
=== Manchineel45 is now known as Manchineel4
xaltscHey, I'm trying to install Ubuntu on ZFS via debootstrap, however, I'm unfamiliar with Ubuntu/systemd and, either my installation has completely failed, or I don't know how to get a tty00:57
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guivercalch3mist, i've not experienced, nor seen reference to anyone with the issue, but have nothing to offer sorry01:12
guivercas you specifically mention two extensions added; I'd probably disable/remove those & re-try and see if its different... I'd not expect it woudl be, but I don't know01:14
alch3mistguiverc thanks for responding. It's getting annoying. I think it might be related to the "Dash to Dock" extension. Maybe it's not playing well with Wayland, but I'm not sure01:14
alch3mistguiverc, it actually just happened again, so if you sent me a msg I probably missed it :D01:16
flafHi. How to setup the keyboard (french in my case) on Ubuntu 24.04. It's a server (no GUI). With the command “localectl set-keymap ...” I have the error “Setting X11 and console keymaps is not supported in Debian”. I have read some articles on the Web and it seems it's a bug, not solved without any workaround, is it true?01:18
guivercmy last comment was to try without gnome extensions; it's what I'd try.. it may reveal something, if it didn't you lose only a little time01:20
alch3mistguiverc: agreed. I probably should start there. Maybe, as you said, there is a unsupported extension that's causing this01:21
alch3mistThanks tho01:21
flafnote: I have tried "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration && reboot" too. No error during the command, but no result.01:22
xaltscSo even with loglevel=7, there's nothing output. I've installed ubuntu-standard, yet, the Ubuntu dataset is very small, 1.42GB01:33
mike_Is there someone that can help me with a networking issue regarding loopback to another device in the home network?02:40
mike_google failed on me02:42
sotaoverridedoes irssi seem to disconnect a lot when there is no activity going on (havent joined any channels etc)02:43
sotaoverrideis that a thing with some ISPs?02:43
mike_i use hexchat.. seems to work fine02:43
ravageShould not happen02:43
sotaoverrideseeing a lot of disconnects and in the logs I see, "no pong reply from server"02:44
sotaoverridemy interent dosnt seem to disconnect or anything, but irssi is going bonkers02:44
sotaoverridehighly annoying and concerning at the same time02:44
mike_i am running a server (on windows10)  which is in my network. it is accesable via my DDNS. the dns points to my outside ip. while i was able to contact the server via the pc the server is on (via KM Test loopback)  i want to acces the server with my other linux PC in the same network. therefore i need some kind of loopback that goes from public ip to internal ip of server.02:48
Bashing-omsotaoverride: I too run irssi -- I have no issues.02:48
sotaoverrideBashing-m: must just be something on my end then. Not really sure how to debug it02:49
ravagemike_: put your ddns name with the internal IP in /etc/hosts02:53
Bashing-omsotaoverride: As app specific -- may I suggest that you seek advise in the #irssi channel ?02:53
ravageIt may not be app specific. I would ping in a terminal and check if the connection breaks at the same time02:54
sotaoverrideI have a smoke ping going, not seeing any disconnects02:57
ravagemike_: please continue the conversation here so everyone can participate and learn02:58
mike_well the problem is specific ravage. i am running an opensimulator server on windows 10. it is accesable via my ddns. the ddns points to the public ip of router. in the router i have set a portfilter to route the trafic to the internal server. to acces it locally, i am using a km test loopback on windows 10. so i can use the software to acces the server. However, now i want to acces the same server from another computer in the same network. so i03:03
mike_would need a 'loopback adapter' as well , wich points from my public ip to the servers  internal ip. i have a loopback in linux mint, which is and tried to add another but it didnt work.03:03
ravage!mint | mike_03:03
ubottumike_: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/03:03
mike_so is there a way i can 'route' the request to my ddns to the other local win10 pc where the server runs on?03:04
leftyfbmike_: please seek support for your OS(Mint) or in #networking03:04
mike_well linux mint or ubuntu, it doesnt really matter now, does it? its the same base. if it works on ubuntu, it should on linux mint too ^^03:04
leftyfbmike_: this is a support channel for Ubuntu03:04
leftyfbit does matter03:05
leftyfbwe don't support Mint, only Ubuntu03:05
mike_well replace linux mint with ubuntu and look at the problem again03:05
mike_wel lquite harsh, but ok...03:06
sotaoverrideleftyfb: not sure why we cant look at the problem from a ubuntu lens.03:06
leftyfbsotaoverride: because it's not ubuntu03:06
leftyfbfeel free to join the Linux Mint channel to discuss Linux Mint03:06
sotaoverrideleftyfb: im sure trovalds would disagree. all distros use the same kernel, and if an issue/situation can be produces in Ubuntu, we shouldnt be a stickler about the distro.03:08
sotaoverrideleftfb: whats flase? a lot of distros can be using the same kernel.. one can do a lot of things across multiple distros03:10
leftyfbthey are almost never the same kernel03:10
leftyfbMint doesn't use the same kernel as ubuntu03:11
leftyfbregardless, feel free to take your concern to #ubuntu-offtopic03:11
sotaoverridelol, well if the kernels are way off my argument doesnt stand. I was just making sure you werent trying to troll the person asking those netwroking questions :D03:12
sotaoverridewhile we are on the topic on networking tho, wireguard vpn on ubuntu we should be able to setup fine even if one end has a firewall which cant be disabled?03:14
ravageThe rules are clearly stated on the topic here too03:14
sotaoverridelike can I use it machines in china lets say03:14
sotaoverrideon machines **03:14
ravageWhat is your Ubuntu support question?03:15
sotaoverrideDoes ubuntu support wireguard when there are firewalls involved?03:15
leftyfbsotaoverride: no, you need to open ports on your firewall. This would be a #networking question03:16
leftyfbsotaoverride: Ubuntu supports wireguard03:16
leftyfbthe rest of your question has to do with the way wireguard and firewalls work03:16
sotaoverrideleftyfb: thanks #networking folks would be able to guide with the rest?03:16
webchat6I am running ubuntu studio, and when I try to apt update I get the following:04:26
webchat6E: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/samoilov-lex/aftl-stable/ubuntu/dists/artful/InRelease  403  Forbidden [IP: 80]04:26
webchat6E: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/samoilov-lex/aftl-stable/ubuntu artful InRelease' is not signed.04:26
rboxwhatever that random ppa is, is having issues04:27
webchat6I can't seem to get it to remove. sudo add-apt-repository -r ppa:samoilov-lex/aftl-stable04:29
webchat6ERROR: ppa 'samoilov-lex/aftl-stable' not found (use --login if private)04:29
rboxppa-purge is for removing ppas04:30
webchat6I manually removed it from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ but still getting the error message when I apt update04:31
webchat6So just sudo ppa-purge http://ppa.launchpad.net/samoilov-lex/aftl-stable/ubuntu and that should do it?04:32
rboxif you're still getting the error, then its still defined04:32
webchat6I am still getting an error message, how do I purge this ppa04:44
rboxremove it from the sources04:45
enigma9o7all you have to do is delete the file in sources.list.d as you suggested.  you must still have it.  grep for it to find the file what that repo04:48
enigma9o7grep whatever *04:48
=== jgee1 is now known as jgee
mjt0kHi!  How to add another architecture (arm64) into an ubuntu noble amd64 install?  On debian I just use `dpkg --add-architecture`, apt takes care of the rest because the repository contains all (release) architectures, but on ubuntu it doesn't find noble/main arm6406:35
rboxadding arm to amd sounds like a great way to break things06:37
mjt0kdo I have to use ports.ubuntu.com instead of the main archive for arm64?06:39
mjt0kok, it looks like yes. archive.ubuntu.com contains amd64 and i386 only. the rest is on ports.ubuntu.com.  And ports.ubuntu.com isn't even mentioned in the apt-cacher-ng config shipped in debian.  Thanks for the help! :)06:46
Reo`hey how do i fix the: `dummy  output` volume thing. i installed ubuntu last night and i cant hear a single thing. it fixed for a moment when i watched a yt video and it worked but now when i turned on my computer again it's not working again.07:09
Reo`can anyone help me here?07:10
Reo`should i just reboot it once again to see if it works or not?07:17
tomreynReo`: Hi. Which Ubuntu version ( command: lsb_release -ds ) and kernel version (command: cat /proc/version ) are you running? is this a laptop or a desktop computer, or something else? what is the sound output device, is it speakers connected to a headphone jack or line out, or something else (usb, bluetooth etc.?)07:19
tomreyni'm not sure i will be able to help, but this is information anyone willing to help will need.07:19
Reo`tomreyn, it's Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS  and the kernel version is: `Linux version 6.8.0-51-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-091) (x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-13 (Ubuntu 13.3.0-6ubuntu2~24.04) 13.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.42) #52-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Dec  5 13:09:44 UTC 2024`07:33
Reo`it's a laptop and the sound output device is my earphones  connected to my laptop07:33
tomreynReo`: connected how?07:35
tomreynheadphone jack, usb, bluetooth, something else?07:35
Reo`tomreyn, headphone jack07:36
Reo`normal wired earphones07:36
Reo`leo@Leo:~$ pulseaudio -k07:36
Reo`E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Failed to kill daemon: No such process07:36
tomreyncurrent ubuntu versions use pipewire as a frontend, also as a backend, i think. in fact i'm not really into how it works, but it's some mixture.07:38
tomreynalso -> ALSA07:38
Reo`i am new to linux so half of the things you're saying are not understandable by me lol but thank you for replying atleast07:39
tomreynthere should be an    alsa-info   (or alsa-info.sh) command you can run to gather more information on the audio chipset07:39
tomreynsorry :-/ it's difficult for me to keep it simple sometimes.07:40
Reo`it's oki07:41
tomreynsudo apt update && sudo apt install alsa-utils && sudo /usr/sbin/alsa-info07:42
tomreynthis should provide more info, enabling others to debug it.07:42
Reo`tomreyn, http://alsa-project.org/db/?f=882e056f001dd8cc1441f64a1b05dfd80ae7c37007:46
tomreynReo`: hmm, so you have two audio chipsets, one from intel, one from nvidia. the latter may not relevant here, since your headphone jack is probably connected to the intel one.07:51
Reo`tomreyn, i think so yes07:51
tomreynfirmware for the intel audio chipset failed to load07:51
Reo`tomreyn, what should i do then?07:52
tomreyni'm trying to understand this myself ;)07:52
tomreynthis *may* help:   sudo apt install firmware-sof-signed07:53
tomreynyou'd need to reboot to apply it07:53
Reo`tomreyn, done07:54
Reo`let me restart07:54
tomreynsee you in a bit07:54
=== hsnbg3 is now known as hsnbg
tomreynReo`: i'll be back later. good luck!08:03
tomreynReo`: now really gone, but this is apparently a successful workaround: echo 'blacklist snd_soc_avs' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/snd_soc_avs_blacklist.conf08:10
tomreynyou'd need to reboot once more08:10
tomreynthis is according to https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=292135 and https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=292354 and other search results on a web search for "probe of avs_hdaudio.0 failed with error -2"08:12
Reo`tomreyn, i am back08:17
Reo`installing didnt work08:17
Reo`so i only run the cmd: `echo 'blacklist snd_soc_avs' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/snd_soc_avs_blacklist.conf` in my terminal right?08:18
Reo`leo@Leo:~$ echo 'blacklist snd_soc_avs' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/snd_soc_avs_blacklist.conf08:18
Reo`[sudo] password for leo:08:18
Reo`blacklist snd_soc_avs08:18
Reo`should i restart it now08:18
Reo`Ohh yay it worked08:21
Reo`Haha thanks ablutor_08:21
Reo`Wrong ping thanks tomreyn08:21
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causative_I have my CapsLock set to be an additional Ctrl using gnome-tweaks. However, with this new keyboard I have a couple times found that when I log in caps lock is on. I can't turn it off except by going to gnome-tweaks, setting caps lock to be default and pressing it, then switching it back. How can I prevent caps lock from coming on in the first place?11:16
causative_or perhaps automatically shut it off when it comes on?11:16
causative_I guess for now I can just instead use gnome-tweaks to swap capslock and ctrl so that when it comes on I can just hit ctrl to turn it off. obviously not ideal11:18
lotuspsychje!info input-remapper | causative_11:34
ubottucausative_: input-remapper (2.0.1-1, noble): Input device button mapping tool (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Built by input-remapper. Size 2 kB / 9 kB11:34
tomreynReo`: glad it worked. what you did there is to blacklist the "snd_soc_avs" kernel module (AKA "driver"). I don't claim to understand why this fixes the issue (and - seemingly - doesn't break other things), but others reported this making sound work reliably for them, so this is a good enough *workaround* (not a fix), I guess.11:50
tomreynkeep in mind, though, maybe make a note, that you have this customization in place at /etc/modprobe.d/snd_soc_avs_blacklist.conf now. You may want / need to later, such as on an ubuntu version (release) upgrade, remove (delete) this file (renaming it to *.disabled should also work, if you prefer to keep it then).11:52
Reo`tomreyn, i tired to understand but failed ;-;12:01
Reo`but if something happens next time i'll surely ask for help here again12:01
tomreynReo`: let me try to rephrase. by running the command I provided (  echo 'blacklist snd_soc_avs' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/snd_soc_avs_blacklist.conf ) you have changed the configuration of you Ubuntu installation. Specifically, you have configured that a device driver (we call this "kernel module"), namely "snd_soc_avs", is not to be loaded when the system boots. You may want/need to undo this configuration in later Ubuntu versions, because,12:11
tomreynin future versions, Ubuntu may need to use this driver (and keeping it disabled could cause other problems then, in the future).12:11
tomreynSo I suggest to make a note that you have a custom configuration in place at /etc/modprobe.d/snd_soc_avs_blacklist.conf - this can be relevant the next time you seek help here.12:12
BluesKajHi all13:05
NeoFrontier-meHello :). long live irc ! :D.13:31
NeoFrontier-meSo if I want to close all programs open on my desktop how do I do that. Apart from ging ctrl-q in each window ?13:32
NeoFrontier-meI would not like to kill everthing else also. Just the open apps I was using...13:32
lotuspsychjelogout :p13:34
NeoFrontier-meyeah that might be easier than doing a while lot of research and having to end up writing a script for it... lotuspsychje - point noted...13:35
NeoFrontier-mevery fresh !13:36
NeoFrontier-menon-the less just a one button click would be great !13:36
lotuspsychjewhats the purpose of this exactly NeoFrontier-me13:37
NeoFrontier-meto exactly close all open apps.13:37
lotuspsychjesave time?13:37
NeoFrontier-methat would be the end goal yeah !13:37
* NeoFrontier-me looks happy13:37
lotuspsychjeok, another idea could be launching all your apps from 1 terminal with several tabs13:37
lotuspsychjethen close that 1 terminal13:38
NeoFrontier-meto much extra typing.13:38
NeoFrontier-meprecious PRECIOUS ! time13:41
* NeoFrontier-me hugs time13:41
lotuspsychjeNeoFrontier-me: maybe dconf-editor have tweaks too, take a look around there13:41
NeoFrontier-methumbs up13:41
lotuspsychjelaptop lid close==>logout for example13:42
NeoFrontier-medid you know that extensive use of irc can develop extra sensory powers ?13:45
lotuspsychjenot a topic for here NeoFrontier-me13:46
NeoFrontier-meNow how did I know you were going to say that ??13:46
Reo`tomreyn, ohh done13:50
krysup suckers13:52
krywhat the heck13:53
kryis going in this chachachachat13:53
kry~your-butt hole13:53
NeoFrontier-melotuspsychje, thanks for your input. FYI and to anyone else interested this works as a solution to my quest to close all open windows: xdotool search "" windowkill %@13:58
NeoFrontier-meonce you have xdotool working and well that works for me.13:59
NeoFrontier-memaybe a bit rough and shocks the system a bit. But it works.13:59
* NeoFrontier-me waves at oerheks14:00
oerheksone could logout and login again, to get the same result14:01
lotuspsychje!ops | kry14:02
ubottukry: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant14:02
NeoFrontier-meto logout/login requires a password ( wasting time ) oerheks14:03
NeoFrontier-me( in my case )14:04
* NeoFrontier-me hugs time14:04
NeoFrontier-meokay. Gonna test my close-windows.desktop now ( with a neet icon image ). So bombs away ! BYE BYE hold thumbs for me !!!14:14
garrettkajmowiczI recently upgraded from Ubuntu 22.04LTS to 24.04LTS. I'm using kmail for my mail client. I'm able to receive email without an issue, but my first attempt at sending an email has resulted in the sending window grayed out as although sending for nearly 24 hours now.15:13
garrettkajmowicz I still have it running because I would like to save the email. How can I go about debugging this?15:14
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oerheksgarrettkajmowicz, not sure, but you might want to reask in #kubuntu too ?:15:32
garrettkajmowiczoerheks: Thanks!15:34
oncazZzhmmmmm, my nvidia driver situation needs a b-tard check,15:43
oncazZzok send guns, drugs, and money15:43
oerheksdo you have an ubuntu support question, oncazZz ?15:44
oncazZzmy nvidia driver is not installing15:48
oncazZzmake this happen15:48
oncazZzand you will win my favor15:48
oerhekswe need more details, what driver for what card, on what ubuntu?15:49
oerheksand easy on the enter15:49
oncazZzHALO will not play directx erros and etc15:49
oncazZzit did hours ago15:49
=== oncazZz is now known as auxin
auxinI aM anG-A-Ry15:58
auxinmake halo doo15:59
auxinoh, I have a nvidia rtx 3060 ti16:00
auxinI have two16:00
auxinsmall hash rate gpu16:00
auxinhalo halo halo,..,16:03
auxinubuntu stopped working...16:06
respawnno need to spam716:06
respawnjust describe your issue and be patient16:06
oerheksnot going to help, when we do not get the info we asked for16:06
oerheks!coc | auxin16:07
ubottuauxin: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv16:07
auxinei ei ooooo and sometimes y16:08
Core8662testing 12317:44
oerheksTest failed - [A] abort [R] retry [G] get coffee17:46
Jay_2025🏰 You’re in a dark castle. What do you do? 🏰17:54
Jay_2025(1) Open the door17:54
Jay_2025(2) Light a torch17:54
Jay_2025Vote by typing the number of your choice!17:54
leftyfbJay_2025: not here17:55
leftyfbJay_2025: this is a support channel. Feel free to take other discussions to #ubuntu-offtopic17:55
devslashrm -rf Jay_202518:03
renergyis there a way how to get to command line without running desktop on installation usb?18:33
renergywithout running graphical desktop18:33
ioriarenergy, can't you open a console tty? alt control Fx18:38
oerheksalt f3 and back with alt f1?18:39
oerheksnever needed that myself18:39
renergyioria: I can, but it takes long time for the desktop to load; also, ubiquity autostarts18:39
renergyfor recovery purposes, a real "boot to command line" would be nice18:40
leftyfbrenergy: use a server iso instead18:40
oerheksuse the live server?18:40
renergyioria: it is ctrl+alt+Fx actually (F3 at least usually)18:41
renergyleftyfb: good idea, thanks!18:41
renergyioria: eh sorry, didn't read properly what you've written, you've got control there18:54
renergyis there a list of command line options for installation cd?18:56
renergyI mean options that can be added in grub on the "linux" line with the kernel18:56
ioriarenergy, do you mean for 'autoinstall' ?18:58
renergydefault "nosplash", "quiet" being an example18:59
renergyioria: no, simply variants of startup procedure (possibly install procedure too)19:00
renergyI've found something like "only-ubiquity"19:00
renergybut that seems to do nothing nowadays19:00
renergyas desktop starts along (24.04, 24.10)19:01
oerhekson an installed system; systemctl set-default multi-user.target19:02
oerhekssystemctl set-default graphical.target to go back19:03
renergyoerheks: thanks, good tips19:05
renergythough somehow beside the topic - options for installation iso19:07
oerhekshave fun!19:10
ben__what is your name19:40
ben__do you go to gareway19:48
oerheksben__, this is ubuntu support19:49
enigma9o7gareway elementary?19:49
ubottupipo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type «/msg ubottu !bot». If you're looking for a channel, see «/msg ubottu !alis».20:54
oerhekspipo all torrents are here20:57
=== matt_ is now known as auxinZzZ
auxinZzZSomething is off about my install of xubuntu and I'd like to know why it won't seem to load a nvidia driver. If I could establish that, I would be contented.20:59
rboxwhat does "it won't seem" mean20:59
auxinZzZI cannot play my favorite video game. :c20:59
oerhekssudo ubuntu-driver autoinstall21:00
auxinZzZhmmm, It can't find directx 12 or something.21:00
oerhekslinux gives no directx1221:00
auxinZzZoerheks: that takes forever and never seems to work?!21:00
auxinZzZit worked before.21:00
oerheksask in the #winehq channel21:00
auxinZzZI hate wine21:01
auxinZzZno wine21:01
auxinZzZbroken broken broken21:01
ubottupipo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type «/msg ubottu !bot». If you're looking for a channel, see «/msg ubottu !alis».21:01
auxinZzZlist list list21:01
oerhekspipo stop that, thanks21:01
=== y0sh- is now known as y0sh_
oerheksJay_2025,  stop it, this is an official ubuntu channel, consider you are warned now22:47
oerheks!ops jay is not complying to the channels rules23:26
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant23:26
oerhekshi Moonjoy23:26
JanCare they doing that in other channels too?23:27
JanCnot just Ubuntu channels even23:29
Jay_2025theres no rule about posting you posted like 5 yt links yesturday!23:29
oerheksJay_2025,  yes there is23:29
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
oerheks!coc > Jay_202523:30
ubottuJay_2025: Please see my private message23:30
enigma9o7You posted a coupel alphanumeric strings.23:30
enigma9o7WIth no context.23:30
oerheksnow stop it, as i asked for your removal23:30
MoonjoyI have heard about Fedora having security improvements over some other distros like Mint, Was wondering if it is enough to make someone change from minto to fedora just because of the increase security.23:31
JanCboth Mint & Fedora are off-topic here23:31
oerheksMoonjoy, mint is not our concern.23:32
leftyfbMoonjoy: your question is not an ubuntu support question23:32
leftyfb!mint | Moonjoy23:32
ubottuMoonjoy: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/23:32
oerheksif there are security concerns, surely we would fix it23:32
leftyfbJay_2025: there are rules about this only being a support channel. Anything else is offtopic and doesn't belong here. You've been posting garbage here and in other channels all day. Knock it off23:32
MoonjoyThought this was a social off topic channel sorry.23:33
leftyfbMoonjoy: you're looking for #linux-offtopic23:34
JanCMoonjoy: you can try #linux for general linux questions, but I suggest you figure out what these "security improvements" you are referring to first23:34
MoonjoyI don't quite know, just heard some ppl talking about the superior fedora security, ex, techlore. whos says the it's the best distro for security out of the box.23:36
leftyfbMoonjoy: /join #linux-offtopic and discuss there23:36
MoonjoyAllright , thanks .23:36
snowi have problem can you help me please ?23:42
snowi have problem with install mariadb on the system23:42
oerhekssnow,  address yous issue, ubuntu version and so on23:42
snowhow i can find the version ?23:43
oerhekssudo apt install mariadb-server && sudo mysql_secure_installation ## not much different on 24,04 https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-mariadb-on-ubuntu-22-0423:44
enigma9o7What happens when you try to install mariadb now?23:44
snowwill send to you the err23:45
snowFailed to stop mariadb.service: Unit mariadb.service not loaded.23:45
snowinvoke-rc.d: initscript mariadb, action "stop" failed.23:45
snowFailed to stop mysql.service: Unit mysql.service not loaded.23:45
snowinvoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "stop" failed.23:45
snowE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)23:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:46
snowoh sorry will do then23:46
snowwhen i past the line what should do next ?23:48
oerhekspaste the url here23:48
snowthat you mean ?23:49
oerheks4 not upgraded.23:50
snowi make the update && upgrade also23:50
oerheksrun; sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade # before any install23:50
bebopthere is a MariaDB/MySQL server running23:50
oerheksthat might need to restart your ubuntu23:50
bebopyou need to stop it23:51
bebopbecause the script can't23:51
bebopsudo systemctl stop whatever.service23:51
snowno it try that but the service not working23:51
oerhekssudo service mariadb.service stop23:51
bebopsudo systemctl stop mysql.service23:51
snowFailed to stop mariadb.service.service: Unit mariadb.service.service not loaded.23:52
snowFailed to stop mysql.service: Unit mysql.service not loaded.23:52
leftyfbMoonjoy: can we help you with something?23:54
snownot Working also that sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade23:55
Jay_2025then try starting it23:56
leftyfbsnow: sudo lsof -i :330623:56
leftyfbwhat does that give you?23:56
Jay_2025as it cant stop if its not started!23:56
oerheksJay_2025, do not interfere with support, thanks23:57
Jay_2025how am i ? dummy23:57
Jay_2025clearly that error saying it cant stop as its not running!23:58
leftyfbsnow: what release of ubuntu are you running?23:59
oerheksfocal and noble,,23:59
enigma9o7well it seems the ppa you'r eusing for mariadb is down too....23:59
leftyfboerheks: uh23:59

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