
ColorsGood day02:43
ColorsI'm trying to install Kubuntu 22.04.2 since it's the only that comes with Kernel 5.02:44
ColorsI am following the following which is for modern one https://joshuakugler.com/installing-kde-with-lvm-and-luks.html02:45
ColorsTo clarify, Kubuntu 22.04.2 works flawlessly if used the option "wipe the disk and install on luks-encrypted root"02:46
ColorsYet, additional partitions are required for "home", and that's why I am trying to install with manual partitoning02:47
ColorsWhile following the above web-page, the installer for 22.04 warns that there's no "EFI System Partition" is not found, which sure I did not add, and hence the question. Why does it require it and where to set it?02:49
ColorsThis: https://i.imgur.com/Nq2oh9c.png02:52
ColorsIs that partition even required on non-EFI bios?02:54
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ColorsThe BIOS on this machine does not support EFI, and that's why I don't get the reason of the warning, too.03:06
tomreynare you sure that this system does not support uefi boot? it must be about 15 to 20 or so years old then04:02
tomreynalso, it would be interesting to learn why you need "kernel 5".04:03
tomreynto answer your direct question: an ESP is (generally speaking, i don't know what calamares expects or supports) not required (or used, if there was one) if you are booting in (legacy) bios mode.04:07
tomreynwith a GPT partition table (that was selected on the second screen shot in the article you linked to), you would then require a tiny "bios-grub" partition04:08
tomreynColors: ^04:19
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Colorstomreyn: thank you. Yes, I just ignored the warning.06:07
ColorsThe 5.19 is required since 6 just hangs making the whole PC dead.06:07
ColorsI invested the whole weekend to find the culprit and asked in channels like #linux regarding it - nothing.06:08
ColorsThe only feel I have is Kernel regression in graphics, where the laptop seems to be not hanging with 'nomodeset' set in Grub.06:09
ColorsThe freeze on Kernel 6+ happens purely randomly on Grub boot, on SDDM login prompt, on login submitted, or during OS use.06:09
ColorsNothing relevant in 'journalctl' logs regarding it.06:10
ColorsSince I currently have no time to debug the Kernel to find the regression, and I had a plan to install a working but fairly moden OS on the laptop, I ended up installing the previous Kernel, and oh my gracious sakes it finally works..06:11
ColorsThe installed current: https://i.imgur.com/tewi33E.png06:13
ColorsApparently, Kubuntu 22.04.2 has issues with Grub and encrypted OS root with LVM, and it required a manual Grub install after the OS install using the general installer.06:14
ColorsIn the end, I ended up with installing this Kubuntu with a manual partitioning (https://termbin.com/zv7j), manual Grub install for the encrypted OS root, Apt-pinning the Kernels, and and a hope I will find the Kernel issue and report it properly.06:16
ColorsThe whole weekend, and holy smokes! It works...06:16
ColorsThank you warmly, developers of KDE, Linus, and the community!06:17
tomreynhmm, that's a pity that linux 6.x doesn't work for you. hope you can find out what it is and report it. there's guidance on how to catch Kernel crashes on the ubuntu wiki, but that's currently down sadly06:49
tomreynoh, this is really old hardware you have there, hopefully it's not a hardware failure causing it.06:51
ColorsMemtest86+ full pass succeeds, and SSD 500 GB smarts (Kingston) shows no issues.06:51
ColorsI specifically bought Windows 11 and installed to verify the machines works just in case.06:52
ColorsNo issues in Windows 11 and even installed Serious Sam Fusion to check graphics - no issues and love it.06:53
ColorsSo, it must be the Kernel.06:53
ColorsIt's old but for its purpose - still spicy I believe.06:53
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IrcsomeBot_<Bharath> Shlu08:25
IrcsomeBot_<Bharath> SHlU08:26
IrcsomeBot_<Bharath> 89Oc08:26
IrcsomeBot_<Bharath> 890C08:26
IrcsomeBot_<Bharath> How to enable wifi08:27
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Hi there are overall would you suggest using snaps or flatpaks?11:08
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Hi there, overall would you suggest using snaps or flatpaks?11:09
LoreWelp, Flatpak is Redhat, Snap is Canonical. I believe it depends on the case.11:13
LorePlease check the following and decide: https://askubuntu.com/a/100906111:13
LoreI noticed that while both are OS-agnostic, Snap is more Debian/Ubuntu oriented, while Flatpak is seen everywhere.11:14
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> I see, my case in asking is cause I am trying to get steam to work on Kubuntu 24.10 and its giving some slight issues at times11:17
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Snaps do seem to have a larger platform on Debian/Ubuntu databases11:18
LoreWhy either?11:19
LoreSteam provides their own option.11:19
IrcsomeBot_<TimoSalola> I think I used the steam installer which as far as I'm aware, does not use snap or flatpack11:20
Lorei.e. https://store.steampowered.com/about/11:20
IrcsomeBot_<TimoSalola> and steam installer as in the steam installer application found in discover11:26
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Yes that's the one I usd but addons such as mangohud for example doesn't work out the box11:26
LoreWhat doesn't work?11:26
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Mangohud, its a graphical overlay that shows fps, CPU usage, gpu load for “amd GPUs”11:27
LoreAnd how is that Steam installation related?11:28
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Its not but it sort of goes back to snap working with snap addons and Flatpak working with Flatpak11:30
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> I guess a simple resolve for myself would be to not install it maybe.11:30
LoreThe developers of those should know and consider the official Deb package.11:31
LoreAnd therefore, there should be a working solution for this case I believe.11:32
IrcsomeBot_<TimoSalola> I just tested mangohud out of curiosity and got it working with the discover steam installer steam in about 2 minutes. : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/acfa5e96/file_81187.jpg11:33
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Interesting did you install mangohud from Discover as well? Also do you install from Discover also? Or flathub?11:35
IrcsomeBot_<TimoSalola> I'm on 24.04 lts though, should not be that different from 24.10 but who knows, perhaps it has something to do with it11:36
LorePlease check the versions to be actual.11:37
IrcsomeBot_<TimoSalola> I used terminal command "sudo apt-get install mangohud" to install mangohud as suggested by the mangohud github page and I got steam via discover.11:40
IrcsomeBot_<TimoSalola> mangohud version:
IrcsomeBot_<TimoSalola> steam installer version: 1:
IrcsomeBot_<TimoSalola> on kubuntu 24.04 lts11:40
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> That may be my issue I'm I'm on Kubuntu 24.10 just switched from another distro11:41
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Maybe I should go to the LTS version 24.04?11:42
LoreNo. You should consider reporting any issues to the developers of the software to support the latest OS.11:43
LoreYou should change OS for software normally.11:44
Loreshould NOT*11:45
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> I didn't change for software I did it to get some more experience with a different distro. I started dual booting a little over a year ago but now I'm trying to actually only use Linux except for maybe a few anti-cheat games.11:47
LoreOh. I see. Welp, KDE is a nice choice to start I believe. Valve chose KDE Plasma for Steam Deck.11:49
LoreDebian is considered the most stable for both servers and desktop.11:50
LoreUbuntu is the most popular and known, and is based on Debian.11:50
LoreKubuntu < Ubuntu < Debian < Kernel11:51
LoreI.e. https://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours11:51
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Weirdly I was on Fedora Gnome which wasn't too bad but like I said just trying to update my personal take on the Linux side of computing.11:51
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> I was wondering if I should go to the 24.04 LTS version or stick with the 24.1011:52
LoreFedora is a marvel, too. Though, I would consider it more strict, closer to enterprise, where Red Hat is more commercial oriented.11:53
LoreRemstar, I believe it depends on the case, bleeding edge feel, circumstances, environment only you know.11:57
Lore> if you want to have to upgrade to the newest release every few months, then go with the non-lts release. If you do NOT want to have to upgrade every few months, then go with the LTS release.11:57
Lore< https://redd.it/1h6t2tf11:57
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> I will give this a read right now, but to be honest, no one never really explained not even on YouTube about LTS to none LTS12:52
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Think I may just go with the LTS to be honest12:52
BluesKajHi all12:57
LoreRemstar, do you mean?: https://ubuntu.com/kernel/lifecycle12:57
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Since I'm switching from Fedora to Kubuntu 24.10 I may just got with the lts release of Kubuntu.13:02
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> From what I get the lts is more established and things in the Discover store should just work with each other. I hope I'm approaching this the proper way13:02
isis_eliHi, I need some help. I cant connect my bluetooth speaker to "High Fidelity Playback (A2DP)" only HSP and sounds horrible. Im running the latest kubuntu with pipewire13:22
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Noble (Noble Numbat 24.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.13:25
IrcsomeBot_<Bharath> /help@join_captcha_bot13:27
IrcsomeBot_<Bharath> /names@IrcsomeBot13:27
oerheksisis_eli, i read a lot of issues are solved with kernel
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> In general LTS versions should be more stable or is it all up to user case scenarios14:04
oerheksLTS does not introduce new features, but stable tested packages. but gets backported security fixes.14:05
LoreWhat does "stable" mean?14:06
LoreDoesn't stability reduce with more frequency?14:06
IrcsomeBot_<Bharath> <isis_eli> hi i installed kubuntu and wifi is disabled how to fix this?..14:06
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> “Stable” to me means program and supported compatible items work in sync with little effort.14:07
oerheksreduce what?14:08
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Or can this be achieved by using only Discover supported programs14:08
isis_eliIrcsomeBot_, you have to wire it and install the wifi controler14:09
isis_eliive added the https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/aglasgall/pipewire-extra-bt-codecs/ubuntu noble repository which has the codec aac but theres no way neon is going to "downgrade" to those packages, cause it says the actual ones are dependent on "everything os main packages"14:49
oerheksNeon? we do not support that14:50
oerhekstry #kde-neon or #kde-neon-users14:51
RikMillsnot #kde-neon as that is developer only discussion14:52
ingopanhi, i just wanted to do an upgrade to 25.04 and did sudo do-release-upgrade -d with the following error:16:13
ingopan== More Information ==16:13
ingopanYou can find out more about Ubuntu on our website, IRC channel and wiki.16:13
ingopanIf you're new to Ubuntu, please visit:16:13
ingopan  https://ubuntu.com/16:13
ingopanTo sign up for future Ubuntu announcements, please subscribe to Ubuntu's16:13
ingopanand i got this error: https://bpa.st/H26Q16:16
ingopanWhats the take here ? thanks16:16
oerheksdid you install update-manager-core first?16:17
ingopanoehm ..i think not16:19
oerheksyou do understand plucky is in beta, not released yet?16:20
ingopanohhh ok16:21
ingopanthanks for reminder16:21
ingopani wont update then16:21
oerheksthat is where the -d is for = development16:21
ingopanah i see thanks16:22
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Another question regarding the app installer etc right, should one default to snaps on Kubuntu or can you deviate away from snaps and use flatpaks, etc? Or is it on a us basis17:47
oerheksnot going to answer that snaps flamewar17:49
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> Understand completely and wasn't my intent, just looking for some basic info. I'll go through some docs they have17:56
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Loreoerheks, I tried to say: "Doesn't stability decrease with change frequency increase"22:01
LoreImplying that LTS should be more "stable" in general, and is commonly used in production environments, too.22:02
oerheksyes, more and longer tested.22:02
oerheksnew features are always a risk, unless you have a reason to need them22:03
oerheksi used to run latest because 'latest'.22:04
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LoreThat feel when you step forward in sync with the world of course... stumble, fall over, and get up together... overcoming the previously unknown obstacles...22:06
=== JakeSays is now known as JakeSayss
LoreHow would you query the following in Google?: https://i.imgur.com/D2xN6qr.png22:48
LoreLine chart artifacts in KDE applets?22:48
sarnoldwhat's wrong with it?22:54
Loresarnold, there should be the line only. The particles are artifacts I believe.23:01
LoreThis is RAM usage.23:02
_buraqhi, after installing kubuntu 24.04 on a laptop, the mouse pointer moved slowly and system settings couldn't fix it23:04
_buraqi found two xorg options that fix it23:05
Lore_buraq, does the same issue appear in Live ISO booted? How do you change the speed exactly? Does it happen with touchpad or actually physical mouse?23:06
_buraq        Option "AccelerationScheme" "predictable"23:06
_buraq        Option "AccelSpeed" "0.5"23:06
_buraqi put those in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-touchpad.conf23:07
_buraqi don't know about the live session. maybe the problem wasn't there23:08
_buraqi'm using a clickpad23:08
_buraqoops sorry you need extra lines around those23:09
IrcsomeBot_<Remstar> I'm realizing after some own research today why lts is usually safer and “better” for myself whom is still getting used to Linux.23:10
_buraqhere: https://paste.linux.chat/?c0daf7558f95acb3#Bi2mZQfSAnnbpvP1axMSnZeWrN6kJZMEy4fSjj1NvX3623:10
Lore_buraq, I see. Is it possible to use a more common settings for a test at least?23:16
LoreThe Xorg config is an option, but those depend on the device/Kernel module/middleware I believe, and the DE settings like more user-land, could handle it providing a more abstract interface.23:18
_buraqLore: i didn't understand your question23:20
LoreIf it works with the common settings (i.e. Settings -> Input Devices -> Mouse), and after reboot, then at least we know that. The reason I ask to try that is that complex DEs like KDE Plasma (if you use it) may not except such changes of lower level.23:20
_buraqLore: the speed didn't change through system settings23:20
LoreI see. Does anything appear in `dmesg` with the setting change?23:21
LoreDoes anything appear in `dmesg` regarding touchpad at all?23:21
_buraqLore: i didn't check and i went to bed already23:22
LoreGod, wonderful night!23:23
Loresarnold, I meant: https://i.imgur.com/MkCvNtH.png23:24
LoreThe yellow one. Those are sure artifacts.23:24
_buraqLore: should i create a report about this?23:25
Lore_buraq, it would only help the subject, but only if placed in correct category. The developers who wrote the middleware, mouse events handling, settings save and load, should have a better realization of possible culprit locations, indeed.23:29
sarnoldLore: are you sure that it's not instead graphing multiple things at once? I sort of expect one to show the "free" value and another to show the "available" value from the output of `free -m`23:31
sarnoldLore: "memory use" is much harder to properly convey than processor utilization or disk space23:31
sarnoldLore: "unused memory is wasted memory"23:31
Lore_buraq, here: https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?component=kcm_touchpad&product=systemsettings&resolution=---23:33
Loresarnold, the line data is "Used Physical Memory Percentage".23:34
Lorei.e. https://i.imgur.com/UAFAUKJ.png23:34
sarnoldLore: ah :) that doesn't feel very useful to me, but *that* display certainly suggests that it's exactly one data point, exactly as you said23:35

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