=== Dragonslicer is now known as Dragnslcr [02:51] big kubuntu fan === thelou756463599 is now known as thelou75646359 === warmana1 is now known as warmana [12:44] Hi all === warmana1 is now known as warmana [16:49] rh&i [16:51] RH&I [16:52] H9VP5 [16:53] HELLO GUYS [16:57] HELLO GUYS [16:58] :-) [16:59] ENGLISH [18:34] ENGLISH [18:34] !ask [18:34] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [19:36] Can I install Kubuntu with systemd boot? [19:38] hmmm [19:39] i never tried, but it seems to be possible https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/noble/man7/systemd-boot.7.html [19:39] plutorocks: hmmm I'd think so, but why the need? [19:41] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1225791/how-to-replace-grub-with-bootloader-systemd-boot-in-ubuntu-20-04 and update for 24.04 [20:12] I think it has great potentials. Even openSUSE plans to deploy sooner. Arch and Endeavor defaults maybe to it (re @IrcsomeBot: plutorocks: hmmm I'd think so, but why the need?) [20:13] hmm, I see [20:20] oh gosh I'm not trained for all these. (re @IrcsomeBot: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1225791/how-to-replace-grub-with-bootloader-systemd-boot-in-ubuntu-20-04 and update for 24.04) [20:28] I installed Lubuntu on a Macbook Pro in dual-boot with Mac OS X and now I want to install Kubuntu. What do I need to do to uninstall Lubuntu and install Kubuntu, besides deleting the Lubuntu partition? [20:33] I haven't used Lubuntu in years, but my first thought would be how about just installing kubuntu-related packages and removing Lubuntu-related ones"... but that might be a hassle too. [20:33] yeap [20:33] kirvesAxe: just told him that at #ubuntu channel =) [20:34] mind you that I run Kubuntu with LXQT as my session manager, very light, very fast, using KDE apps and Kwin as manager [20:34] bprompt, well then you probably are the expert here :) [20:35] or I can fake it pretty good [20:35] * bprompt ducks [20:35] :D [20:35] (Sometimes I just want to say something that might be helpful to keep the helpseekers waiting more for proper help etc ;) [20:37] well, I mean, a long time ago, hell even in Mandrake, it came with Gnome as default or other manager, I regularly would install gnome and KDE, because I've used KDE apps for a long long time, and on login, I'd have about 3 or 5 session managers, from where you can pick one as default, and it doesn't matter which one I run, my KDE apps ran fine, sometimes I used to run LXDE or other [20:38] and any distribution does all multi-sessions, where you can have many desktop managers to run, I recall I even had sometimes, gnome, Xfce and kde, also had E(nlightment), which I ran for a while