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xgptDoes anyone know of any software for reading plaintext that automatically saves your last spot when you reload the software and file? I'm looking to read a rather long ebook in utf8 txt format but want the same kind of experience of being able to find my spot between sessions like an epub01:37
tomreynxgpt: please don't cross-post01:41
JanCsome ebook readers might be able to read plain text...01:42
xgptYeah, specifically looking for instructions on utilizing vim or something vimlike01:43
devslashI have this issue with Ubuntu 24.04 on my laptop. Its a Lenovo with 12GB of RAM. When I develop on it using Firefox 134 and Visual Studio Code running my React app, sometimes my entire PC will lag and stutter. if I move the mouse, it only moves after a few seconds and in a very jerky motion. I usually have to kill the power to my laptop to fix this03:14
devslashbecause I can't interact with the OS. ANy idea what might cause this ? I really think that 12 GB is a decent amount of ram for local development of a relatively small app03:14
pragmaticenigmadevslash: I would look into alternative IDE for development work. VSCode is a resource hog, and depending on what you're developing, there are likely better choices out there. Also, if you developing a web application, you may have memory leaks in your programming. launch your page in a freshly launched web browser and have a system monitory running... do nothing but essential items with the application and then let it sit. It should NOT03:17
pragmaticenigmaconsume more RAM than when left it. If it does, then you need to make sure what ever you're programming is properly disposing objects from memory when not needed.03:17
devslashits vscodium fwiw03:18
devslashwell ok im using react. you dont mangae memory in react for the most part....03:18
pragmaticenigmadevslash: Accuracy counts, there is a very large difference between VSCode and VSCodium. Very big03:18
devslashIm pretty sure its not my code03:18
devslashit only happens randomly03:18
pragmaticenigma"pretty sure its not my code" if I had a penny for everytime I heard a developer utter those words....03:19
devslashits not. its not a large app at all and with react components are only compiled when needed03:19
pragmaticenigmadon't guess... verify03:20
devslasheven larger apps dont cause the entire os to freeze03:20
devslashI think I found something while looking through sys log03:22
thomas100when ubuntu take over windows03:55
pragmaticenigmathomas100: this is a support channel for ubuntu support questions. if you want to discuss other topics, please visit the #ubuntu-offtopic channel03:57
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geirhaisn't that just launchpad bug #1 ?09:47
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109:47
pa-gedotorgExcuse me, pa-ge.org is on sale. Visit it 4 more info. If you have a lot of projects, then this domain is for you. You can also make it a free domain name service like eu.org.11:07
BluesKajHi all12:27
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eelstreborhow does one update firmware of a bluray drive under linux?15:33
respawncheck on webpage of the Bluray device15:34
eelstrebori did, no instructions with linux tools15:35
respawnand you want to update the firmware for what reason15:36
ogra_eelstrebor, you can install gnome-firmware and hope that the manufacturer supports fwupd15:36
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ZuncuHi everyone i have a strange behaviour with my old laptop Asus A2K with AMD64 Athlon Mobile, i cannot boot any kind of ubuntu based on 24.04 and any derivate (xubuntu, lubuntu, backbox...everything), debian boot without any problem. If this is the right channel anyone of you has some idea on how to let it boot? The error says ZSTD-Compressed data is corrupt -- System Halted, no other logs18:20
Zuncuthe image is correct (checksum OK), i created the media with optical drive (DVD) and also usb (using rufus as iso and DD nothing changed, same error)18:27
hermanoGetting: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lperl: No such file or directory18:32
hermanoWould I need to install a package to get rid of the error message?18:33
oerheksZuncu, check the bios for dedicated gpu, not integrated?18:57
oerheksand how much memory does that 'beast'  have?18:58
eelstreborogra_, i installed gnome-firmware but the bluray drive doesn't show up in it's list.19:16
neachdainnI've got a brand new, totally empty, Ubuntu 22.04 Docker container that is doing nothing but an `apt-get update` and it's failing: https://bpa.st/QKCA19:36
neachdainnThat's probably an issue with the host machine, right?19:36
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neachdainnSolved it. It's a Docker version issue21:11
eelstreborwhy doesn't my bluray drive show up when i run fwupdmgr get-devices21:32
leftyfbeelstrebor: the manufacturer doesn't support firmware updates using fwupd/linux21:32
ogra_eelstrebor, well, then i guess the manufacturer does not support LVFS i guess https://fwupd.org/ ...21:45
JasonS05hello. I'm using ubuntu server 20.04 (outdated, I know, but I need this specific version for compatibility with a certain software) on a Surface Pro 3. I'm trying to configure it as a wireless access point, but I'm having a lot of difficulty. I can get the access point itself working fine with hostapd but I can't for the life of me get the DHCP21:49
JasonS05functionality to work with either dnsmasq or dhcpd4 (i.e. isc-dhcp-server). Wireshark on the client indicates that the DHCP discover packets are being sent out, but there's no response. Using `journalctl -xf` on the server, I can see hostapd responding to the connection but no logs from either dnsmasq or dhcpd4, so perhaps they're just not21:49
JasonS05receiving the discover packets somehow? I'm at a bit of a loss on how to proceed. I've googled this as much as I can and it's taken me this far, but I'm stuck now. In case it's relevant, the server is receiving internet from an application called easytether (thus the restriction to 20.04) which creates a device called `tun-easytether` with a21:49
JasonS05192.168.117.0/31 subnet, the router (other side of the tether connection) being and the client being However, I don't see why any of this should interfere with the wireless side of things. Does anyone have any ideas on how to proceed, where to poke around, etc.?21:49
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veliyankodei salvaged a 10 year old laptop with nvidia 920m today with kubuntu 24.0421:52
veliyankodeit's not much of a card but it's nvidia21:57
veliyankodeif a package is included in ubuntu gnome 24.04, will it be kept in it for 10 years? (5 years + 5 years coming from ubuntu pro (free))21:59
oerheksnot all packages are supported in those extra 5 years22:00
veliyankodeoerheks: how can i check? it's the nvidia driver 47022:05
oerhekspro security-status --esm-apps # i see no nvidia in that22:07
oerhekswhy would one run ubuntu older than 5 years.22:07
enigma9o7Ironically one of my machines is on 18.04 specificially because nvidia-34022:08
enigma9o7there are ways to make it work on newer ubuntu, but that was the last one it was supported on officially or whatever.22:08
enigma9o7i think when 20.04 was released it wasnt even available22:08
enigma9o7but too long to remember22:09
oerheksdriver ppa gives 340 https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=focal22:10
oerheksbut nouveau gets better every year22:10
enigma9o7only for the newer gpus.  they dont care about old ones.22:11
enigma9o7i tried at one point reporting stuff to nouveau to get it usable for me on that machine (it locks up within a day or two with nouveau) but gave up when no progress22:11
veliyankodeenigma9o7: did you try nouveau.noaccel=1 ?22:13
enigma9o7cant remember, but wouldn't that disable acceleration?22:16
veliyankodeit could keep your computer usable22:24
enigma9o7Its usable on bionic too.22:24
enigma9o7(With prop driver I mean.)22:24
veliyankodeand what do we love? old gear22:25
veliyankodeit think my oldie goldie is a hp scanner ftom 199722:26
danneskjoldHello, I've encountered this issue with gdm, wondering if anyone has heard of it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/2089709?comments=all23:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2089709 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 24.04 (X11) sometimes logs in to a black screen with only an X cursor" [Undecided, Confirmed]23:07
danneskjoldI've switched to lightdm, and switched to x11 in place of wayland; After removing the splash through grub (and recreating an initmd), I still land on the same issue23:08
danneskjoldI'm literally forced to use tty to restart gdm23:12
danneskjoldor gdm.service23:12
danneskjoldafter 1-2 times of that, though, there's no issue23:12
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renergyis there a way how to maintain zoom level when listing in directory using lef/right arrow in Image Viewer?23:46
renergyI have a bunch of images of the same size, want to list through them and have to reset zoom after change of image is inconvenient23:47
renergyre-set zoom, not reset23:48
pragmaticenigmaI don't believe there is23:48
renergysomething like Preferences/Slideshow/Expand images to fit screen23:49
enigma9o7that level of configuration could be confusing, best not offer it23:49
renergywhich I tried to uncheck, but out of slideshow (guess I am out of one) it does not do anything (understandably)23:49
renergypragmaticenigma: thanks23:50
pragmaticenigmaImage Viewer is best geared for quick viewing, it sounds like you might be more interested in locating something that handles photo management23:50
renergy...any suggestions, please?23:51
renergywill look into app center23:52
pragmaticenigmayou may want to ask that sort of question in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel. this room tries to stay away from suggestions23:52
renergygot that now... thank you!23:53

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