
leftyfbboth are installed by default00:00
oerhekscurl too?00:01
oerheksthen ubottu got it wrong..00:01
leftyfbthis is for server00:02
oerhekscurl wttr.in/amsterdam00:02
leftyfbbinutils is installed by default for desktop, curl is not00:02
KunorYes it does look like snap firefox is the problem.  I missed the very first step of installing the flatpak.  No wonder its not working00:09
leftyfbKunor: pick a different extension00:10
leftyfbflatpak's aren't supported here00:10
=== kuddukan6 is now known as kuddukan
Guest8452Hi there.00:35
Guest8452I'm trying to execute sh file but getting an error like that00:36
Guest8452tim@tim-Vm:/$ sudo /home/tim/Downloads/T-RexMiner/ETC-2miners.sh00:36
sarnoldheh, you missed the error :)00:36
Guest8452'/home/tim/Downloads/T-RexMiner/ETC-2miners.sh: 2: ./t-rex: not found'00:37
leftyfbboy, is that an unrecommended command if I've ever seen one00:37
leftyfbyou have a space in the directory name00:38
leftyfbGuest8452: are you sure you need sudo?00:38
Guest8452I'm a linux newbie, sorry00:38
sarnoldis there a /home/tim/Downloads/T-RexMiner/t-rex  ?00:38
leftyfbthen I wouldn't recommend running anything as sudo unless you know it needs it00:38
Guest8452so what should i do?00:40
Guest8452i don't really understand00:40
leftyfbGuest8452: why do you need to run this script?00:40
Guest8452i'm trying to mine some crypto00:40
pragmaticenigmaGuest8452: perhaps the better option is to learn the operating system you are trying to use, before running random applications and scripts from the internet. While linux based systems are less prone to compromise and viruses, crypto is the one thing you need to be absolutely sure you know what you are doing00:44
Guest8452just help me to run the script please00:46
pragmaticenigmaGuest8452: Never run anything on any computer that you don't understand00:47
sarnoldGuest8452: have you had any luck finding out if there's a /home/tim/Downloads/T-RexMiner/t-rex ?00:51
Guest8452the full path is /home/tim/Downloads/T-RexMiner/ETC-2miners.sh00:51
=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz
sarnoldthat's the script that you tried to run00:54
sarnoldit gave you an error message00:54
sarnoldand so far you've ignored that error message :)00:54
sarnoldtry reading it. try udnerstanding it.00:54
Guest8452i don't really understand what's happen so i'm here to get some help, please01:00
Guest8452if it is not very difficult for you01:00
sarnoldGuest8452: namei -l /home/tim/Downloads/T-RexMiner/t-rex01:00
Guest8452drwxr-xr-x root root /01:02
Guest8452drwxr-xr-x root root home01:02
Guest8452drwxr-x--- tim  tim  tim01:02
Guest8452drwxr-xr-x tim  tim  Downloads01:02
Guest8452drwxrwxr-x tim  tim  T-RexMiner01:02
Guest8452-rwxr-xr-x tim  tim  t-rex01:02
enigma9o7You need to change into that directory first.01:04
enigma9o7It appears to be running other stuff with ./ so it must assume your pwd must be there, i guess.01:04
Guest8452so what command should i type?01:05
enigma9o7cd is change direcotry.  if you're not familiar with basic shell commands, probably easier to pull up a reference sheet or tutorial or something than ask how to change direcotires01:05
=== Guest8452 is now known as timsokolov
=== timsokolov is now known as TimSokolov
alch3misthas anyone experience the activities menu showing just a blank screen after suspend or wake up from sleep on 24.04? like this post https://askubuntu.com/questions/1516783/broken-activities-overview-after-suspension-in-the-ubuntu-24-0404:37
thomas_hi i cant install ubuntu the latest release on virtual box06:22
thomas_i have the bug report could some Guru explain it to me06:23
enigma9o7Well how about start with you just telling us what happens when you try?06:30
=== rvalue- is now known as rvalue
thomas_well do you want to see the log06:33
enigma9o7Me?  No, already suggested you start with telling us what happens.06:34
thomas_its given me a bug report06:34
thomas_no idea06:34
thomas_keep failing and give me the report06:34
enigma9o7If you cant even bother to try to explain what you were doing, how you generate this "report" in the first place, nobody will want to help you, but fgine, keep being an ass, see how far it gets you.06:35
thomas_i can give you the report06:36
tomreynenigma9o7: while i agree that thomas_ should just have shared what they have, there's no need to call names just because they didn't do it right away. it's better to assume good intentions guide them, or just to abstain if you don't feel like guiding at the time.06:44
=== i0e is now known as Guest4102
neachdainnI've done a `dpkg --add-architecture arm64` and now my `apt update` is 404ing even though I haven't touches my `sources.list`. Is this something wrong with my connection or is this something where Ubuntu deviates from Debian?07:33
lotuspsychjeneachdainn: can you !paste your apt output with the full errors you getting?07:35
neachdainnThat is from a fresh `ubuntu:22.04` Docker image. Nothing has been run except what's in the paste07:36
lotuspsychjeneachdainn: maybe the #ubuntu-mirrors crew knows why its 404, or the !arm channel07:37
neachdainnI'll poke over there then. Thanks!07:38
neachdainnInterestingly, if I do an `apt update` from an ARM64 image, it `Get`s from "http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports" instead of the "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu" that the x86_64 image does07:43
lotuspsychjeneachdainn: yeah i was just browsing on, https://yottasrc.com/wiki/article?t=how-to-fix-repositories-on-ubuntu-for-arm64-servers07:45
neachdainnYeah, that looks about correct from what I'm seeing.07:45
neachdainnI would just like to know "why", though07:46
neachdainnIt ruins my beautiful cross-compiling script. lol07:46
lotuspsychjeyeah, if something doesnt work by default id consider that as a bug07:46
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 10901 in actions/runner-images "`apt update` fails on Ubuntu 24.04 if arm64 is enabled" [Closed]07:47
neachdainn`status:  New → Invalid` Neat07:48
=== juan is now known as Guest7434
neachdainnI wish the bug report contained more information than "you're doing it wrong". I'd like to know why the Ubuntu package maintainers decided to add an annoying step to cross-compilation07:51
lotuspsychjetrying to find an ubuntu LP bug about it07:51
=== Proton05395 is now known as Proton0539
neachdainnThe bug I'm looking at is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed-azure/+bug/208674107:53
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2086741 in linux-signed-azure (Ubuntu) "apt get update fails to download arm64 packages" [Undecided, Invalid]07:53
neachdainnIf you didn't stumble on it yourself07:53
lotuspsychjeall comes back to ports07:55
neachdainnYeah. I'm about to try that, and I suspect it will work, I just want to know why that decision was made07:56
lotuspsychjecant find something official about ports neither07:57
neachdainnNot that it matters a ton, but my cross-compilation script just went from `dpkg --add-architecture arm64; dpkg-buildpackage --host-arch arm64` to one that has to mess around with `sources.list` and I'm mildly upset07:57
neachdainnVery mildly. Like a nice green salsa from a Mexican restaurant in Wisconsin, kind of mild07:58
neachdainnIt was just so Clean until now07:59
lotuspsychjemaybe a talk with the !arm guys can help before filing a bug :p08:01
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
neachdainnI might ask, but I don't know if I'll file a bug. I suspect that's a fight I don't have the energy for08:03
lotuspsychjeyeah its probably gonna get triaged08:04
neachdainnI fully expect it would get the "New -> Invalid" treatment08:06
lotuspsychjeyeah, idle some more in #ubuntu-mirrors maybe an official statement might drop08:07
neachdainnOof. `dpkg --add-architecture` seems completely broken because of it. Or, at least, the linked solutions don't fix it08:08
neachdainnIs Ubuntu 22 based on a specific version of Debian? It might be easier for me to just build in a Debian image instead08:12
neachdainnLooks like Ubuntu LTS match up with Debian releases. Not sure if I want to gamble on that working, though08:14
mgedminno, the Ubuntu and Debian release schedules do not match08:18
mgedminUbuntu imports packages from Debian testing for the first part of Ubuntu's own release cycle, and then the imports get frozen and only fixes get in08:18
* mgedmin approximates, not actually being a Ubuntu developer08:18
neachdainnI'm glad I didn't take that gamble, then08:22
neachdainnWell dang. Ubuntu has absolutely ruined a simple cross-compile script that works so beautifully on Debian08:35
neachdainnSo, I guess new question: why am I targeting Ubuntu?08:41
neachdainnWhich means I need to figure out if nVidia supports Jetpack on Debian instead of Ubuntu08:42
lotuspsychjeubuntu has a great community neachdainn08:46
neachdainnOh, absolutely! I just mean from a technical perspective - this is trivial to do on Debian and (apparently) complicated on Ubuntu, so do I actually need to be on Ubuntu?08:48
ravageYou don't need to be on anything08:54
lotuspsychjewe see you castorga08:58
neachdainnravage: Sure. But I technically don't need an OS, so this is about my sanity and the sanity of the poor schmuck who has to maintain this after me09:01
neachdainnApparently `ros-message-generation:arm64` can't be satisfied by `ros-message-generation:all`?09:13
neachdainnThis isn't an issue I faced on Debian, but it does seem kind of fundamental to Apt?09:15
ogra_neachdainn, apt is mainly developed in Ubuntu (the maintainer works for canonical) so Ubuntu is usually ahead in features (unless the release cycles overlap in cetain ways)  in the stable releases ... the ":all" handling might be the new package resaolver being more strict (there was an announcement around this somewhere)10:24
ogra_you'd likely see the same behavior in sid ...10:26
neachdainnWhen I said "apt", I really meant "the ecosystem around and supporting Apt in this OS". I do not encounter this same issue in Sid10:38
ogra_hm, yeah, i think debian also builds "all" packages differntly10:40
ogra_there are some rather big differences in the archive setup in both (i.e. Ubuntu has never allowed binary uploads which is kind of a standard in debian)10:41
neachdainnI am now learning that.10:42
ogra_arch: all is only built on x86 in ubuntu since day one (though that shouldhnt have impact here, this is just about building) while debian builds them for all archges separately if uploaded as plain source package10:43
neachdainnIt's a bit of a bummer, since my script was so Neat and Clean™ until I tried to make it support Ubuntu10:43
mgedminreality bites10:43
ogra_well, just dump the proper architectur files in the right places10:43
ogra_dpkg --add-architecture has never been enough in ubuntu, you need to set up /etc/apt/sources.d  files alongside ... but that is documented in many cross copmpile docs for ubuntu10:44
ogra_(and has been like that since we started multiarch)10:45
neachdainnmgedmin: You said it10:45
ogra_Ubuntu isnt debian and has never been :)10:45
ogra_we just share the sourcew packages10:46
neachdainnogra_: So I'm learning. I've got some decisions to make tomorrow, I suppose10:47
neachdainnMost of this was to avoid CI jobs across architectures. Now it seems like the effort isn't worth it10:47
ogra_well, with todays arm64 hardware nmative builds are usually faster than crioss building10:48
ogra_(i'm actually typing this on an XPS13 qualcomm equipped laptop ... that thing runs circles around my x86 machines in the house)'10:49
ogra_(and as you can see from my typos it is fairly new ... still got issues hitting the keys on the keayboard properly :P )10:50
neachdainnTrue. The benefit came from Google Cloud not supporting uploading an existing version. My company lives on versions that are basically `last.released.version~branch.name`. Since I can't delete just one arch for a version, I was hoping to have a single job that built all archs10:51
=== ctraven is now known as sotaoverride
=== HugoH1 is now known as HugoH
BluesKajHi all12:57
gabriel_hey, anyone there?13:48
=== jgee0 is now known as jgee
GSMarquislooks like all the out of the box repos are *.ubuntu.com am i wrong?15:02
leftyfbGSMarquis: for the default repo's, yes15:03
GSMarquisso are some redirects from a .canonical.com15:04
oerheksmine are http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/  for NL15:04
ogra_and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors15:09
oerheksmaybe http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu <version> partner >  proprietary and closed-source software   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Enabling_Canonical_Partner_Repositories15:09
ogra_thats dead and gone15:09
oerheksjups, not seen that in 22.0415:09
ogra_all partners deliver their stuff as snaps nowadays15:10
GSMarquisi deployed a 22.04 vm and had my network admin add *ubuntu.com to proxy for security updates. I made the apt proxy config, but cant seem to get there.15:11
oerheksGSMarquis, how did you do that? normally the apt proxy uses the same server ..15:20
oerhekslike here https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-setup-apt-proxy-on-ubuntu/15:21
ogra_that doc is wrong BTW, you shouldnt edit /etc/environment directly since 21.10 anymore ... but drop a snippet into /etc/environment.d15:23
oerheksoh, i was pointing to the apt part15:24
ogra_yeah ... i just noticed ... apt will indeed uswe any system proxy you set15:25
GSMarquisI was under the impression apt only proxy would take a xxx.conf file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/15:45
leftyfbGSMarquis: that is correct15:48
leftyfbGSMarquis: to certainly can configure apt to utilize a proxy with the way that tutorial is pointing out. At least with the proxy.conf15:50
GSMarquisso as long as my admin has my proxy setup correctly and allows *.ubuntu.com then all the out of box repos should work?15:51
GSMarquisyea, they fail. I will have him verify the url is in as I had him do a set of urls i needed.15:51
leftyfblook through the proxy logs15:52
oerheks* where *.ubuntu.com is not in  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/xxx.conf15:52
GSMarquisnot understanding "where it is not".......slow here.15:53
leftyfboerheks: you do not need to specify url's in the apt proxy config. Only on the proxy server itself15:53
oerheksyes, so i wonder where he puts ubuntu.com?15:54
bizmatehi, nice surprise ... after another update the laptop has no sound. Any help on what i can try to do?15:54
leftyfbon the proxy server config that he doesn't have access to15:54
GSMarquisthat in the proxy conifg15:54
GSMarquiscorrect, not my sme area15:54
GSMarquisSmall update. I applied the proxy settings to the web browser. I was able to hit all urls minus ubuntu.com. Looks like he may have forgot that url.16:38
GSMarquisall urls I gave him to add anyway.16:39
bizmateafter update soundcard is not detected but booting with old kernel did not fix  the problem, what else can i try16:40
bizmatelspci shows the audio card ... not sure what else to try16:41
=== bizmate is now known as gebbione
=== Guest7424 is now known as TimSokolov
=== lubuntu is now known as LiveLubuntu
LiveLubuntuI never installed a MacOS/Linux dual boot before, so I'm not sure what size should I give to the partitions (boot, root, swap and home). Any recommendations based on the following partitions/unallocated space? https://postimg.cc/3yBQ0tTg I will install Lubuntu 24.04.1 LTS (Noble Numbat)17:24
thelounge1636maybe try to keep it simple and go with a single partition17:28
oerheksubuntu installs in a single partition indeed, with a swapfile.17:29
en1gmai have a single 1TB m.2 and i have windows 11 on it. i also have ubuntu 24.04 amd64 desktop in a nice dual boot with no problems. im pretty sure im going to install ubuntu 24.04 server over the same partitions of my current ubuntu 24.04 amd64-desktop.17:44
en1gmajust wondering if there will be any problems with the ubuntu 24.04 server install thing compared to the amd64-desktop installer thing17:44
en1gmaif i wasnt a dual boot i would just install it but i have to mess with partitions and mbr or w/e17:45
en1gmajust want to make sure17:45
oerheksen1gma, likely not17:46
en1gmaabout ready to give it a try17:46
=== jgee6 is now known as jgee
TimSokolovhi there. is there a channel related to conky application? i didn't find it18:36
oerheksyes ##conky18:38
oerheksand the longest post on ubuntu forum, 2348 pages18:39
kk1234oerheks: heh. rip forums18:42
oerheksi know, discourse it is18:46
lavaballaplay -l .. no devices found is bad, right?19:02
lavaballoh, never mind. as afterwards added user i can't access the device list.19:03
lavaballthanks anyway.19:03
lavaballthough why are headphones and a front muted? i never touched the alsamixer like ever in all the years the machine was running. never needed sound either.19:04
=== EddyD is now known as SergeiD
neachdainnWhy does `ros-message-generation:all` not satisfy `ros-message-generation:arm64`?21:11
leftyfbneachdainn: is your architecture arm64?21:14
neachdainnNo. I'm trying to cross-compile from an x86 machine21:16
neachdainnMy `mk-build-deps` is failing because it can't install `ros-message-generation:arm64`. `ros-message-generation:any` is both available and installed21:18
leftyfbneachdainn: did you add the repo for arm to your system?21:18
neachdainnYes. I have many arm packages installed and the build succeeds if I change the build dependency to specifically `ros-message-generation:any`21:19
leftyfbneachdainn: apt-cache policy ros-message-generation:arm6421:19
neachdainnleftyfb: Installed (none), Candidate (none), empty version table21:20
leftyfblooks like it's not an available package on your ubuntu release then21:21
leftyfbneachdainn: which ubuntu release are you running?21:21
neachdainnI guess not finding a specific architecture might make sense, but then the question is why `mk-build-deps` isn't seeing that it's an `any` package21:21
neachdainnUbuntu 2221:21
neachdainnIt's available, just as `ros-message-generation:any`21:21
leftyfbneachdainn: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 999921:22
=== vincejv- is now known as vincejv
neachdainnAnd as `ros-message-generation:all`21:22
oerheksadd archtecture i386 then ros-message-generation:i386 will be available? ?? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/+package/ros-message-generation21:29
oerheksjsut thinking out loud21:29
neachdainnSpecifying `ros-message-generation:amd64` works, so this might be something messed up with my sources21:35
neachdainnHere's my `sources.list`: https://termbin.com/z99v21:38
=== kentucky4442436 is now known as kentucky444243
tomreynneachdainn: while i'm not sued to cross-compiling, your sources.list doesn't seem wrong to me if your primary architecture is amd64 (though I don't think you need to specify arch=amd64 then). maybe review https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/HOWTO again - might help if you misunderstood some concept.22:16
neachdainntomreyn: I sort of need to specify `arch=amd64`, otherwise Apt tries to pull the arm packages from those sources and returns errors22:20
tomreynoh, for the cross-compile, that's probably right then22:21
neachdainnNot that it (probably) matters but I have the same issue on Bookworm as well22:22
oerhekstrying to cross-compile from an x86 machine? or amd64?22:23
oerheksthat is the info you started with22:23
neachdainnI'm on an amd64 machine, attempting to cross-compile an arm64 package22:24
flafHi. On a Ubuntu 24.04, I have 3 empty directories /bin.usr-is-merged, /lib.usr-is-merged and /sbin.usr-is-merged. Why? I have understood it's related to the fact that now /bin is a symlink to usr/bin etc. But the symlinks already exists on my Ubuntu 22.04 where I have no /*si-merged/ directories. So, is it normal? Can I remove these /*is-merged/ directories?22:25
oerheksanswer https://askubuntu.com/questions/1523764/bin-usr-is-merged-lib-usr-is-merged-sbin-usr-is-merged-what-are-the-folders22:27
oerheksthese will be cleaned up in 24.1022:27
flafoerheks: no sure to well understand the detail (I'm not well qualified concerning dpkg diversions) but on Ubuntu 24.04 a) it's completely normal and 2) I have to _keep_ these 3 directories /bin.usr-is-merged, /lib.usr-is-merged and /sbin.usr-is-merged. Is it correct?22:32
oerheksand yes22:34
flafOk, oerheks thx for your help. :) So it's normal but it's not very pretty. :)22:35
oerheksugly, even .. it is a transition.22:38
flafArf... yes, exactly. ugly. But migrations/transitions are ugly sometimes. :)22:40

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