[01:36] Bashing-om, guiverc: The Ubuntu Studio release notes are unlisted for a reason. [01:36] I don't want to draw attention to it. [01:36] UWN: OK ? Saved and out - try on for size and fit // Mental acquity impaired :P [01:38] Eickmeyer: Hokay ... I remove from this issue :D [01:38] 👍 [01:41] Bashing-om, studio support/help, I'm not sure readers will know what you're talking about with "Though this new instance is not for support and help" & 'not for support' contradicts start.. [01:43] maybe rather an 'new instance' could be changed to .. "A new area" but may need a tad more changed [01:44] guiverc: Will see what other I can do ... but that advisory is per the author. [01:44] * guiverc appreciates the release-upgrader update @ end Eickmeyer ! [01:46] the summary talks about support on discourse, then switches to a 'new instance' that relates to a "special Ubuntu Studio section of the Ubuntu Discourse" which isn't the support area talked about earlier... I'm not sure readers will understand 'new instance' & switch of focus (different areas of discourse, which has gotten rather complex..) [01:46] my thoughts anyway; good & not-so-good? [01:48] I'd also maybe mention the 'update on release-upgrade issue for users from 22.04 to 24.04 is touched on' [01:48] Eickmeyer, you need to edit that post; it says update from 22.04 to 25.04 LTS s/25.04/24.04/ [01:49] guiverc: ooops! ack [01:52] guiverc: Fixxed [02:00] :) [02:01] the release-upgrade I consider interesting (why I suggest mention), also it was a recent (last?) issue where we talked about it & I'm pretty sure mentioned 'more to come' (or article did... can't recall what our summary said actually) [02:02] The reason I even included it was to get rid of the "Why are you wasting time on this and not fixing the upgrade issue!" people. [02:03] ack & fair enough.. my last ^ was more for Bashing-om (why I suggest add to summary) [02:04] That was understood. I'm, personally, indifferent to it being included as it's more of a footnote. [02:04] * guiverc has thunderstorm outside.. if I disappear that's why & I'll return (sometime) [02:09] Discourse is being difficult again --- patience :P [02:24] guiverc: ^ bettah now ? [02:26] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Studio: Support and Help Updates @ https://ubuntustudio.org/2025/01/support-and-help-updates/ [02:30] quirk/workaround... fix is coming, but as I understand it current suggestion is to wait. I'd just mention it 'in passing'... Mention is made of the 22.04 to 24.04 upgrade process with fix still coming.' or something [02:31] sorry was trying to change quirk/workaround to ??? but finger hit ENTER not shift.. [02:32] doing :D My fingers do not want to cooperate today either :( [02:35] Saved again and out, [02:40] :) & thanks Bashing-om [02:45] guiverc: Tomorrow starts all over again :P [02:47] ack, re-read in full review ... hopefully without attached dog here (thunder outside still, though less) [02:51] guiverc: Here - when the lightning lights up the windows - I cut and run ! experience is a bitter teacher -- been times of great expense when simple precaution not taken :( [02:53] ack ... [02:58] guiverc: I live at the most top of a mountain ... Had a High TV antenna that woupld pull in stations from thosunds of miles away (lots !) -- but cost me a TV a year /// stereo, water heater. ect. .. and the list goes on // took that antenna down :( [02:59] yeah extra tv channels would be nice.. but huge cost I couldn't afford [16:25] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: VLC Developers Working on AI-Powered Real-Time Subtitles @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2025/01/vlc-demo-ai-real-time-subtitles-for-any-video [20:49] UWN: Opening 874 to add Stats/Reports/and such. [22:56] UWN: Issue874 up for review and final edits: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-874/52734 :D [23:23] thanks Bashing-om , I'll get to it (sometime) [23:24] guiverc2: :D === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc