[01:31] * guiverc unhappy (again) with ubuntu studio support one; I fear confusing.. so locally playing... [01:31] Bashing-om, maybe s/Though this new area is a special Ubuntu Studio section of the Ubuntu Discourse it is not for support and help (general OS help/support already exists), rather for open discussions/A new area for Ubuntu Studio discussions now exists on Ubuntu Discourse, not for support and help, but for open discussions/ [01:32] guiverc: Ack - Happy to go with your re-write. [01:32] why: i still read the 'not for support' as linking to the move from askubuntu to discourse for readers.. then they're told it's not for support?? they'll scream... [01:33] * guiverc wonder if what I wrote would be better with an added 'Also' ... (again so as to not confuse/muddle readers..) [01:34] * guiverc moving on with read thru... [01:35] * guiverc likes how the Steve Langasek bit appears; thanks Bashing-om [01:40] * guiverc surprised by python2 update... [01:47] we have a noble item that looks unusual ; https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/noble-changes/2025-January/044110.html maybe result of package name thought (netplan.io??) [01:48] guiverc: That's the literal name of the package. [01:48] !info netplan.io noble [01:48] netplan.io (1.1.1-1~ubuntu24.04.1, noble): Declarative network configuration for various backends at runtime. In component main, is important. Built by netplan.io. Size 67 kB / 338 kB. (Only available for linux-any.) [01:49] yeah I suspected... still looks unusual in list (on discourse; thus my comment... I wish I knew a way of preventing the url treatment.. though if it was treated differently, it may look even worse on ML when sent) [01:50] I'll see what I can do. [01:50] ope.. 503 for now [01:51] its not that important... many likely won't notice (& esp. care) ... I'm mostly noting what I see (i saw it on oracular too; if on jammy I didn't notice that) [01:53] yeah... trying to scan back & read editors of doc to check contributors list; and no response here too... [01:54] FYI, you can prevent URLs from auto-linking by encapsulating them with . [01:54] thanks Eickmeyer ! [01:55] yw. Now if only the site will come back up. 😆 [01:56] Bashing-om, do you notice it? it's only a different color (clickable link on screen, if someone clicks link they go to relevant site so i'm not worried by that)... worth adding ?? as that is more work; and may also appear on ML & other posts where it's a negative.. [01:58] guiverc: Yeah noticed - no idea of the cause and did not put effort into knowing the why --- also of note is our UWN scripts are unhappy with /usr/lib/python3.12/urllib/request.py :( [02:00] tried to run it locally; 500 read timeout.... so I didn't get that far.. [02:00] i did finish read thru (except for contributors anyway; can't scan back to see if someone else edited we've not included.. at least not currently) [02:33] contributors all listed too. [02:36] guiverc: Uh Huh - Discourse back in operation -- but S L O W for me - wait and see if it falls over. [02:37] yeah it took me M A N Y goes before I got the contribs checked... [02:43] * Eickmeyer uses ! It is ineffective! [02:44] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Tiling Shell Update Adds Suggestions to Speed up Window Snapping @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2025/01/tiling-shell-extension-suggestions-feature [03:09] :( [03:22] guiverc: Edits to "Support and Help Updates" completed. See now if aceptable :D [03:24] looks good, thanks Bashing-om , issue looks great [03:27] guiverc: Outstanding :P We go then with what we have :D [12:48] Debian News are working on a public announcement relating to death of Steve Langasek, if it releases in time, we could include (easily) it as a list item (874) with what we have already in the press section === arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3 [21:04] UWN: Opening 874 - Prep to publish. Pending is https://www.debian.org/News/ article. [21:22] UWN: A bit past time - pulling the trigger - shame to miss Denian's Steve Langasek farewell. [21:23] *Debian's* [21:24] yeah, but I suspect it maybe a few days before it appears (chance for people to write tributes etc for it) [21:25] We see what plays out. [21:31] UWN: M/L is away - Making up a Mastodon blog next, [21:42] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2025/01/13/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-874/ [22:00] Mastodon done up - next is to set up 875. [22:02] tweeted 874, (mewe), telegram [22:23] UWN: 875 on the line. [22:31] uwn 874 posted to fb [22:33] FaceBook \O/