larrytriumph650 | hi everyone.... is hexchat still current ? | 00:13 |
larrytriumph650 | also thanks to ogra for the help with yt-dlp | 00:14 |
renergy | App Center not starting up for me; what is the command to start from command line to see possible error messages? | 00:35 |
renergy | or other way to troubleshoot | 00:36 |
oerheks | renergy, did you run updates first? | 00:37 |
renergy | oerheks: yes, recently | 00:38 |
renergy | snap-store might be the command | 00:38 |
renergy | "Aborted(core dumped)" | 00:38 |
renergy | oerheks: I do them "by hand" - "apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade" | 00:42 |
renergy | now "Software Updater", which says "The software on this computer is up to date" | 00:45 |
renergy | I'll try to restart (anyway..) | 00:45 |
renergy | same result after restart - snap-store segfaults | 00:49 |
sarnold | renergy: dmesg might have some details | 00:58 |
renergy | sarnold: | 01:00 |
sarnold | renergy: ew. I'd really hope that wouldn't lead to a segfault, but I wonder why that is denied in the first place :( | 01:06 |
sarnold | ogra_: does this sound familiar? apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" class="file" profile="snap.snap-store.snap-store" name="/proc/sys/vm/max_map_count" == < renergy> sarnold: | 01:07 |
MyNickname | i just installed ubuntu 24.04.1 server and i have a 6900xt and i want to use rocm for A.I./LLM/HPC etc.... i have a 5800x with no intergrated gpu. can i boot ubuntu server without my hdmi cable connected and use another computer over ssh to run my set and most importantly of all and it use my whole 6900xt like a completely separate dedicated gpgpu | 01:14 |
MyNickname | my mb only has 1 gpu pcie slot. its an itx mb | 01:14 |
MyNickname | or would i have to get an egpu connected through my usb port with some low watt gpu so i dont need a separate psu | 01:15 |
pragmaticenigma | MyNickname: a display is not required to boot a system | 01:16 |
pragmaticenigma | though you may need one while you get things setup so that you can connect via ssh later | 01:16 |
sarnold | yeah once your system is up and running, you won't need the display often | 01:17 |
=== MyNickname is now known as en1gma | ||
sarnold | I have one computer without a display attached and another one that does have a display attached but I only ever use it to shut down the computer when I've lost power and thus networking (because my wifi isn't on a UPS yet) | 01:18 |
en1gma | does the actual act of removing the hdmi cable of the gpu determine if its dedicated or not? | 01:18 |
sarnold | heh, no idea there :) | 01:19 |
pragmaticenigma | en1gma: also, the parts that operate the GPU for computation are separate from the parts that handle the actual graphical output. and with server booting to terminal by default, the amount of resources needed would be negligible. | 01:19 |
en1gma | i want to be able to use rocm on the whole gpu | 01:19 |
en1gma | yes but there is a framebuffer | 01:19 |
pragmaticenigma | en1gma: there is always a framebuffer | 01:20 |
en1gma | not on a dedicated gpu right? | 01:20 |
en1gma | right now i picked usage = workstation, rocm | 01:21 |
pragmaticenigma | a framebuffer is effectively memory, not related to computation | 01:21 |
en1gma | not usage = graphics, rocm | 01:21 |
en1gma | cool | 01:21 |
en1gma | thats kind of what i was wondering. | 01:22 |
pragmaticenigma | framebuffer is what holds what is to be displayed on the screen. so the card can direct its resources to drawing the next frame quickly, instead of waiting for a signal that the display is ready for the next frame | 01:22 |
en1gma | in ubuntu server font settings it lets you pick fonts with framebuffer and fonts without | 01:23 |
en1gma | what are the fonts using without framebfffer | 01:23 |
pragmaticenigma | without framebuffer means characters that are stored in a onboard ROM. they are a fixed set of characters.. usually the most basic of "fonts" | 01:24 |
sarnold | it doesn't matter much, you won't see them often ;) hehe | 01:25 |
en1gma | ahhh. thanks for that great info | 01:25 |
pragmaticenigma | en1gma: usually when using "without framebuffer" means you will get a very large set of characters displayed... that would be intended for older, low resolution monitors. Something like 40 to 80 columns wide | 01:26 |
pragmaticenigma | since you're not intending to look at the output, choose without framebuffer | 01:27 |
en1gma | haven't played with server too much. im using my phone with ssh to run the ubuntu server while doing these guides (while on the phone). i can copy and paste from browser on phone into ssh client and it does the command on the | 01:27 |
en1gma | server | 01:27 |
en1gma | installing gpu driver over ssh | 01:27 |
en1gma | one more thing if you dont mind. | 01:31 |
en1gma | if i wanted to use an eGPU over my usb 3.2gen1 port would ubuntu use that as my primary display and the 6900xt would be a completely dedicated gpu? | 01:33 |
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pragmaticenigma | no idea | 01:34 |
en1gma | cool. reading on it now | 01:35 |
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magus | What program should I use to create a system image for backup? | 01:47 |
renergy | sarnold: there is a possibility - I tinkered with username, disliked the new default "[firstname][surname]", opposed to previous just "[firstname]" | 01:49 |
sarnold | renergy: how thorough were you when you changed names? | 01:49 |
renergy | chgrp, usermod - although I returned everything back to default | 01:49 |
renergy | the installation isn't clean, so I'm going to reinstall - changed my opinion on the new default of HOMEDIR | 01:50 |
renergy | though... - I tried created a clean user anew and the problem persisted | 01:50 |
renergy | anyhow, to not chase false ghost, I'm going to reinstall... will be back in about an hour | 01:51 |
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thomas100 | i cannot get cheese to work on Discord. | 03:20 |
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thomas100 | what the link for off topic ubuntu | 03:24 |
Bashing-om | !off-topic | thomas100 | 03:34 |
ubottu | thomas100: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 03:34 |
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minecrap | | 05:15 |
minecrap | Garfield Has Sex with Nermal in Minecraft | 05:15 |
minecrap | Garfield lures Nermal into a Minecraft world and gangbangs him with Steve, the Ender Dragon, and Creeper. | 05:15 |
minecrap | Garfield, the fat cat, felt extra frisky one night. He couldn't resist the allure of his cute little pal Nermal, with his adorable face and smooth, silky fur. Garfield had been eyeing Nermal for a while, and he finally decided it was time to make his move. | 05:16 |
HoloIRCUser | Hi | 05:44 |
tomreyn | hello HoloIRCUser | 05:45 |
mybalzitch | tomreyn: sorry for off topic, but they sure do keep you busy here. | 05:53 |
tomreyn | yes, but, indeed, let's not discuss spam here | 05:54 |
acidDROP | hi | 05:55 |
tomreyn | hi acidDROP | 05:56 |
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Guest8 | Hi, I have a problem. I mounted an ISO file and despite deleting it, I can somehow still access it from the Dolphin file manager. Does anyone know where it's actually stored so I can actually literally delete it? | 08:48 |
Guest8 | I'm using kubuntu | 08:49 |
moo3 | Guest8: Did you try to unmount it? | 08:50 |
Guest8 | I did repeatedly. And now that I just checked my file manager it's magically gone. What the fuck. I guess I should have waited 20 minutes more before asking this question, jesus fucking christ this shit is stupid. | 08:53 |
Guest8 | Thanks anyway. | 08:53 |
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renergy | snap-store segfaults, even after clean install and update of the system, though behaves differently than yesterday | 10:19 |
renergy | | 10:19 |
renergy | dmesg | 10:19 |
renergy | command line output | 10:20 |
ogra_ | well, your dmesg has nothing about snap-store ... | 10:30 |
ogra_ | what Ubuntu release is that, did you do any modifications from the default ? | 10:31 |
renergy | ogra_ the lines in the dpaste are from the time of running snap-store | 10:32 |
renergy | repeated occurrence | 10:32 |
renergy | Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS updated | 10:32 |
renergy | as default as possible | 10:32 |
ogra_ | but with the default kernel and all ? | 10:32 |
renergy | yes | 10:33 |
renergy | had to use "safe graphics" during install, otherwise next,next,next,... | 10:33 |
renergy | erase all and install ubuntu | 10:33 |
mgedmin | "Aborted" is SIGABRT, slightly different from a segfault (SIGSEGV), likely an assertion failure | 10:33 |
mgedmin | there should be a snap-store crash file in /var/crash/ | 10:34 |
mgedmin | that should have more details | 10:34 |
mgedmin | apparmor denials are not necessarily a problem (I see a lot of those and they don't seem to be breaking anything) | 10:34 |
ogra_ | also, what is the output of: snap info snap-store |grep "tracking\|installed" | 10:34 |
mgedmin | journalctl near the time of the crash might be interesting | 10:35 |
ogra_ | that too | 10:35 |
mgedmin | if it's an assertion failure, I'd expect to see what the failing assert expression was | 10:35 |
renergy | ogra_: tracking: 2/stable/ubuntu-24.04 | 10:36 |
ogra_ | hmm, that should be fine | 10:36 |
mgedmin | is ubuntu-bug clever enough to deal with bug reports for snap packages? i.e. can one do ubuntu-bug /var/crash/_snap_bin_...*.crash like usual? | 10:36 |
ogra_ | nope | 10:36 |
renergy | dir /var/crash is empty | 10:36 |
ogra_ | but you can manually open a bug via and later on use apport-collect i think | 10:37 |
renergy | ogra_: thanks, will look into that | 10:37 |
ogra_ | renergy, did this happen after an update of snap-store ? you could try to roll back to the former version ("sudo snap revert snap-store" to gfo back to the last installed version) | 10:38 |
renergy | I updated first, then tried to run (got the impression the auto updates might block it) | 10:39 |
renergy | so no try without an update | 10:39 |
renergy | will try to revert | 10:39 |
* lotuspsychje never seen a snap store crash before | 10:42 | |
ogra_ | yeah, same here | 10:42 |
ogra_ | (and i have been testing it during development too !) | 10:43 |
renergy | journalctl | 10:45 |
renergy | error: cannot revert "snap-store": no revision to revert to | 10:46 |
renergy | (when trying "sudo snap revert snap-store") | 10:46 |
ogra_ | yeah, looks like it has not been updated yet | 10:47 |
ogra_ | the last three denials in your journal look suspicious | 10:47 |
ogra_ | renergy, can you cherck with "snap connections snap-store" if the appstream-metadata interface is connected ? | 10:49 |
ogra_ | should look like this: | 10:49 |
ogra_ | appstream-metadata snap-store:appstream-metadata :appstream-metadata - | 10:49 |
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ogra_ | hmm, though checking over here i get the same denials ... so thats not it | 10:51 |
renergy | | 10:52 |
ogra_ | yeah, looks all fine | 10:52 |
ogra_ | so start with filing a bug then, i guess the devs can give more debugging hints | 10:54 |
renergy | ok | 10:57 |
ogra_ | (anbd for the moment you will have to "snap find", "apt search" and "snap install", "apt install" i fear | 10:58 |
ogra_ | ) | 10:58 |
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peiphil | hey all, I've been struggling to recover my system after using mainline kernel to upgrade the kernel, moving from 6.8 to 6.11. This is where the nightmare began, the next boot failed, dropping me to the grub> prompt. I used boot-repair which gave errors, all surrounding the dkms build for my ($%&#$&%) nvidia card. It failed this build consistently. | 12:19 |
peiphil | So, I booted a live cd, chrooted, and removed all linux-image and linux-header files for all versions other than 6.11. I also purged the nvidia drivers and installed the latest (which seems to be an odd combination of version 535 and new version 560). But I'm still booting to grub>. I noticed that when in chroot, uname -r still shows kernel 6.8, | 12:19 |
peiphil | even though none of its files exist. I need a method to make it boot successfully to 6.11 | 12:19 |
peiphil | it was very odd, I was using kernel 6.11, but after the mainline update, and its failure, chroot continually shows 6.8 when I uname -r | 12:20 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 12:54 |
oerheks | Yay, BluesKaj has returned | 12:55 |
BluesKaj | heh, hey oerheks :-) | 12:56 |
oerheks | Where is the 'any' button? | 12:57 |
nteodosi | I see esc, catarl and pigup (: | 14:12 |
leftyfb | nteodosi: can we help you with something? | 14:14 |
nteodosi | Sorry! | 14:15 |
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zift | howdy ho | 14:59 |
oerheks | :-) | 15:01 |
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borrougagnou | Hello ! I have a question and I don't found the answer on internet... during the boot, in 22.04, when systemd was loading, I pressed any key and I was able to see the verbosity, in 24.04 it's not possible and I don't know why..., how can I re-enable that ? | 15:43 |
ravage | should still work by pressing ESC | 15:44 |
oerheks | +1 | 15:44 |
borrougagnou | I see, yes it work ! Thank you for this information | 15:48 |
oerheks | have fun! | 15:48 |
borrougagnou | But how can i revert to the previous mode ? | 15:48 |
oerheks | i guess not, until X/wayland loginscreen starts | 15:49 |
borrougagnou | Okay thank you oerheks | 15:55 |
renergy | finally got snap-store to work by disabling opengl for it | 17:55 |
renergy | what I do not get is the "Manage" part of snap-store (App Center) | 17:55 |
renergy | there are now two places to update packages, two package managers as far as I can tell | 17:56 |
renergy | which is quite confusing | 17:56 |
renergy | perhaps my opinions belong to other channel | 17:57 |
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pantera | greetings | 21:28 |
oerheks | :-) | 21:31 |
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esv | hello folks, I am using 24.04 and noticed one of my disks reports non-zero stats on for the dkB/s value when running "sar -d" command, and I wonder what happens to the discarded blocks | 22:24 |
leftyfb | esv: it's my understanding that they are marked for re-use | 22:33 |
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