
Bashing-omSaved and out.00:04
guivercsorry Bashing-om didn't hear ping & mostly elsewhere.. I'm not sure what you're asking with ^ but that ML thread is very interesting I feel so I have no issues with including it (phased update & weekends)00:30
Bashing-omguiverc: Will make it so then :P00:49
Bashing-om^ Done - Saved and out.00:53
* guiverc pasting02:39
* guiverc out02:41
* guiverc pasting03:26
* guiverc out03:29
* guiverc pasting04:16
* guiverc out04:18
* guiverc pasting (one I missed)04:24
* guiverc out04:25
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 874 shortly for Saturday ops - 3 to add (Ubuntu Studio).21:32
* guiverc could write summaries if needed in a few hours Bashing-om 21:33
* guiverc wants to walk dog before the heat & other stuff now...21:34
Bashing-omguiverc: I expect to be able to work the additions in - in my due time :D Otherwise will say (We are digging out from a heavy snow event).21:36
* guiverc would send you 10oC via internet if I could...21:39
Bashing-omguiverc: Lost my network card - replaced - will take a bit to regroup and see where we are on Saturday ops :P 23:31
guiverc:( (lost card) :) (@ having replacement)... :( (lost time) but :) (still fighting on...)23:33
guiverc@ was supposed to be :) sorry ^23:33
* guiverc grrrrrr. ignore correction, I misread and it was fine23:34
Bashing-omguiverc: 3 other old boxes to pull parts from :D23:37

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