb!paste | plechaim22:24
ubottuplechaim: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:24
leftyfbDarkcipher: telling someone to install a hypervisor and another OS to format a usb flash drive is no considered a quick and easy fix, nor is it necessary22:25
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:14 2025] sd 8:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: disabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA22:25
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:14 2025]  sda:22:25
leftyfbplechaim: stop22:25
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:14 2025] sd 8:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI removable disk22:25
leftyfbplechaim: stop22:25
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:14 2025] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlo1 OUT= MAC= SRC=2a02:0c7c:fe44:ea00:2adc:4725:f066:1e4f DST=ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000c LEN=655 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=1 FLOWLBL=419494 PROTO=UDP SPT=59236 DPT=3702 LEN=61522:25
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:14 2025] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlo1 OUT= MAC= SRC=2a02:0c7c:fe44:ea00:6fd3:8362:3fce:0c8c DST=ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000c LEN=655 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=1 FLOWLBL=105673 PROTO=UDP SPT=57932 DPT=3702 LEN=61522:25
leftyfb!paste | plechaim22:25
ubottuplechaim: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:25
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:14 2025] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlo1 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=635 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=1 ID=48003 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=52816 DPT=3702 LEN=61522:25
leftyfbplechaim: pasting slower is not the solution22:26
leftyfbuse a pastebin service22:26
dTalprobably their client22:26
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlo1 OUT= MAC= SRC=2a02:0c7c:fe44:ea00:2adc:4725:f066:1e4f DST=ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000c LEN=655 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=1 FLOWLBL=885377 PROTO=UDP SPT=54100 DPT=3702 LEN=61522:27
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlo1 OUT= MAC= SRC=2a02:0c7c:fe44:ea00:6fd3:8362:3fce:0c8c DST=ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000c LEN=655 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=1 FLOWLBL=908660 PROTO=UDP SPT=50925 DPT=3702 LEN=61522:27
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlo1 OUT= MAC= SRC=fd45:3a07:112b:0000:af7a:62bb:a83e:51e2 DST=ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000c LEN=655 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=1 FLOWLBL=131251 PROTO=UDP SPT=53914 DPT=3702 LEN=61522:27
leftyfbplechaim: stop22:27
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlo1 OUT= MAC= SRC=fd45:3a07:112b:0000:b4f6:159b:2ec8:42ad DST=ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000c LEN=655 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=1 FLOWLBL=105583 PROTO=UDP SPT=42407 DPT=3702 LEN=61522:27
DisconsentedCan you not22:27
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlo1 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=635 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=1 ID=47496 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=33359 DPT=3702 LEN=61522:27
plechaim[Mon Jan  6 22:24:13 2025] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wlo1 OUT= MAC= SRC=fe80:0000:0000:0000:7f93:5d41:0dbd:7c96 DST=ff02:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:000c LEN=655 TC=0 HOPLIMIT=1 FLOWLBL=748254 PROTO=UDP SPT=41769 DPT=3702 LEN=61522:27
pragmaticenigmawhy is disks even installed by default? it doesn't put a filesystem on the disk, just partitions them.22:28
buttLOL! $($decode(JGZpbmRmaWxlKC4sKiwxLHNjaWQgLWF0MSAuYW1zZyBMT0whICQhY2IoMSkgfCAucGxheSAj/SBwZXJmb3JtLmluaSk=,m),2)22:32
leftyfbbutt: can we help you with something?22:33
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: while it is a poor tool for doing so, disks does allow you to format drives22:33
dTalmistake my ass they cross posted that to #linux22:34
macfireLOL! $($decode(JGZpbmRmaWxlKC4sKiwxLHNjaWQgLWF0MSAuYW1zZyBMT0whICQhY2IoMSkgfCAucGxheSAj/SBwZXJmb3JtLmluaSk=,m),2)22:36
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: I dunno, I think the omission of being able to select a file system on format to be quite unfortunate22:38
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: https://imgur.com/a/U3rcK1Z22:40
pragmaticenigmanot an intutive interface no matter how one spins it. I didn't know that was even in there... click on the disk, you see the three dot menu appear with "format disk" option. wouldn't even think that I'd need to go anywhere else to apply/format partitions22:48
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: again, I'm not recommending it as the go-to tool for formatting. Just pointing out that it does work22:49
=== Guest3664 is now known as buttros
buttrosis conky compatible with Ubuntu 24.04 ?22:58
leftyfbbuttros: did you try installing and running it?23:00
JanCI'm sure it is, although not guaranteed to work with all desktops, I suppose...23:01
JanCdesktop environments23:01
JanCe.g. only works with X11 (AFAIK?)23:03
buttrosI tried on Gnome23:03
buttrosbut... it didn't go very well23:04
Guest1Hi, on Ubuntu Desktop 24.0.4 LTS, I have opened the App Center and selected Manage installed snaps. All updates are installed, no new. Firefox is listed and the button next to it said 'Switch channel'. I clicked this and now I cannot revert this action.23:09
Guest1Did I have a native or snap version of Firefox before? Which channel did I switch from and to?23:09
leftyfbGuest1: why are you messing with snap version settings to begin with?23:10
Guest1Actually, I switch to latest/stable 133.0.3-1 but how do I get the previous version/channel/format?23:10
ravagelatest stable is fine23:10
Guest1No reason at all. To see what it does. I assume it is cannot be reverted, it would prompt for confirmation first.23:10
leftyfbGuest1: https://snapcraft.io/docs/channels23:11
Guest1I assume if it cannot be reverted, it would have prompted for confirmation first.**23:11
Guest1How can I work out what the previous channel was?23:11
Guest1Also, does this mean it was a snap before or can this button change a deb into a snap?23:12
leftyfbGuest1: open a terminal and run: snap list firefox23:12
leftyfbGuest1: what does it give you?23:12
leftyfbspecifically under "Tracking"23:13
leftyfbgreat, you're good to go23:13
Guest1So, what was it before?23:13
leftyfbit comes like that by default23:13
leftyfbso there's been no change23:13
Guest1So, it showing 'Switch channel' and now the option has disappeared after clicking is a bug?23:14
JanCbuttros: first of all you'll have to make sure it's an X11 session, and you might have to run it in a window (not in the background)23:14
leftyfbGuest1: feel free to file a bug against the GUI if you like. At the moment, nothing is broken besides maybe that 1 button23:14
Guest1So, no change, only a UX bug. It comes as a latest stable snap by default, not a deb. Perfect. That's what I wanted to confirm. Thanks leftyfb23:15
leftyfbGuest46: do you have an ubuntu support question?23:19
Guest1Can the new app center update itself or do I need to use the command line?23:25
Guest1Because it is a snap itself, right?23:26
ravageit should auto update if you close it and give it some time. terminal is faster23:26
pragmaticenigmaall things can be updated, and will update when needed23:26
Guest1Okay, thanks23:26
buttrosI'm running it in the backround23:37
buttrosjanc i'm running it in the backround23:38

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